The Venezuela Coup Debacle

Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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Trotskyite neocons lack subtlety and effectiveness.

It was nothing but propaganda from the US that the people were revolting and ready for new leadership. On the ground, Venezuelans were either content with Maduro, unwilling to trust the US-backed coup, or scared to death of the cartels.

>We need more aid for Israel

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Jow Forums didnt use its meme magic to destroy the commies in venezuela. You didnt trust the 3d chess and karl marx won. Hope you faggets are happy
Trump believed in you but you didnt believe in him. Now there will be lo war

Putin cucked bolton and glumpf


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Is he dead

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I hope so

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Based. Pol voted via straw poll 60%-40% to give our meme magic to Chaduro instead of G*aidó

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Maduro has 5x more guys in his loyal paramilitary forces than there are in the regular army. If the army overthrew him they have a huge gang of armed guerrillas to try to deal with

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comme spics failed to run another country, a tale of we all know well. nothing much more to say, commies just dont understand economics.

Fuck commies
Fuck central banking
Fuck the petrodollar and dying to uphold it and Israel
and fuck kikes

Especially you.

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The real answer is that anyone who would have supported the coup has already fled the country to Colombia. Look at the amount of people who left the country

Am i crazy or does he kinda looks like obongo