>convert to based Orthodo-
Convert to based Orthodo-
>Have degenerate society
>Native Europeans reject Christ at every turn
>See mass of people from the holy lands fleeing war started by said degenerates
>Don’t want refugees to succumb to the same degeneracy Europeans have.
>”Fuck these people desu”
>Import people actually faithful to God
I see nothing wrong with this. Europe will never return to her classical roots so why not just replace them?
Kek probably did it to toll you
Western Europe needs to open its doors to refugees
yeah because every refugee is going to convert to Christianity and none of them are going to just refuse to assimilate. You're making it so obvious Bernstein.
>implying he doesn't mean western europe only
Bases patriarch purging the west degeneracy with accelerationism
bump to rekt orthocuck shills
Ah it’s the CIA plant in Constantinople, the stupid heretic who thinks he is the Orthodox pope.
Low quality bait desu.
Get in
OK Moshi
2016 lel
Yet in 2018 in Bulgaria the Dope is praying alone cause Orthobro's told him off.
Based Greek bro.
I really need to visit Athos and Meteora this year.
God Bless
Yikes and you think God will open his gates for someone like you?
Christ asked his followers be kind to the stranger among you.
Bartholomew is in Turkey, a nation roughly 1% Orthodox. He is frequently at odds with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, who is frequently an anti-mooslim voice, largely for political reasons - the last time Russia built a powerful empire, it oppressed the Faith and made many faithful flee (mostly to America.)
Being civil with the Catholic church has been a priority of the Orthodox Church for a while. It's seen as increasingly important, by both churches but especially Orthodoxy, against both the mooslim hordes and the gradual tide of atheism.
Orthodoxs have always chosen Islam over Catholicism.
>Better the Turkish turban than the Papal tiara
Bitch, Serbs were used by Catholic Hungarians as border frontiersmen against Turks for 3 Centuries, these were giant settlements
And after the Ottoman Empire was dismantled the first thing the Catholics did is try to expel/exterminate the Serbs, in Krajina they succedded and in Vojvodina they failed
Considering the whole 4th crusade thing I can't really blame them.
good thing, we have independent churches and dont listen to this cunt.
Of course it does. Giving someone the shirt off your back is retarded
Wrong orthodox bro. The only patriarchs that matter are Irinej, Kirill, and arguably Illia
I welcome refugees as long as they aren’t mudslimes.
No patriarch speaks for all orthodoxy
There will be plenty of white refugees for sale once the US leaders siphon off the last of the treasure.
Constantinople Patriarch is a CIA plant, so no wonder. Other Patriarchs don't answer to him though, see his fake ukrainian metropolis. Not a single church recognized his decision.
Retarded finnshit, of course. If it wasn't for westerners, we would have Constantinople today. So you better shut up about choosing muslims.
How am I retarded? Everybody who replied to my post agreed with me.
The people advocating for refugees never interact with them. They never have to teach unruly students to behave while good students' education suffers. They never have to tell someone that can't speak english that female genital mutilation is a bad thing. They are never the firemen or policemen who get sued for racism even though they are trying to help.
>pope spic is important
Begome ordodoks :DDD
>Muslims are actually faithful to God and not degenerate despite being blatant pedophiles and animal abusers and murderers and rapists.
>That’s fine and a valid reason for churches and whole denominations to betray their members and destroy their own communities.
Actually kys
God save them
wait what ? LOLILOL
why is it just white homelands that need to accommodate niggers? you know, america and UK don't accept white people unless they meet a merit score that is unreachable by most.
your leaders are against you & want you gone.
>classical roots
are you actually retarded?
my great uncle was a monk in meteora
Bartholomew is a CIAnigger heretic. Nobody orthodox takes him seriously.
Traitors die first. They think themselves safe because they masquerade as holy men.