Crusades against arab muslims Begun in Britain??

Two hooded white youths pulled out a machete and attacked a muslim kid outside a school in northern britain for harassing his sister.

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Attached: Fight11.png (376x675, 160K)

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guaranteed the white kids family is gonna get knifed in the next month or so

What are those middle schooler basedboys doing?


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This faggot manlet got BTFO'd and pulled out his machete to not use it.

Bully gonna rape his sister for this

This isn't anything special, things won't change until the white kids start ganging up like the pakis did there.

based lads
should learn how to turn those shoddy machetes into zipguns

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Not unless you kill the mudslime and hisbfamily first.

Dwindle their nimbers...what the muzzies use to invade your lands and push dornthe islamixation and the victimization theybuse...use it back on them...and push homosexuality within theirncommunity.. .when they play the victim card....use that back but for the *MUSLIM HOMOSEXUALS* say ....if you want homosexuality banned in islam...the muslim population WILL fall......because tlyour telling some muslims theyre not jewish trickery on their minds..... MAKE them accept depopulate them

show flag faggot

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The crusades have begun