Belarus displaying their supremacy

How can we use this to bait the left?

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Will this white supremacy never stop.....

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It's from the Belarus performance from the Eurocringefest


Post image on normie sites. wait for keks

>Karma karma karma karma


She even sings "Do you like it?" when she does the white power sign.

Belarus means "white russia". Memes should write themselves.

Belarus girls best girls

Pure coincidence.

How can Israel let that happen? It's literally another shoah.

Oh you are from Belarus? I have to congratulate you to your entry.

This is by far the best Belorussian performance since my all-time-favourite song "I love Belarus".

Go away you cringey 12 year old.

>This is by far the best
I'll give it a listen later.
Watched bits and pieces of the selective rounds, everyone was quite horrible desu. Didn't expect a desent song to come out of it.

haha based kek! we are being blessed! shadilay my fellow kekistani!!!

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imagine unironically watching ((((eurovision)))) live from arabistan aka ((((tel habib)))) and seeing a shiksha with a shnauzer the size of a common handrubber's warcrimes, flashing the ok signal.

The 4 judenschnooz hosts really pissed me off when I watched it on Tuesday. But I was very pleased that the Hungarian gypsy already got eliminated and Belarus advanced.

Verdammt, now I have to watch this crap after all.

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is eurovision like American idol? I've heard many people mentioning it for like 4 years, and i know it involves singing, but no idea outside of that.

Can sucking my penis become a symbol of white supremacy?

>How can we use this to bait the left?
Please don't, the backlash wont be against us but rather the country and people of Belarus who really dont need to be boycotted and have what little investment they have put into them taken away. Belarusians did nothing wrong dont do this to them