Uh oh

Merkel: US is a global rival

How soon can we expect the 4th reich against burgers?

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>holds your leash
ya... not the same thing.

Remind her that Goldman and JPM have arbitration over the derivatives used by Greece and others to monkey their books enough to meet the requirements for the Maastricht Treaty.

And that the counterparty is mainly DB, with a nontrivial portion sitting in SocGen.

Try us faggots would be a pleasure to kill some more (((Germans)))

This. Japan learned its lesson, maybe the German rape bastard descendants need a similar reminder.

>reich against burgers?
Nice meme flag, kike. No more brother wars.

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>mfw might not have been born to late to ding krauts in a glorious world war after all

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As a german... i would defect to the other side as things are rn

None of this is true.

Behind the curtains the German and US establishment is still cuddling.

As soon as Trump leaves office they also will cuddle in front of the curtains again.

Stop falling for their lies.

My favorite part of that photo shoot is the other angle where you see Trudeau awkwardly standing next to the wall behind Trump trying to make it seem natural that nobody wants to engage with him.

Back to back

This bitch is so tiresome. I'm not sure what her angle is with this crap, and I doubt she knows either.

Something terrifying I've realized is the US isn't even trying right now. They're literally a sleeping giant.

Imagine if the United States got it's shit tigether for a national endeavor.

>a random meme flag posts a edited picture of a news article that is probably five years old, with no link.
How will Jow Forums recover?

Its latest news you ungrateful cuck

After Iraq and Afghanistan, no one except neocons and neolibs have any interest in foreign adventures. I would even like to see the military budget slashed at this point.

Where does the extra money go?

To lower the deficit ideally, or bridges and roads.

There is no extra money. There is only more debt to the federal reserve bank.

germany isn't even a regional power and that crazy bitch tries to fight a global power?
that cunt is mentally insane


It's not anywhere in the news. You made it up.


Not just the US, Russia & China aswell. Read:

>showing her true colors
meh it is about time, I now more or less understand what game she is playing, and in light of the EU being a cunt and passing the internet copyright act while the EU supreme court rules in favor of muslims against free speech. I have grown to being against it. I hope the Ukraine sides with the US(mainly trump and republicans) against their duplicitous bullshit.

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she means competitor. Trump is liberating Europe, and they haven't even realized it

The worst thing is if Germany goes to war i will be called up cuz when i was younger i did reservist training and just lived off the wages from that well now it looks like it may come back to bite me in the ass

>hey guys! im absolutely depending on your good will towards us
>but i will fuck with you anyway
fucking women, that crazy bitch needs a good beating just to know where her place is


digits of truth, lads
digits of truth

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Scanning around near the timestamp suggests that I didn't save it, so have an example of how not to drive in the aftermath of a storm, instead.

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the only thing I like about their plan is russian bulkinization, because in the end I am a selfish creature and I see how ukraine could benefit from this and thus how I could benefit from this.

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Turks always had inflated egos to try act more important than they are, but in the end line Germany is just a Turkish colony no one gives a fuck about.

Germany can't compete with the US at all. She's probably going senile. Impeach her while you can

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Americans slaughtered Germany once...they can do it again.

Sure it is. You lie by proxy for posting a meme flag.
You discord transvestites are so obvious. You can’t even counter simple arguments if I browse the thread.
Most posters agree that you are fake and gay.

Wait until Brits will demand loicense fees from Merimutts for allowing them to use the English language.

Then Merimutts will just have to use their own mestizo Amerindian vernacular.

This is just the beginning.

just wait till she crosses the sea
we're doomed
she'll bring the brown hordes

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>Anglo world stomps the kr*utoid menace back to the Stone Age once more
Fuck I can only hope

for a site filled with people who consume this retarded shit all day you'd think more people would be aware of the reality.

>The fuckton of "Citizen" of germany are no Germans who actually don't like German nation and probably won't fight for German government.
>War machines are not in perfect state.
>They have problem with terrorist who just wait for opportunity lik let German army leaving germany. Not to mention many imported criminals who also will use this opportunity.
LoL? For today times. Even their favourite sport called "Invading Poland" will cause Germany alot of problems. How they think they can just fight with burgers especially when burgers have more nukes, bigger army and war machines in alot better condition.

Germany is no rival to the US. Germany is a rival to perhaps Brazil or Mexico. How can an irrelevant degenerate tiny country with no military be a rival to a global super power? US's only rival is China.

A 4th reich filled with trans faggots and an army of somalis? This is not the reich i was hoping for...

Are you fucking retarded lil buddy? Already posted the source faggot

Y R U A N ?

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That's true on the overall scale, but not in certain industrial sectors. For example car manufacture and big industrial machines like ship engines, robotics and such. In these sectors, germany is very much a rival to american interests.

Merkes is aware that Trump is really putting "America First" - a doctrine that was not pursued that aggressively before. The Bushs and Obama always honored the transatlantic bridge. Trump just doesnt' give a shit and destroys every bond with Europe and China.
Merkes is really baffled by this behaviour, because it goes against decades of mutual agreement.
That's what she means with saying the US has turned into a rival.


>(((amerimutt))) eager to kill more whites
Color me surprised.

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A global rival of liberal laws

Which I'll be happy to gun down as many of you jewish mutts as possible when you inevitably cause a war between us and Ivan.

Start making American friends, might be needed as a spy.

So the americans are now our global rival? Or the UK's Greatest ally? With a special relationship?

fucking what the fuck is going on again?

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All smoke and mirrors. Do we still believe this kind of shit?

never *clap* trust *clap* a *clap* kraut *clap*

>le mystery meat
pick one and only one you traitorous bastard.

Lets be real you would just sit on the sidelines waiting to spread your cheeks for who ever wins

Russia. Also you've never won a single war.

Nice projection. Germany literally hasnt won a war since unification

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