What are general traits that a good boyfriend/potential husband should have?

what are general traits that a good boyfriend/potential husband should have?

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being able to read social cues and not be an embarrassment in public is a good start.

Big wallet
Has a house
Has a stable job
Isn’t overbearing and allows me to keep having fun

Willing to raise another man's children and accepting of his place in an open relationship

Loyalty. And by that I don't mean not sleeping around, not sleeping around is a given and it's not enough, he should side with you and support you in all important situations, especially when it comes to your life goals and dreams. You don't want to be married to someone who antagonizes you.

If sex is important to you, it's going to be extremely important that he also pleases you sexually. You're going to hate him and hate your marriage if you hate having sex with him.

This too

Let's ask even a wider question:
What makes a good MAN?

We only have sex differentiation for the sake of our offspring.
So a good man = a good father.

And a good father is such that can go out into the world, uncompromisingly take that which he needs, and then come home and share with those that rely on him.
He can empathize with, understand and uplift people who don't reach his level, since thats is what he should do with his kids.

All in all, be the man your father should have been.

>Willing to raise another man's children
what in the fuck

Most couples nowadays don't want children, as children are a hateful burden we can do without thankfully.

That’s the mark of a nice and strong man who is willing to step up to the plate and help a woman in need

Doesn't really change anything I've said.
I don't wanna walk around, my legs still developed so I can walk properly.

Have you ever met a guy who raises another man's child in any other way but through voluntary agreed adoption?
They're weak and desperate.

>children are a hateful burden we can do without thankfully
a/ I completely believe that would children would hate you
b/ no, we can't, our welfare and social system collapses without chidlren

>All in all, be the man your father should have been.
And if you don't want to, you need to get clipped or kys.

>Doesn't really change anything I've said
Kinda does. There's nobody home that relies on you, they're all out making their own successful hunt. They want someone who will show them praise and respect when their return from their hunt.

Whatever you say, incel

>our welfare and social system collapses without chidlren
Not at all. Workers are being replaced with machines, humans are becoming more and more useless to employers. Tax the billionaires that replace workers with machines and you'll have the money to keep the ponzi scheme afloat.

>There's nobody home that relies on you, they're all out making their own successful hunt.
Again, doesn't change that the male sex only developed to be fathers and thus good men are good fathers.

Aahahahahahahaha thank you for this response, THANK YOU

>the male sex only developed to be fathers
That's why most men don't care to be fathers, right.

>Workers are being replaced with machines
And? Machines pay taxes ? lmao

>humans are becoming more and more useless to employers

> Tax the billionaires that replace workers with machines and you'll have the money to keep the ponzi scheme afloat.
Ohhh righttt because a handful of billionaires will agree to keep thousands of old people afloat for the kik of it. makes complete sense. lmao

>>Evolution works this way
>But how about OPINIONS on evolution HUH?
ok retard

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>Machines pay taxes ?
No, retard. The humans that own those machines do. And currently they're not paying anywhere near they should.

Do you like being unemployed? Do you want millions unemployed with no hope of ever succeeding in life because their existence is superfluous and useless to the system? It's already happening right now, millions of young people can't find a job, not even a mcjob since McDonalds replaced them with machines too, and you expect them to shit out more people that will not find jobs and be miserable all their lives?

>a handful of billionaires will agree
They will agree, or they will be forced to.

>"Evolution works this way"
>every evopsych study says men evolved to just fuck as many women as possible and not give a shit about the offspring, that's the mother's problem
OK dude.

>The humans that own those machines do.
You realize that a human being that purchases food, clothes, entertainment, that provides commercial services and that engages by his mere attention in ads and content marketing ... creates taxes from all those?
How exactly do you think mere construction of products will substitute all those taxes?

Again and again, you're just telling me that you'll convince a handful of millionaires to sponsor all old people's lives lmao.
You can't even convince your mum to let you play minecraft before you tidy up the basement lmaooo

We're not really talking psychology, unless you think combining two DNAs is a psychological act lmao.

But if you want to look at it in this primitive evolutionary perspective, you will surely be aware that by being the woman's problem it also becomes tha man's problem, as humans don't usually rape their way to children lol

How is a human being going to do all that when they have no money to begin with? In case you haven't noticed, consumer consumption is down everywhere but in China because millenials are much poorer than their parents, find work later, require much more assistance.

>How exactly do you think mere construction of products will substitute all those taxes?

Let the poor die, only the rich survive. Unless you force the rich to share their money, they will keep it among a smaller and smaller pool of people, so there won't be as much need for taxes as there's currently.

>you're just telling me that you'll convince a handful of millionaires to sponsor all old people's lives
I won't. The angry masses will.

>How is a human being going to do all that when they have no money to begin with?
What the fuck are you talking about lmao
Im telling you we need new generations or our system will collapse.
You suddenly make up shit about cashless people not being able to see ads or something?
Are you retarded?

>>you're just telling me that you'll convince a handful of millionaires to sponsor all old people's lives
>I won't. The angry masses will.
Ahahaha like they did last time?
Like they do now?
Go fuck yourself, parasite.

>you will surely be aware that by being the woman's problem it also becomes tha man's problem
Historically that's never been, the man just fucked off to fuck prostitutes at the brothel while the woman was left to raise the kids and despair. Raising the kids has never been as a man's job until very recently, and that's only thanks to feminism.

>Historically that's never been
Oh, historically men never put up with women's shit to get laid or get her hand? Lmaoooo
You were reaching before, now you're just completely delusional.

>Raising the kids has never been as a man's job
Nobody argues it's a man's job to raise kids per se.

>thanks to feminism
I understand the delusions now.

femanon here, imo:
sense of humor, good hygiene, confidence, looks at least 6/10 (not a model but decent enough), weight is no problem unless you're a whale, not a sociopath, not a hikikomori, common interests (not every fucking thing but at least something), not clingy (each one needs their privacy and space), not jealous or possessive and empathetic in general aaand an interesting personality.

Our system will collapse anyway since it's unsustainable. And by 'our system' I mean the idea that people need children. Less humans are needed than ever before, most humans are useless to employers.

>You suddenly make up shit about cashless people not being able to see ads or something?
Damn retard, you gotta be arguing in bad faith.


>Millennials do not appear to have preferences for consumption that differ significantly from those of earlier generations,” but they “are less well-off than members of earlier generations [were] when they were young, with lower earnings, fewer assets, and less wealth” — and this, the expert economists explain, causes millennials to buy less stuff.

That's what I'm talking about. Why do you think China is so important? Because they're the ones with money, retard.

China is a paper tiger built on unsustainable debt, retard. They are heading off the cliff soon.

>historically men never put up with women's shit
Not really, no. Since a woman was forced to marry a man to live decently or even survive. Of course this was horrible for the woman.
>Nobody argues it's a man's job to raise kids per se.
If you aren't willing to raise your kids yourself, and by that I mean feed them, play with them, change the diapers, comfort them, read to them, do all the things you expect mom to do, you're not a good father.

Yeah mr. Trump, that trade war's gonna end any moment now. It's not like killing millions of businesses across America every day.

>All in all, be the man your father should have been.

Oh my god, this is a great line. Holy shit

>Our system will collapse anyway
Meaningless point.

>Less humans are needed than ever before, most humans are useless to employers.
Nobody made you an arbiter of what humans are for but okay lmao

>millennials ...buy less stuff
Wow that means we don't need children to keep our system running!!!!!!
Except it doesn't.

>a woman was forced to marry a man to live decently or even survive
a/ sometimes so, somethimes not so lol your ideological narrative skews your view SO obviously lol
b/ Doesn't prove men didn't have to put up with women's shit. They did. Even so much art is made about exactly that.

>If you aren't willing to ...[be a good mother]... you're not a good father.
Nobody really asked you lmao you have no opinion, you're just an avatar of an ideology

Women want a man who is masculine, confident, reliable and attractive. At the same time it helps if you're socially compatible with your girlfriend and you guys get along well.

That's it really.

>sense of humor, good hygiene, confidence, looks at least 6/10 (not a model but decent enough), weight is no problem unless you're a whale, not a sociopath, not a hikikomori, common interests (not every fucking thing but at least something), not clingy (each one needs their privacy and space), not jealous or possessive and empathetic in general aaand an interesting personality.

>Sense of humor
Awesome! Off to a good start
>good hygiene
This speaks for itself, No problem
Okay no you hang on there lil' lady...
>looks at least 6/10
Let's not get crazy here...!
>not a sociopath
But that's what makes me unique!
>not a hikikomori
I don't even know what that means! You want me to learn Spanish now?!
>common interests
Are turnips an interest? I like turnips.
>not clingy
What if I'm hanging from a ledge? I'd say being good at clinging is pretty important.
>not jealous
>aaand an interesting personality.
I did mention the turnips, right?

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Every time they wanted something good and on equal footing with men for themselves, actually, so most of the time. One such example from merely 40 years ago is the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974. Before ECOA, women had access to credit in their husband’s name or as an appendage of their husband, but not in their own individual right, in their own name. Unmarried women could not get credit, and not getting credit means they could not buy cars, houses, anything you need a loan to buy when you're not rich enough to pay it cash. Even medical insurance was precluded to unmarried women, you need surgery? Good luck with that.
Women had to put up with men's shit to live. Fuck that.

>Nobody really asked you
Well, keep being mad, I'll select the father of my kids according to my opinions. Anyone who thinks like you is excluded from that selection.

Great. So, go outside and get a girl!

>Every time they wanted something good and on equal footing with men
Lmao how? You think women can be in equal situation as men without birth control? Without social and state security? Without technology?
Are you that retarded lol?

>[look how women had it bad]
No doubt.
Still doesn't mean that men didn't have to put up with women's shit. They did. It's so extremely evident to anyone who doesn't try to distract with "oh poor poor women" arguments.

> I'll select the father of my kids according to my opinions
On your merry way, btw it's "male parent", not "father".
Stop the patriarchal dog-whistles, will you?

>You think women can be in equal situation as men without
Well if you're going to do without science and technology there's primitive tribes in Asia and Africa where men and women live separate, as in separate tribes composed either only by men or only by women and prepubescent children that only meet during very ritualized occasions, the rest of the time they do their thing without bothering the other. Their situations are pretty equal, the woman has her life and her property and the man has no power over her. The older women of her tribe do, but that's another matter.

>Still doesn't mean that men didn't have to put up with women's shit.
It kinda does, since women were the clearly disadvantaged party here. You can live without sex, you can't live without surgery, or without the means to getting to work, or with the constant anxiety of getting kicked out by the landlord because you don't own your home.

have a dog or whatever the animal of the fucking week is

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His own life. Even killers can have girlfriends, but a guy without anything going on is incredibly boring.

>Their situations are pretty equal
Yeah no, you have two tribes, one is stronger than the other (as I'm sure you're aware of the biological differences between men and women) and no relevant technology to mediate that difference.
The situation is different and will always be.
Besides, you carefully omitted the way they interact, which again, is another point where inequality is almost certain.

>>Still doesn't mean that men didn't have to put up with women's shit.
>It kinda does, since women were the clearly disadvantaged party here.
Non sequitur.
Which means it doesn't follow.
I understand in your ideological dictionary being disadvantaged means you are a helpless victim in distress, but it's not so in real life.
Hell, children are the most disadvantaged people on the planet yet their parents put up with so many of their tantrums and episodes lol

>you carefully omitted the way they interact
I literally said it dude. Meeting between the tribes only happens during heavily ritualized occasions, there's no interaction outside of those occasions. Women can refuse a man they don't want by not participating in these tribalistic tinder hookups, and the men never see their kids until they reach puberty, nor have they any right to tell the women not to sleep with another man next time should she want to. She is not tied to him. All decisions are carried out internally first, then with a diplomatic envoy between the tribes. The men's strength is meaningless to the women as they don't need it to live, just as they don't need the men being present in their everyday lives.

>it's not so in real life
>history is not real life
Those tribeswomen are smarter than most westerners keeping men out of their lives.

Knowing when to shut up and fuck off and leave you alone when you want to be alone is always a good trait.

Doesn't need a new momma

>Meeting between the tribes only happens during heavily ritualized occasions
a) As if that guarantees equality?
b) As if that actually tells me anything?
Again, you carefully omitted the way they interact, which again, is another point where inequality is almost certain.
I'd go ahead and ask you for sources on this extremely naive painting of primitive societies you just performed, but since it's you trying to prove they're in the same situation (which they're not, for the reasons I described above), this is futile.

>Those tribeswomen are smarter than most westerners keeping men out of their lives.
It's completely possible that you and them share the same daddy issues, but this has nothing to do with the question at hand.

A good man is a good father, as that is the evolutionary trajectory behind it.
The narrative that they spread their seed carelessly and forced their way against female will every time is such a dishonest piece of shit narrative, it really takes the most developed and sheltered society in history of planet Earth to allow you to maintain it.

>the most developed and sheltered society in history
men did that

Another example is the geishas of Japan.

Women run the geisha houses, they are teachers, they run the tea houses, they recruit aspiring geisha, and they keep track of a geisha's finances, moreover the geiko (Geisha) who has been chosen as an atotori (heir) of the Geisha house, she would live there and run the business throughout her career until the next generation, that is the cycle of the Geisha business. To the point that historically Japanese geishas abandoned male kids to die because they were completely useless to them, they were women and they wanted to daughters to inherit their mothers' jobs. A dream come true.

>, as humans don't usually rape their way to children lol

somebody needs to learn about what happens after war, at least historically

>As if that guarantees equality?
What is equality here? A woman being able to have the same rights and opportunities as a man. Yeah, in that sense those tribes have equality. It doesn't mean anyone is free to do whatever they want, one is still under the power of their respective tribe elders, but if a woman doesn't want to fuck a man and her elders agree with her, the man cannot force her. He has to respect her will as his equal.

>you carefully omitted the way they interact
I literally just described it to you dude.

If he can put up with your crazy self centered bullshit, he might be a keeper.

The whole point of being a person is being better than your parents, even by 1%. So yeah any guy who doesn’t give a fuck about honoring their family though doing important things is a lazy coward.

Look, either flat-out say most people were born through rape or don't bother with this "how bout this particular instance tho"...

You're so far from the topic at hand I don't even see the reason to engage with this naive description of primitives.

Considering that women in western society could not say no and force their husbands to respect that no when they didn't want to have sex... most people were born through rape. yeah.

>most people were born through rape
the absolute state of ideological possession
let me guess: college? leftie? pseudo social activist? hate the rich? believe in class strugge?
You're a joke, user.

>marital rape is "ideological possession"
I'm glad women spoke up against this bullshit.

>be nice but don't be a pussy
>don't be afraid to show affection
>>show me that you care about me, don't just want to fuck
>be funny
>be active
>be emotionally available
>have a basic life direction/cohesive plan for a stable career

>>user, you're reaching
As I said, you're a joke. Sorry.
Nobody will take you seriously.

Dude, you're the one that called rape "ideological possession" when the legal recognition of marital rape is one of women's historical battles. When a woman cannot revoke her consent to sex even though she wants to, and is forced to have sex against her will, what do we call that?

>you're the one that called rape "ideological possession"
I called you ideologically posessed.
Do I even have to repeat myself ? Thou art a comedy.

>I called you ideologically posessed
Because I pointed out to you marital rape has been a plague on western society since its inception? Dude, get real.

>be emotionally available
What did he mean by this?

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It means pay attention when she's venting about her problems/worries to you. Don't dismiss them as something unimportant.

I as a guy realised that understanding your parents' mistakes and promising to yourself to not repeat them in the future torwards your kids is the one thing I need to be sure about before getting married.

Other than that, it's pretty obvious. Good heart (torwards your lady) and showing emotional and logical stability is a good sign.

The whole career and big wallet is bs because lately people start getting married at 25. You can't have a career this fast (smaller chances anyways) unless you re a daddy's wealth boy.

But women don't have actual problems. They make problems in their head just to whine about shit.

>Don't dismiss them as something unimportant.

But they aren't important.

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