My dad called me a nazi sympathizer because i told him in an argument on politics we shouldn't go to war for israel

My dad called me a nazi sympathizer because i told him in an argument on politics we shouldn't go to war for israel.

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did you call him a kikesucker?

Are you a Nazi sympathizer though?

Don't worry user, day of the pillow soon!

Omg, I once did a nazi salute for my dad, he just laughed and we talked about Weimar.

That's when you do the salute, user.

he was born in the 50s, he's a boomer, he's a victim of brainwashing. i still love him.


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Just show him verses from the Talmud and hope he realizes that know matter what he feels for the Israelis, they care nothing about him.

Isreal doesnt want to go to war with iran

i did, he said "im sure not all of them follow that"

Tell him to suck some balls. Walk around the house like this from now on. get him a copy on mien kampf aswell. Bloody hate these kikes.

Ask him how is that an insult Nazis were based.

you don't even need the Talmud. it's even in the old testament.

>He's right you know

they're pricks to gentiles even though gentiles basically do everything for them.

tell him he is already a supporter he just doesnt realize.
tell him he is an anti semite for condoning the killing of arabs, another group of semites. at best he condones semite on semite violence and as a white person, thats pretty fucking racist.

like this

Israel is our greatest ally.
Do you understand that Iran is a threat to them?
You're ok with defending all of Europe and Japan but not Israel?

welcome to the real world. everyone is a prick at some level. but jews are unmatched

i do it unironically all the time now. if they want to make sheets of paper and the ok sign racist ill just be full throttle racist.
i dont really live around niggers or too many retards though

Fuck isreal.

my dad is an immigrant and old and deaf. i started talking about hitler for some reason and he thought i said fiddler when i corrected him with a nazi salute he laughed and said " hitler on the roof?"

good times

Man, I think our boomers are more based than your boomers. At least he has a sense of humor. Good dad.

it seems to only be an American thing for boomers to suck circumcised dick.

Any fellow shitskin Nazi sympathizers out here?
Pls be my fren, i am lonely and depressed studying here in Vancouver

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Hey basedjew, have you made any progress converting to Christianity?

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i used to want to live in vancouver. such a beautiful city.

ask yourself this: does your dad need to be alive anymore?



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Proof, give me actual evidence that Jews are not taught the Talmud in their temples and they do not follow it. Your kind of just assuming they do not follow passages from the Talmud.

Yes very beautiful user
I am studying computer science and presently working as an analyst intern with a reputed financial services firm in Surrey here.
How about u user? Where are u from?

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hi thai user, I love that we both share a Hindu heritage. Greetings from India and Canada

Tell him to stop posing as a Jew then. He is not even Jewish (I'm guessing) yet he gives undying support to a foreign Jewish nation probably more than the United States.

To be fair the founding fathers would have had your father hung for treason for basically stating that American's should have to go off and die for a foreign nation.


Congratulations user. You did it!

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My half Jew cousin called me a Nazi two years ago. Haven't spoken to him since and never will.

anytime you get charged with antisemitism or called a nazi just correct them and tell them you are simply against jewish supremacy and jewish supremacists.
Play dumb about le holocaust. When they bring it up grill them with questions as if you are genuinely curious. Normies know nothing about ww2 other than 6 gorillion.

yo what the fuck I'm in the lower mainland right now


Are you a Nazi sympathizer though?

I went through a similar experience. We were sitting at the dinner table and 9/11 came up and my dad was going off about how "it was the first time we got attack on our own soil! THE LAST TIME!" and I said something about the U.S.S liberty and how Israel bombed one of our naval ships and he just gave me a real dumb look. "what are you on about Mikey?" "why the hell would Israel attack us? I think ya got it wrong..pass the mustard" then my CUNT sister chimes in "don't listen to him dad, Israel thought it was an egyptian ship.." that point I was just dead eyed...but dad put the cherry on top "see Mikey? a case of mistaken identity ha ha...want the last roll?" ugh..

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Why does that make you sad?

hi kike user. i love israel. Greetings from India.
What do u study/work user? Just making some small talk im lonely

Douglas College lol. My bachelor's GPA wasn't high enough to get into UBC directly. I'll do it after I become citizen

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when I told my dad that all advertisement boils down to "gimme yer sheckles, goyim" on a kayaking trip he laughed his nuts off for an hour and then we traded stories about dealing with cantankerous kikes. My dad still brings it up from time to time, says that he's really proud of me.

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One Day a redpilled jew Will save us. Remember this words

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The Second Coming of Jesus Christ?

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want help gassing him

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You're father is indoctrinated, it happens.

can he be from isreal. That would be pretty dope

der ewige boomer

You got me With that one.
Its the most neutral Way, a mass red pill info to young jewmericans, they have the holocaust pass, they can do it.
I remember that neo nazi guy from a movie that Was made by a jewish dude. The only reason of why i think that it Was not eliminated

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The recent NEVER FORGET bill in my state that LE HOLOCAUST be taught in school really pissed off a lot of teachers here.
Not because of politics but because of the extra work.
There are entire schools pissed off about it. Especially the charter schools.

I great my 87 yers old grandmother by doing hitler salute and shouting "ass, tits! " she finds it hillarious and started greeting me the same way