Styx Laptop Scam Hourly Update #ִי228

Styxhexenhammer666 has the audacity to criticize "trust-fundsters" for having their parents by them "overpriced $3000 Apple laptops" but has no problem running to Jow Forums and TheDonald to get $5000 for an Alienware.

And his supposedly "superior gaming rig" has not improved his video quality, it's literally glitch heaven.

Attached: styxhexenhammer666.jpg (1284x900, 155K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Picture of alter Styx uses to sacrifice laptops to the Devil.

Laptop pledge drive:

>Petition to make Styx get a job

▶ Styx boasts about his "tech skills" but doesn't know how to transfer the data from his HDD
▶ Keeps replacing his microphones because the volume is always terrible (he doesn't know how to adjust it)
▶ He fails to properly install his Logitech peripherals on his other laptop and thinks they don't work simply because his other laptop is "too old" to work with Logitech software

Attached: styx-alter.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Leafnigger, your kind isn't welcome around these parts.

Goddamn Leaf, you're not welcome here. Come back when you're reincarnated as an American.

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Is this apple fanboyism or jealousy?

this faggot worships demons.
fuck him.

i stopped paying attention to this clown after he repeatedly said assange was swedish

he doesnt know anything and just wanks himself to the sound of his own voice

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>Petition to make Styx get a job

Attached: gold seal laughing.jpg (500x437, 42K)

e grifter scum.

that is funny

Fuck u OP for making stupid threads

why do people listen to this guy, he's an idiot

Styx is great. All post's to the contrary are jew-larping.

Come on styx do the right thing

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Who cares? I never gave two shits about that mutant. I'm starting to pity some of you guys. Stop making me feel my own feels.

I hear he doesn't even know who Laurence Fishburne is.

>Laurence Fishburne
Didn't he do the voice for Darth Vader?


no you retard. he was black panther in justice league


That's about all, peace out.

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I petition OP to stop being a fag

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