Estonian Ethnostate SOON

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If they can do it, we all can

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>radical views
>hey let’s just keep our traditional ethnic makeup becuase we like our culture.
Daily reminder the Libs are the radicals


>Any form of tradition is now radical
And then, for no reason at all...

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Long live evropa!
Long live Americana!
Love live the fair skin people’s of this wretched world prosper for eternity!

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>1.3 million people and falling
>There are like 30 million Muslims in Europe all ready

Estonia is going to get invaded the day the Jews spin their GDP to be high enough

>Estoniabro will never get his ebony queen

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>white country stay white
>radical views about race
stay salty, eurofags

I hope you realize the irony in your statement and that picture you tard

They might regret having a comment section

>tfw I just moved to Tallinn with my black wife

Feels subversive man

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How about you and your wife move to the grave instead?

Fight me IRL at Hobujaama

>hey mister

It is that already you dumb fucking mutt

>Fight me IRL
Pls stream


you deserve the shit beat out of you

>tfw I just moved to Tallinn with my pet monkey
lmao, fixed and how fukn embarrassing

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Noooo, don't let them know about the Baltics

Not a single minority and no degeneracy?

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The ancient estonians were Black, the royal Blood Line is of African descent!!

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Its already full with russian niggers no need for african niggers

you must be a kike

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don't get me started on gib seeking tribes

how can you literally discern no degeneracy from one out of context picture. holy mother of projection

>keeping something the way it's been for thousands and thousands of years
REEEEEEEE, am i right, globalists?

Just say that you're keeping it ESTONIAN and you'll be fine. This stupidity of "much white countries" is the death of us all.

He posted a couple weeks back that he fucked a nigress in Finland, she smelled really bad, like old milk or something I don't remember exactly, and he lost his fetish.

Fight me IRL in alta faggot.
Bring your monkey ill give her the white farmers vengance for good measure.

>radical views

>Dravidian intellectual


This doesn't work, I guess you of all people whould have understood that by now, this is the base for civic nationalism, which let blacks and others in as long as they are all nationalists or born there like the french and you do, after all is estonian people born on estonia or with estonian culture not white people

These fucks have no idea what radical white ideals are. At this rate they will find out soon.

I can come from Romania to help you beat that nigger back to slavery,Estonianbro.

And i'm not joking.

god fucking damn it i feel like a shitskin compared to them

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I thought better of you.

the lad on right is Estonian MP and confirmed Jow Forumsish

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Where are fact checkers when you need them?

the radical views are basically that we don't want migration quotas by EU from africa and middle east.

Baltics are looking comfier every day. Seeing these reminds me of growing up in the 80's.

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where is that estonian who fucked a nigger in riga?
Dude thats embarassing lmao

We had this shit in the 80's? Fug.
>tfw born in '92

Based pagan niggers

>The ancient estonians were Black, the royal Blood Line is of African descent!!

Liberals have some exotic history text books to teach new students alternative ways of thinking that make african blacks more acceptable. In the USA, for a time, there were liberal text books trying to use stolen valour"techniques to "power up" alternative history examples of blacks in the same positions as real-life historical whites who accomplished various notable deeds.

In my mind, history books should be about historical fact. They should not present fictional alternative histories just to justify anti-racism topics. But the liberal books were trying to fill in the vast gap of the lack of accomplishments by blacks with these "what if this white person was black instead" stories. Such liberal texts only waste the history student's time. Let such fanfics stay in the "black studies" type classes the schools teach.

Picture from an actual 1975 American History school text book. Published in an article in Seattle Weekly.

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This is how Nazi Germany started it’s our duty as Americans to stop this We cannot allow anotherHolocaust to happen we must protect the rights of refugees to come to Europe by there thousandsNot because it is the right thing to do but to for greater Israel

Nope. Estonian.

>not wanting to be replaced is radical

I don't want white germans who use their children as battering rams to come here any more than i want niggers

This. Estonia is for Estonians.

Lol like "they" will let that happen.

Don't let the jihad trojan horse in, you might make it. But Estonia is probably fucked and cucked like the UK here. They just don't know it yet.

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victory or death!

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and my future japanese waifu

Any European that argues with "white" and "non-white" is already a pozzed globalist.

Japanese waifus are for japanese, cunt.


lmao good

How to get a qt Estonian gf (female)?

They have more than enough, we can make a trade agreement and give some back

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LMAO i know 2 of them

I meant the ethnic homogeneity, ha ha

did they give you lingam massage?

How to be Estonian? Asking for a fren

Every single day I wish that either my country explodes in a civil war or that I was born in one of these "proud huwyte" countried god damn

Just has a drunk Latvian complain to me how fucked this country is last night lmao! He is redpilled and sees romanians and poles get each other work in the agencies cutting him out of work. He can't figure out why this country is so anti-White/English. I tried explaining to the (((elite))) angle to him but he isn't the smartest.

>Wanting your extremely small and unique people to exist is radical

fear mother russia

Looks like Estonia has to learn about the benefits of diversity.

>Estonian Ethnostate SOON
Not if you can help it, mutt

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Their lost


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I always loved the Baltics. I read that Estonia has very little fiscal pressure and it's ideal for people who have online businesses so I thought about moving there.
Then it clicked... I'd be the very same thing I despise.

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What happend to sweden

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God bless Estland.

Destroyed by the KARA BOGA POWER of course

Europeans have moved about Europe for thousands of years. This is our continent. As long as you're a native Spaniard then I don't see a problem with it.

Keeping the country white = more money. It's just simple math

Yo igual, pensaba en irme a Irlanda pero luego pense que seria hipocrita por mi parte, asi que me he quedado en este estercolero.


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Ethernal Anglo.exe

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Must be one very degenerated village of Russians.

Hate to take his side, but you have to think about things like the Varangian Guard, and later instrument makers and such traveling and immigrating all over.

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That's literally what we've been saying. The same minister from the article said himself that Estonia should be a homeland for Estonians, not some white homeland where any Swede or German can move into. Foreign media are lying shills and they know they can get away with it because we're a small country that speaks an abstract language.
Based. I understand things are hard in Spain but that only strengthens the reasons to stay. If you abandon your country to those that defile it, you'll have no hope of restoring it.

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Need to born as one.

KYS nigger.