Attached: Bob-Hawke-e1491433605214-1260x840.png (1260x840, 1.12M)

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He can drink beer faster than a toilet can drink poo

Was he a good PM?

Is he dead?

He was.

>The things which are most important don't always scream the loudest.

>I think it is just stupid economics for a government to approach economic management from a strand of thinking regarding unions as enemies.

>Unless and until something concrete is done about addressing the Israeli-Palestinian issue you won't get a real start on the war against terrorism.

this was in the 1980s

yes he is now "eternally alive in our hearts". but his body is definitely some shade of spring onion color

I can out drink any australian

No. He was a corrupt, alcoholic wife beater.

Yeah maybe if you visit queensland where the beer is america-strength every day.

here in the south of the country we drink the good shit.

This cuckold, who gives a shit about sluts

Same. They're all talk.


every wife says they are beaten for brownie points. don't be an ass, respect the dead whites half as much as you respect the dead blacks and maybe the conservatives will give you an easier time in the future :)

Loved him as a kid. But back then, I was an idiot.

Still, decent enough larrikin figure I suppose. We've had worse (ignore flag).


Cheeky cunt dying right before the election

I only drink cheap ass strong malt liquor and whiskey negro your beer aint nothin.
Loud mouths. True


Bill will win. Libs are finished


fair to middling. did some good did some bad

Burn, zio stooge, burn.

>every wife says they are beaten for brownie points
I'm sure the doctors who treated her injuries in hospital also told her to stop exaggerating. Hawke was a piece of shit and only subhuman bogans think he's good.


Is there any other kind of wife?

One for the country, Robert!

Shaken or stirred?

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Will miss him. Today’s politicians are pretty cut-and-dry.

just bought labor five more seats

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Regardless of our disagreements, I would like to hear your extended opinion on the man. Let's both take solace in the fact that the modern first lady is far less clumsy.

>when you try to drown yourself
>but you don't have DNR tattooed across your chest in boldface
>welcome to potato world. population: you


Hawke set the Guinness World Record for downing a yard glass before going on to be PM.

Attached: bob-hawke.jpg (650x366, 38K)

That's my fear. Shorten and his advisors will be stoked. Penny might even crack a smile.

arkansas detected

based hawkey

I saw him do this once at the cricket. Last real Australian PM we had. All of our PMs since did not actually like Australian people rather preferring the company of the global elites.

Yep, better get some lube

Fair dinkum I tell you what. Any boss who sacks someone for not turning up to work tomorrow is a bum

Thought this dude ate a slug.
I shotgun Earthquakes and steel reserves. I could do that.
Im not a fucking southerner. Im from Washington.

>here in the south of the country we drink the good shit.

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funny bit is he's almost universally loved by everyone who doesn't follow political history so you're going to be seeing Morrison et al seething as they're forced to grovel up to a Labor great, and if they don't, or try to score points they'll be crucified.

>His academic achievements were complemented by setting a new world record for beer drinking; he downed 2 12 imperial pints (1.4 l) – equivalent to a yard of ale – from a sconce pot in 11 seconds as part of a college penalty. In his memoirs, Hawke suggested that this single feat may have contributed to his political success more than any other, by endearing him to an electorate with a strong beer culture.
go straya

tbqh anyone who votes Labor should be executed
"Labor great"
there's nothing "great" about being a goddamn commie

He was just in the news the other day
Pour one out for the madlad

That fucking 7.30 cunt is choking back the tears talking about him kicking the bucket.

Attached: HawkeAmericasCupTit.jpg (800x450, 50K)


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He ate a snail you and went full retard, learn your shit cunt!

fuck this hsit. ABC has already put up a remembrance/memorial video for the cunt. This shit stinks.


Bill killed old Hawkie for sympathy votes

He actually ate a slug and turned into one KEK

Barrie Cassidy is about to cry on the ABC. RIP.

I wonder if the stories are true of him raping young girl with other dignitaries from around the world, i remember when that started to go around and the interview he had after, he looked like a jew that's been found out.
Still makes me wonder i tell ya..

It’s an omen and Bill Shortening will be prime minster on Saturday fucking hell

He was just sacrificed to secure a labor win

feels like it. Sacrificed. Wait for them and the news to start calling bill the new hawke or modeled off hawke or some shit like that.

this is correct

>What is a dead pool?

Media organisations keep pre-prepared obituaries for public figures on file so they've got something ready to go, when they go.

Maybe Bill will be on the news crying tomorrow like he cried about his mum kek

Hawke was a fabian society socialist
pic related is/was their coat of arms. A wolf in sheeps clothing.

Attached: 800px-Fabian_Society_coat_of_arms.svg.png (800x1081, 118K)

molluscs are 99% water u mong

Yeah well he was in the labor party so he's a poof, at least he wasn't an unlikeable wanker all else considered

imagine if albo was leader instead of billy boy right now. absolute BLOWOUT on saturday lads

Shut the fuck up neoliberal scum.

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Reminds me of how Martha Raddatz was doing the same the night Trump was elected. Journos are fucking biased lefty scum.

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Well the country was long dead before he even became PM

F, makes me feel old though, my old man used to make jokes about Bob living at Hawks Nest in NSW when we used to go there for holidays, had me sucked in too the bugger.

Yep, 1966 was the death of Australia.

Eat one then knobjocky

What would happen if you ate 2?

Look at France

traitor 1v1 at maccas faggot

Thats racist


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based tonez bringing the tin ear

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>Tactical elder statesman death
Fuck this shit.

He means the south west, get a Rodgers or little creatures in ya

He was very popular. A Labour man of the old school that came out of the union movement and actually gave a shit about working class people. Aussie politics was actually entertaining in those days. Now it's boring as shit.

Tin ear is right. What a flacid, ignoble statement.


Ignorant faggot thinks XXXX gold is the XXXX we drink in Queenland

It is though by sales volume. Fuckin mong