SS Grooming regulations

I’ve been trying to find the regulations on grooming, specifically hygiene, for the SS, but my efforts have been fruitless. Does anyone know of the proper grooming standards?

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You've come to the wrong place my friend. All natsoc have moved on. Only pinkos and faggots remain...

We can still hope

I feel you but Jow Forums is lost...

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>SS Grooming regulations
be unsircumsised and use soap
that's basicly it

Fuck off kike. You wont shit this thread up. Go back to your bbc cuck shit faggot

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here's advice from anglin
dailystormer /self-help-sunday-fashion-is-not-a-sense-it-is-a-science/

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SS initially had to be at least 5'10, have documented proof of pure Nordic ancestry going back to 1750, no tooth fillings, no history of social dysfunction of any kind. They never spoke at party rallies.

To where? Where can i go to assend this meme hell?

Dress for success.

Hair: High and long. You know, the quintessential "Hitlerjugend" haircut.

No facial hair, clean shaven, with the exception of the Kriegsmarine, who were expected to NOT shave due to shortage of fresh water onboard u-boats.

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>everybody i don't like is a kike

i was raised as a national socialist by national socialists you piece of shit goy
try harder

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Gee, sure smells like /stormfront/ in here...

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STFU commie faggot.

yes indeed :D
it was fun at Leningrad yes?
besides the canibalism and childnapping to eat them ofcourse

You would have as much luck finding books about SS grooming as you would in finding documents pertaining to physical fitness in the third reich...most of those books were burnt.

oh, what could have been...

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Communist blood libel.

early opening of your sealed indictment and fema/gulag camp. guess you weren't considered as big of a white-racist-fascist-nazi-supremacist as the others. Or you were naively supporting zognald thinking he was /ourguy/ until recently

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you never saw hunger did you? what's left after shoe sole stew, grass and pets?
they did the same in stalingrad
at the beginning they shot cannibals but at the end they said, fuck it, let them eat eachother.
that's what one of my greatuncles told me

There's a book entirely dedicated to the SS.
Unfortunately I can't remember the name since it's been years since I read it.

Yes. They had shot the people who killed the living and ate them, but if you ate a dead person it was left unpunished for the most part.

Firing exercises used live munitions. Recruits were continually harrassed in their dorms, officers would empty entire rooms onto the yard if they weren't up to standard and tell the recruits to do it again.

Don’t worry fa.m, I’m still around