would you?
Would you?
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Vote for her? yes.
No, I wouldn’t vote for her in the primaries.
I’m voting for Bernie
you know her nipples are brown right? probably so ais her vagina and anus
Is it a trap? Her chin is quite manly
Mossad agents get the ropes she is financed by Adelson the jew mob boss of Vegas
thats sexy
She's got that upper lip fuzz that makes a man want to check her undercarriage for traps.
she is clearly a mentally ill not very bright man. so, no thanks
Maybe, is it a feminine benis?
Based AND redpilled
I would not pass on that ass.
I'd rawdog her so hard
You're a gay faggot if you wouldn't tap.that ass.
>tfw no mommy gf
She is one of the finest women I've ever witnessed.
damn it, I was going to say this
I'm actually much more attracted to a nice jaw line (and what you guys would label a "horse face") in women more than the overly round and "feminine" faces.
imagine the smell
wait, this isnt some mexican with the female snapchat filter on?
I've got news for you...
Shitskin women are my kryptonite.
Because you are a mutt?
Supreme irony: the establishment is setting up Bernie to Bernie the new Bernie.