If you actually know anything, tell me what you know about Germany

I have a love and respect for the German nation which I can not entirely explain. From what I've been hearing, they've been taking a lot of metaphorical and literal shits to the mouth recently, and I am very concerned over the health of Germany. She has a long and storied history of innovation and glory, and by rights she should be the guarantor of Continental integrity from Russian aggression and any other threat to Europe as a whole. Instead, the government of Germany seems to be doing the exact opposite. I am shaken by the similarities between the days of the Weimar republic and modern day Germany, if the word on the street is to be believed. What's going on in Germany?

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Other urls found in this thread:


We are on the verge of an revolution/ civil war...

poop fetish stuff

What, why? Give me DETAILS god damn it, I need eyes on the ground!

It's fubar, my friend.
Don't even bother.

you are not wrong

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lmao I love how children of upper middle class Germans busted their asses to become doctors and now treat flesh eating diseases from migrant pieces of shit who treat them like garbage because they are “Christian”. Like ask any German woman you know and she’ll tell you she doesn’t feel safe. But the cowards will never risk their careers because Germans value their work uber alles. They’ll literally wipe refugee assholes every day as long as they can prove to themselves they wiped more assholes faster than yesterday.

Entschuldigung, Familie

Attached: WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails - Germany.png (756x8888, 286K)


Attached: WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails - Germany2.png (766x3048, 239K)

May you prevail, my brothers.

The country's doing great all memes aside and compared to where it's come from (It was Split in half hardly 30 years ago). Anyone who longs for the 'good old days' should be obliged to say what exact time-period they are talking about and why they as an average Person think they would be better Off. "Everyone's White and traditional" won't comfort you much when chances are you're an underpaid factory-worker living in a stinking smogged up city or a peasant working some feudal lord's Land.

Its a shithole i hope germany gets bombed together with ur shithole mutt after i flee to russia

Ok achmed

They are great engineers.
Their philosophers wrote some great books, which is hard to read but it's strong ones.

Germans are very nice, and have very big warm hearts, but are overprotective as fuck and demand discipline, for your own good of. They believe in Europe, and do everything to unite it, even with the cost of human lives. They act like father, who squeezes you so hard, that you can't breathe.

The worst problem is, that you are grown man, from a different family and you don't know this creeper.

Their philosophers wrote some populistic philosophies, which are easy to read, and are full of logic holes desu. They are known, because they wrote during the industrial revolution, when the paper media gained a lot popularity within common men.

Octoberfest... Beer me up, Kraut!

Is this ironic? Are you even aware that you posted the flag of Socialist East Germany (the "GDR")?

>*Best Germany*

Fuck off Corbyn

>German Goys chose capitalism and multiculturalism over this
You deserve your fate faggot

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I have many German friends and work colleges, eight to be precise, all of them have moved here over the last two years.

I asked them why they are here, they talked about the lack of bureaucracy, more freedom and opportunities etc etc.

I wonder how many Germans here have gained English friends that have moved too Germany in the last few years?

I know why I have Spanish/Polish/Italians/etc etc friends, if Germany is such a powerhouse of Europe why are the youth bailing?

how about dressing up as antifa, carrying their flags and going after the migrants?

I dream every day about rebuilding the wall and a east german state. The wessies are lost, but we still have a chance.
We would either vote right or left extremists into power, but at the end of the day anything is better than becoming a caliphate.
I really wish that my people would see that this is the only chance of us east germans surviving.

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why not just simply join Poland Republic as Ukrainians joined Russians with their Donieck People Republic?

I ask you faggots since years here on Jow Forums to annex east germany. We would do great together.

LoL, maybe you ask wrong people? Tbh. with you, faggots on Jow Forums have no fucking power at all. They are bunch of virgin pussies.

since you're using the board too I'll assume you're projecting

is there any strasserist party in germany?

i don't know why Jow Forums has such a boner for Germany...here are some hard facts from a non-German experiencing this shithole
theres about as much criminal and political corruption as eastern europe its just not so much in your face. cash in hand and tax dodging is big. glad handing and nepotism are huge.
time serving bureaucratic lethargy/corruption are also massive.
theft from the state is huge with a lot of materials, tools, machinery, fittings etc. bought by taxes falling off the back of a truck onto ebay.
poor workmanship, shafting Joe Doe on costs and results is protected from litigation by unions, trade associations and courts.
there is a law for everything but no concept of spirit of the law, you are well and truly on your own in Germany, particularly against a corrupt state.

>LoL, maybe you ask wrong people? Tbh. with you, faggots on Jow Forums have no fucking power at all. They are bunch of virgin pussies.

That wasn't really the point but whatever. I just hope you help us to save east germany.

Not really and if so they're muppets who couldn't get shit done.


Modern Right wing parties tend to just sellout to Israel and take a weak stance against immigration nowadays. I used to land Authoritarian Right but with the constant NATO fuckery and constant corporate culture I've become Authoritarian left.

Fuck NATO, Fuck America and Fuck Capitalism

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sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have such power yet as well. Maybe in the future... but this is highly doubtful maybe.

>What's going on in Germany?
Sick mother fuckers, thats whats going on. germany is number one in the world in consuming scat porn. what the fuck attracts them in seeing people taking a dump on eachother. I think they are number one in the world at BDSM clubs as well..


What about the Berlin question? It's full of niggers and degenerates, and is in East Germany.

PM is a woman who has no children lol what did you expect?

lol, why you are so obsessed with this numbers? I like light BDSM. I mean pissing in my mouth or sucking anything in nightclub glory holes is way too much, but I like when some girl spank my ass a bit.

You seem to be under the very naive impression that people behind German flags are actual ethnic Germans.

Build a wall around it. Or we take the east again and shove everything we don't like into west berlin. It would be like detroit.

Forget about the DDR, the DPRK is the new USSR

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we're not, you fuckin larper

chinks are subhumans

There are German enclaves in Russia, We call Germans- "Nemez", literally dressed up able to speak, This is the common name of all foreigners, But Germans are most of all immigrants from Europe, for some unexplained reason they are drawn to Russia, Life mocks the Germans, forcing them to live they are in the very center of the crossroads of many roads. It’s like putting an autist in the center of a crowded hall or on stage. We need to swap them with the Spanish or Canada, or send them to Siberia where they can be erased for several centuries, so for example we have a Jewish autonomous republic on the border with China. we can also settle the Germans alongside their brothers in autism - North Korea

They have preserved their race at all costs, what have you done so far?

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We can dream

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Germany is cursed

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Wtf is up with Russians and their inferiority complex with other Europeans probably cause the only thing Russia has to offer is natural gas

Their Autobahn's have no speed limits. It's fucking great. I was there about 20 years ago and some of the cars that passed me were doing between 100 and 160 MPH

So you want to deal with coal?

Whats up with retarded am*rimutts calling nations and countries "she"? Are you all that into feminism? Bunch of faggots

There's like 3 kebab shops in my town and a mc donalds. Hope that helps.

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We can thank free markets for fucking Europe

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I think it is in Europe.

What's up with yout town and city names murica? Every second one is named after a european town or city.

No i don’t care what russia exports I’m just confused on why Russians give a shit about Germany on every thread about Germany there’s a Russian saying how glad the Germans are dying out because they’re assholes or how he’s gonna rape German women for being fascists like yeah nazi Germany was bad but soviet Russia was a fuck ton worse to europe and actually most of Eastern countries absolutely despise Russia. It all just comes off as petty af

I grew up in Frankfort, Indiana and the reason it’s named after the one in Germany is because the guy who founded Frankfort Indiana was born in Frankfort Germany. Most towns are named like this

Good read, thank you, Ahmed.

Jewish fucking what on the boarder with China? Why you hide Jews there? You try to grow communism from the scratch again, in place no-one can see it?

Look man, I don't know what the kebab shops in the UK look like, but even 3 of those don't really stack up to a giant mc donalds.


The world is fascinated because of Hitler and what he managed to accomplish in 20 years, and ultimately failed.

So the world looks at the people of germany, and waits to see if they will again rise, and again prove to the world, that they can indeed progress.

What we have seen since the 50's is a nation that rebuilt itself, and has become a economic power, and for the last 20 has been selling itself and its people out for the benefit of the political elite.

Its almost as if the german people are willing to accept anything, as long as no one calls them nasty names.

Its a shame really, and one that i do not see ending soon.

It's the same for you as it is for us. Kebab shops, violent crime, corporate culture and hedonistic degeneracy.

But hey at least we are in NATO and have McDonalds right?

No, we tried to bring them all together away from the capital and make them work and not be intermediaries in the production chains. But they did not want to live there and left as soon as possible.

In your opinion, one post with a Russian flag is a consolidated opinion of the whole of Russia? Despite the fact that 35 million people died during the war, our attitude towards the Germans does not differ from attitude towards Belarusians.

And you didn't fucking expected that? Fuck... if it wouldn't be Russia, I would not believe that.

If we would have zombie problem and ground zero would be in Russia, we'd all be eating brains right now...

>Teach children generation after generation what Germans did to them
>Carry photos every year of family members killed by Germans during VE Day in Russia
>Tell stories to their children how grand pappy or great grand pappy killed Germans trying to take his home
>Grandma telling stories about her survival against German executioners
>Some stupid poster on Jow Forums, "Why do Russians hate Germans so much"

You fucking idiot. At least not as bad as the moron Germans who think they have Russian friends and that Russians don't secretly want to murder them.

Germans are worthless godless barbarian scum and deserve 10 000 years of misery

Not just on this thread but on many others I’ve seen especially on Jow Forums I’m not saying that Russians hate Germany but there seems to be a very vocal minority that wants to see the Germans destroyed

I’m not saying Germany was the good side at all I’m saying saying Russians have no moral high ground to tell the Germans they need to die. The soviets killed 10million Ukrainians 1.5million Kazakhs plus millions more in the gulag

Also ask old polish people what they’re life was like under communism

so have africans you fucking nigger

Fun Fact:
Did you know, that Russia is bigger than United States of America? There is minority for everything on earth.

A minority within the Russian population. I realize russia is the larger country on earth

Yeah like your penis is a minority because it is so small haha checkmate

Therefore, you write this post from a country where the number of ethnic Germans is the second after the British?

I don’t care. Just keep sending wheat beer.

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>proud of a flag with communist, masonic, and Saturn symbolism.
First thing you fags need to do it burn that taunting nuisance and create a new one. Careful using pagan symbols because even they have Saturn curses behind them.

Americans are such insufferable faggots

Fucking Britbong out of nowhere :P Please Britain never fucking change xD

Germans are basically the niggers of Europe. Half of them are med rape babies and the other half slavic rape babies. Everyone knows that.

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That’s the nicest thing anyone ever said to us on here.

Greek people are not ones to call others rape babies after the Ottoman Empire

Fucking golem mutt cunt you didn’t even respond to these

>someone makes a thread praising a european nation and its people on a board that supposedly largely believes in white/european supremacy, or at the very least that white/european culture should be celebrated and protected
>immediately descends into people slinging shit at each other and saying 'who is more white'

this is why we're fucked.
this board is fucking garbage now

poles are white af

Just fuck off mutt
We all hate Americans here that can I tell you about germany

>has a literal reptilian demon on flag
We too have shit stains on our flags. You just can't find a nation without satanic influence.

Attached: welsh-flag.jpg (400x267, 61K)

This guy started it

Germany is an utterly corrupt place, about the same tier as Kongo.

The difference is that Kongo is corrupt at all levels.
In Germany only the elites are corrupt.

Look how mad the greaseroach is..
pay debt

((( freemason ))) symbolism in flag

Fuck me... who made this names... Germany - Germs, Polish - Polish...

it is beyond fucking funny to me, but is silly as fuck...

no u

>implying im welsh
Jow Forums should really separate UK flags into our actual countries so I can tell when Im speaking to someone lesser than me in this Union.