How germany should work

The legitimate lands of the german empire and the vaterland

Prove me wrong; Pro tip.
You cant

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alliance and Lorraine is proper french territory the rest is right though


this is sad bro. you have bigger problems than territorial disputes over some gay clay.

it was unrightfully taken after ww1

>germans are being replaced by nigger
>"duh lets reconquer some long lost land!"
Priprities are not your strong side

like what kike

lol fuck G*rmany

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kys goldstein

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Germans are a bunch of thick cunts that cant run a fucking country and lead Europe constantly to ruin. If anything all land east of the Elbe should be Polish and Germany should be broken up into independent lands like Bavaria.

Take back Alsace and Lorraine, but Belgium is ours.


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Thanks for your opinion boomer

Like you, sodomite.

it was unrightfully taken from France in the Franco-Prussian War

I can tell abortionist

It was rightfully taken after french aggression

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Based lobotomite

you hardly know your history. Bismark baited france into the war through provocation.

Cool your jets autismo

France attacked germany first
An actual attack; An act of war type attack

Für Kaiser, Vaterland und Gott

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the central powers attack first.

Fur Der Fuher, Vaterland Und Gott, Heil Reich*

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The provocation doesn't matter according to you.
>"An actual attack; An act of war type attack"

Its instigation
Not an act of war


the central power declared war first. So they deserved to lose the land since they lost the war.

It was justified however

bork bork bork

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Divide and conquer slide thread made by a memeflaggot jew to divide the white race over retarded border conflicts.
Hey Rabbi, please write this: YHWH

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>How germany should work

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Maybe, but don't try to touch our lands or Flanders, we'll fucking kill you again

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What difference will it make when everyone living on the land will be africanized cattle?

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"Legitimate german land" is an oxymoron.

Funny thing, pic related was 1 second from being approved in 1945, but the.... american jewish lobby blocked it and demanded the east/west partition instead.

Attached: Allied plans of german partition 1945.jpg (2206x1552, 3.2M)

>Italian speaking Austria
They finally got civilized

If they want all that shit so bad they should try winning a war for it lmao


They needed Germany to start the next phase of Africanizing the goyim in Europe. Smart Jews.

Ugh, what could've been...

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Well former Slavic lands should get back to former Slavic nation. Everything else seem to be correct as well. 10 points for Gryfindor!

I approve this map.
Paweł Kowalski

how is Germany taking Alsace from France in the Franco-Pussian war rightful, and France taking Alsace in WW1 wrongful?



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>oepsie woepsie! de trein is stukkie wukkie!

No offense, but sometime I feel Dutch is just German spoken by a down syndrome guy

kys schlomo


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Ever heard of Yalta and Potsdam conferences, senpai?
Thats when European post-WW2 borders were decided in 1945.
Germany was supposed to be permanently removed from the European map--- the american jewish lobby blocked it.

There were many ideas on how to deal with the eternal german problem.
Partition i posted above was one of the ideas.
Others were:
>flooding Germany, changing the geo-political landscape of Europe
>castrating every single german woman, thus ending the German nation completely.

And i am not shitting you, all these were actually being discussed in 1945.

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It's a shame they cucked out

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the last two ones are fucking stupid but i think something like this would work
if they were that scared of germany

Black - Berlin (Germany)
red - Poland
Dark red - Denmark
brown - france
purple - belgium
cyan - netherlands
grey - austria
light blue - czech
white- idk buffer zone? lake?

what do you think Jow Forumsack sensei

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It wasnt really about being scared, considering the germans quite literally never won a single war in their entire history, it was more about finally getting some damn peace and quiet on this continent.

The jews saving germany from being removed from existence is not even ironic, thats exactly what everybody expected.

Your map is pretty much a copy/paste of one of the other good ideas on how to deal with the germans.

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I know this is mostly trolling, but seriously any attempt of Balkanization is pointless, because once the European state will be founded, there will not be any nations left anymore, nor any ethnic people.

It all will become "White European", "Muslim European" and "Black European", same shit they did in the US. Germans, French, Poles will all be vanished.

>"good ideas" it is a good idea

The germans never had anyone on their side
Thats why they never won


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What the fuck would you want with this shit. We still haven't gotten East Germany up to speed and most of those regions are even more fucked. Do you have any idea what that would cost?
We have bigger, more immediate problems.

>The germans never had anyone on their side
>Thats why they never won

They literally had dozens of allies in every single war they started, and still lost.
Especially WW2, without foreign aid the Third Reich wouldnt even be able to lay siege to the nearest McDonalds.

The "Big Four":
United States (from December 1941)
Soviet Union (from June 1941)
United Kingdom
Occupied countries with governments-in-exile:
Other Allied combatant states:
New Zealand
South Africa
Former Axis powers or co-belligerents:
Italy (from 1943)
Romania (from 1944)
Bulgaria (from 1944)
Finland (from 1944)

While germany only had one ally who couldnt do jack shit himself

There will never be any "European state", adolf.

Slesvig-Holsten, Altona, Lauenburg, Dietmarsken and Friesland are Danish.

You filthy Krauts need to hold your hands to yourself.

>While germany only had one ally who couldnt do jack shit himself

You missed at least a dozen German allies, user.
How many million troops invaded Russia on 1st day of Barbarossa?
You can Google it.
One million of Axis troops were non-german.

Millions of non-germans were active in the Wehrmacht.
Up until 1941... 50%, half!! of German fuel came from.... the USSR.

Steel? Ammunition? Food? Medicine?
The amount of foreign support to germany makes the meme lend-lease look like a silly warm-up.

Thats false
There were not one million non-german troops
There were 3 million men who invaded the soviet union and more than 90% of them were german
I never heard of italians on the offense in kursk
and yeah, where else are they going to get their fuel
Theyre at war with the entire world

The Netherlands should get more like the entire Rhineland

Fuck Krautniggers

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Thats not false, thats literally a historical fact.
During the first day of Barbarossa, a million non-germans invaded Russia.
Ever heard of Finland?
You know, that snowy country?
Or over a dozen other german foreign legions?

>Theyre at war with the entire world

they were at war with russia, and lost, badly.

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No, Thats still false

Finland didnt follow an axis doctrine
They halted at their lost territories in 1940
Of course there were ostprussen legions made up of Ukrainian soilder but they were mainly mercenaries.
>Russian-American Lend lease act
>Without russia would lose no doubt

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Maybe you aren't aware as a Pole, but here in Central Europe they go full propaganda for the "United States of Europe" and brainwash bunch of lefties with it.

That to the north (Sonderjylland/Slesvig) is rightful danish, you idiot. 99% of people living there are danish and it goes back hundreds of years. We even had a vote over it unlike the other places where germans were either killed or thrown out. Unlike you genociding frencies and polacks, we Danes are a rightful and fine people so don't come here with your uneducated bulllshit. fucking leaf.

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Its not false, its a god damn fact backed up by literally every single historian on planet earth.
Russia won WW2 before lend lease was even an idea.


Here, from Hitlers own mouth, he's saying the war is already lost in 1941, everything after it is beating a dead horse.
Dont believe me?
Believe Hitler.

also sage this fucking jew tread

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Danzig belonged to Germany for less than 20% of its history. The land was owned by slavs until some retard decided to bring the Teutonic Order to the Baltic coast because they could help with the barbarians. After helping they literally claimed "lol we're not giving this land back" and got BTFO in early 15th century.
And now amerimutts with 1/16th Prussian ancestry larp about MUH GERMAN CLAY

this, thank you guys

Even 20% is a stretch, senpai.

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>That to the north (Sonderjylland/Slesvig) is rightful danish, you idiot. 99% of people living there are danish and it goes back hundreds of years. We even had a vote over it unlike the other places where germans were either killed or thrown out. Unlike you genociding frencies and polacks, we Danes are a rightful and fine people so don't come here with your uneducated bulllshit. fucking leaf.
Indeed. My surname comes from the farther afield Holstien, and they left a year after it was taken over by Germany. Spoke Low German, which to my understanding is that it was barely intelligible with High German. He worked on the railroads and lived in a dugout for a few years before bringing his family over and buying land. Hired a High German worker on his farm, but family history said they didn't get along, mostly from frustration over the language. They were not fans of the German governments, and until I did research, I thought we were actually Danish. Some people with my surname are in Denmark for example, but none in Germany.

Nobody cares about that land
Not even Hitler did
There was a border variant to better apply to the vote of 1920, instead of the voting zones deciding the border

Very interesting funfact: Jews are not allowed to spell the name of YHWH. It's called the Tetragrammaton. Refusal repeat it is a telltale sign of a Jew.
Don't fall for divisive tactics.

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Baby Prussia is cute
Should be a meme.

Europeans and Jews start 2 world wars to take care of the German menace once and for all and ruin it with a fucking pen and some paper.

The left bank of the Rhine rightfully belong to us*

We cannot even fill up what´s left with actual Germans anymore.
Let alone all those stolen slav-shit areas, french nigger cuntry and that small danish strip nobody gives a flying fuck about anyway.