Why do black people dominate trends in pop music even though they're minorities?

Why do black people dominate trends in pop music even though they're minorities?

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Jews have a huge presence in the music producing

>that chick on the right failing at being a slut
oh im laffin


big black penis

young people as the target group is dumbed down in indoctrination camp (aka schools) so they are forcefed with equally dumb "music".

They must be pretty smart.


Jews are behind almost all black music from motown to rap.

white people are minority on global scale dumb ass

I noticed that also.


Ever since white flight from the cities in the 1970s, who stayed behind? The niggers, the Jews, and the fags. Who controls the culture? The niggers, the Jews, and the fags. Gentrification is our way back in.

They have money which can get you anything you want.


America sets trends in pop music on a global scale and blacks are minorities here

>blacks are minorities here
not in terms of media representation

What kind of shit hole 3rd world hellscape is this filmed in?

Slut in the webm is 100% Jew too

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roasties are disgusting.

Not my pop music. I don't accept jungle jive.


Because you mutt muricans are fucking retarded nigger lovers.

Because they rejected Booker T Washington and embraced W. E. B. Du Bois

But can rappers rap about something other than fornication, genocide, theft, money, pride and drugs? Sure they can, but at the expense of their careers. Rappers are being controlled on some level. If an artist attempts to produce something that is constructive which goes against the agenda of the owners of the record labels, they’ll just be dropped from the label and replaced. Money talks and there’s always another talented, but impoverished ignorant and foolish black person who will sell their soul for riches and fame at the expense of everyone else.

Good question, my guess is the roasties were on vacay in SA or some other former colony. Doesn't look Caribbean

Being both black and Celtic, woman tell you the opposite of what they want, they want a strong man with tribal ethics, they want to be bred, they want a simple life. Every time you fuckers start to get in track you let your autism get the best of you and you start carving naked men statues out of marble and calling it art. Just beat and fuck your women like everyone else you morons.

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I bet its Jamaica or another Caribbean shithole.

Because (((they))) are behind it,pushing the black artists.



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>I bet its Jamaica or another Caribbean shithole.
top kek you're right it is Jamaica

Because as sons of Cain and Ham they are much more inclined to sinful behaviour. After all their black skin is a mark given to them for that.

Of course, also Jews. They know this and use it against us.

Fuck, I stand corrected. I lived in the Dominican (playing baseball) and I hated the Caribbean as a whole...

Which is why OP asked that question in the first place. Try to keep up, Christ.

>black and Celtic

We get it you’re a double nigger and this thread wasn’t asking about controlling women retard. We already know you’re answer to control women is violence because that’s your answer for everything.

Dude who fucking cares what retards do to fit in, people are going to fetishize minority groups as long as people exist. Look at it this way, it’s REALLY easy to spot the lemmings now, so that’s a plus

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if this is in america how is it not rape?

Autism I assume, a specific agenda is being pushed, but to what extent does it end?

The answer is how much of a influence does it have.

>15% of the population is far-right 35% is conservative, and 10% is center-right. 3% of the population is progressive (far-left)

So clearly, White nationalism is rising, so to combat this they will push nigger culture harder to cope with this underlying threat.

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All these answers are incorrect.
Before the advent of Soundcloud and Youtube, all artists had to put in a lot of rehearsal and studio time to get their album/song(s) ready for mass consumption. It would sometimes take years.
After CD sales died and artists can't make the kind of money they used to, most bands (and people wanted to form bands) just gave up. A rock group has numerous guitars, drums, vocals, etc.
Rap has thrived because literally anyone can do it very cheaply and get it out onto Soundcloud and Youtube. Drake would write and record a song in a day sometimes. That wouldn't have happened years ago, not because it couldn't be done, but because why do it that way? Why not do it right, make a full ablum, then have a big marketing push from your label.
Rap is the only music left that is cheap and easy to make and there isn't enough money to be made for rock groups to even try.

They’re a bunch of singing shitskin niggers. Pieces of fucking garbage that are degenerate like a monkey. Who cares about them.


Women are just retarded apparently to realize that they just copy the white man in every way.

Its simple, and the aurally uneducated goes for what it can understand.

Filthy shitskin niggers I could care less what the fuck they do. I’m superior to them.

Doesn't look like America


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What trends?

Black people don't dominate trends in pop music, though.

Show proof next time ;)

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i think thats Toronto

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>black people
The proper term is NIGGERS
Callin these "people" is an oxymoron.

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>Jow Forums

Y R U A N ?

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Kikes want a race war.

I don't think they understand they're outnumbered

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That was funny

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Starting from early 2000s MTV started promoting black music, which made hiphop and rnb mainstream. These genres used to be niche, they used to only have a small audience of diehard fans, pretty much like metal fans.

Then starting from the 2000s MTV started to promote black music aggressively. I used to watch MTV every day, back when it was cool, but then it all went to shit with this policy. Then every day you could hear crap hiphop and rnb that had no actual melody except for some borrowed sample from some classical song. That's when groups like TLC started to take off and that's when this twerking dance shit came to mainstream audience. Until then it was only watched by blacks, most normies just listened to pop music, occasionally folk and other more niche genres.

Nothing has been the same ever since. A whole generation of zoomers have grown up with hiphop in their brains. They look up to rappers as if they were heroes, literally pic related. Hiphop has provided them with an urban battle cry to help them face their own insecurities and compensate for their weak sense of self. This whole culture of gun flaining, car hijacking, slapping bitches on the butt and gangsta walking has literally monkeyfied most zoomers alive.

They think that if they listen to hiphop it makes them look tough and like real dudes, that's how pathetic they are.

It's really the result of exposure to MTV in the early 2000s. Once it broke to mainstream audience, it just never left. It became a staple of mainstream music and it became incorporated in other genres too. Most mainstream music got 56-ed pretty much.

I mean look at how the hippie movement influenced everything even though it officially died out in the late 60s, after the Tate-Labianca murders. We're still dealing with the fallout from the 60s sexual liberation even today.

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Dat is one hench muhfugger if he can pick up a hippo like that.

Cheap as shit to make, requires zero talent, and all the money is spent on marketing and PR.

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That's Notting Hill carnival. I.e. London

>But can rappers rap about something other than fornication, genocide, theft, money, pride and drugs?

They used to back in the 80's, i guess before the kikes took over. Here's a tune about god punishing faggots and roasties with HIV and the like; youtube.com/watch?v=kMF_gbU4Wh8