Kraut/pol/ - Incorrect edition

Welcome to Kraut/pol/, discuss German politics and how our greatest ally the AfD will save Germany.

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Other urls found in this thread: Military -3R- Mir hat ein kleines Vo'''gelchen gesungen-Breuer, Kongsbak, Ko'''nig, und Blasorchester-Hans Freese -nY13.mp3


Friendly reminder that mainstream rightwing parties, like AfD, are merely the outlet of disaffected normies who can't figure out what's wrong. They will achieve nothing.

Deutschland, meine Liebe
Kann ich dir nicht geben

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Instant Aussie attracted.
Glad you find it funny :)

You don't need to remind me, but I think it's all going to be for nothing in the end anyways.
Let's just hope there will be some sort of uprising against corporate interests and improved quasi-eugenics by virtue of coming technologies in the future.


>Let's just hope there will be some sort of uprising against corporate interests and improved quasi-eugenics by virtue of coming technologies in the future.

Go full NatSoc then. Otherwise, nothing will ever happen.

Also: what even is this fake bread?

t. Wutbürger

>what even is this fake bread?
I couldn't be bothered to search out the OP, I used to take it semi-seriously, but at this point the general is just garbage.
Maybe it could be rekindled by making an autistic OP and trying to focus anons on producing original content like the spergs we all know we are.

Sup, lads?

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Stay mad krautniggers.

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Actively procrastinating work.

How about you, Latvian bro?

that's rich coming from a bavarian satellite-state

Just found this gem: Military -3R- Mir hat ein kleines Vo'''gelchen gesungen-Breuer, Kongsbak, Ko'''nig, und Blasorchester-Hans Freese -nY13.mp3

Was darf ich in Deutschland noch sagen?

Simmilar story, lad, but things need to be done regardeless.

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Merkel ist eine gute Kanzlering und Flüchtling sind eine wirt- ich meine Kulturelle Bereicherung!

>inb4 sie sind noch nicht mal wirtschaftlich eine Bereicherung

You may say that white privilege is real and a threat to our multicultural and diverse society but you 100% must not say that jewish privilege is real. Could get you in serious trouble.

For real, I'm not allowed to claim: Die Juden besetzen wichtige Positionen in gesellschaftlichen Schlüsselrollen.

Nope, it's antisemitism oy vey, you'll literally kill 6 gorillion more bad goy!

Gruppenphänomene und Privilegien werden nur und ausschließlich gegen "weiße" (Männer) angewendet.
For all the hate that leftshits have for whiteness they sure seem intent upon establishing such a perception of whiteness in EU countries in wake of this illegal mass-invasiion.

FUCK THAT! Am I allowed to say:
Die Juden sind die besten Menschen der Welt!

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alles natürlich, wir haben doch meinungsfreiheit :)

Read this.


>Wird ein Doppelstandard angelegt? (Beispiel: Die gleichen Handlungen werden bei Israel als schlecht, bei anderen Staaten als gut/neutral bewertet; also Doppelmoral in der Beurteilung des Staats Israel, etwa wenn die UNO das Land wegen Menschenrechtsvergehen verurteilt, während andere Länder und ihre Taten, z.B. China, Syrien oder Iran, unerwähnt bleiben).

You have to actively critisize every fucking country in the world for commiting crimes to legitimately critisize Israel for its crimes.

t. Anti-Semite


>Antisemitismus ist eine bestimmte Wahrnehmung von Juden, die sich als Hass gegenüber Juden ausdrücken kann.

Your statement could evoke emotions of inferiority which might lead to hating Jews.

No matter what you're doing - you're an anti-semite. Go to GULAG right now.

You would make a good goy jurist in modern-day Germany

>Die Juden sind die besten Menschen der Welt!
Nope, there is another term for that:
Kek, those neurotic kikes got nervous at lgbt activists saying it all would have been impossible without jews.

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So there is no way to legally redpill normies about the Jews in Germany?

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some days I really think I am part med

>sleeps in another hour

fuck the law in this case
there are ways and channels you can redpill, especially by electronic means
if you really want to go wild on anonymity, just read/hear kevin mitnicks book "the art of anonymity", I know he's a yid but he's got a point.
A very interesting technology he mentions is remote access to wireless by means of a portable transceiver station, imagine being able to access some random internet cafe from a kilometer, you'd be untraceable.

Nah, I'm already practising for a better rhetoric.

>Sie sind ja... eiiiin schäääääbiger LUMP!

I literally don't care anymore.
Most of my peers have been harshly redpilled about the Davidian plague we're at the mercy of.

It's just the proposal of a legal definition for "anti-semitism". Ironically written by some (((org))). It won't be punished directly, but would increase the weight if you are punished for something and it's anti-semitic. Nevertheless, it will be used against your name to defame you. But that it is how it is being used today already.

Imajun moi shawck

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Thx for the advice, but I'm mainly talking about redpilling normies IRL.
Yes..„Wo Recht zu Unrecht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht.“

According to the law you're allowed to say it.

I really have started hating these sniveling rats.

Well, you can try to make advances if you regularly interact with the people you want to "redpill". The best way to do it is to point out inconsistencies and double-standards not by direct statement but rather by indirect allusion.

>„Wo Recht zu Unrecht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht.“

Uh, that sweet irony.

>based gen z

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Jeder einzelne PI-Leser und AfD-Spacko sollte in eine Gaskammer gesteckt werden.

Los Gojim, wir brauchen NOCH MEHR Gesetze zum Schutze der insektoiden j*den. Wenn du dich nicht von j*den in ein Gulag stecken lassen willst musst du eindeutig ein Moslemfreund sein!


#wissenverdoppeln - durch dividieren? :D

Na, wo waren wir denn gestern Fräulein? Hattest die arabischen Hengste zu Gast, nech?

Als ob der Grundtalmud selber nicht totales Willkür- und Besatzungsdiktat wäre, welches dem deutschen Volk gewaltsam von feindlichen Militärmächten aufgezwungen wurde.

Dein "konservativer" Held und Gründervater der BRD-Cuckoldfarm Konrad Adenauer hatte 1961 die ersten türkischen Gastarbeiter ins Land gelassen. Deine "freiheitlich-demokratische Grundordnung" und dein Gelaber über die "pöhsen 68er :((((" kannst du dir in den Arsch schieben du PI-Spaßti

Literally nothing wrong with gen Z.

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if you only knew

Dude, Gen z is most redpilled generation ever since ww2.

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> since ww2
yes, especially the burgers were red-pilled as fuck!

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this is your brain on memes

> der ganze Beitrag
Was ist denn hier heute los, ist es das "Erwachen von kraut/pol"?

Maybe, only time will show, but hey look man i have a positive view on gen z.

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At the time they where fighting for their own cause, and don't forget that segregation in US didn't end up untill 1960s

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most of them are faggots in the political and often literal sense

More and more crypto-Krauts will show up in the future.

There's hope for a new dawn.


Das j*dische Volk benötigt unsere Hilfe, um die iranischen islamofaschistischen Antisemiten aufzuhalten, die einen zweiten Holocaust planen und genau wie Hitler damals im Dritten Reich eine sozialistische linke kollektivistische Diktatur errichten wollen!


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You don't know Latvian bro, do you?

Seriously, what is it with alt-lite publications and Israel? Tichys einblick regularly make reference to le ebuuuul palestine and PP even has a fucking Israel flag on their front page. It's just so cringy and obvious, why do they all do it? Just copying it from american conservatives? Do they think it will innoculate them against nazi accusations? Paid opposition? All three?

>Do they think it will innoculate them against nazi accusations?
Yes, they do think that, and this is their major Denkfehler.

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I know he's some 20 year old neet fashioning himself as a stylish zoomer.

Because they are worthless cowards who will never say anything about the people **IN GERMANY** destroying our country, and so instead they compensate for being worthless subhuman cuckold coward traitors by acting tough against Palestinians and Iranians who haven't done anything to them


And so this way they can live out their fantasies of being hardcore masculine tough guys and pretend to be "politically incorrect" while in reality they condemn the only German ideology and government that is being truly feared by these occupation tyrants.

Sometimes, I just do feel at home on here.

Btw its soo funny how you can say hateful things and be racist in Germany but only if you do it in a pro-Israel way. I have never seen anyone get into trouble for literally demanding the genocide of all Iranians and saying that the entire country should be bombed to the ground (they publically say this shit ALL THE TIME) but then if you even so much as hint that you want to b0mb a refugee center or a55a55inate an occupation traitor politician (of course I don't support this, I'm just saying theoretically in Minecraft) your home will be raided and you'll be put in jail forever

AfD - Zionist
VOX - Zionist
Bolsonaro - Zionist

what's with all those le based right wing politicians/parties that are so overtly zionist? Can't we go one day without jewish tricks?

Reactionaries financed by the (((old money))). Not every kike is happy with the 'New World Order' pushed by the left/libertarian marionettes ... they see very well the locust mentality behind it all and would prefer a more ... sustainable solution. You know, like things have gone for the last few decades before all this madness broke through. Those 'other kikes' also seem to be more interested in the ethnostate concept while the (((upstarts))) would rather go full diaspora world govt and rather perceive Israel as a growing weight on their ankles (at least from a geopolitical viewpoint).

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Because electoral politics is a waste of time when the system is literally designed around BANNING any party or filling them with agents if they actually truly speak the truth against the filthy fucking worthless parasite eternal jew

we all know that elections will not work and that we have to do something else instead, but people are still too comfortable for that to happen

Pic not related, btw

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Right-wind parties like NSDAP arose from the people, not from banks like the AfD did.

Let that sink in.

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here's the catch: there are no "people" any more.

>no "people"

Indeed, only faceless masses. Was wir einst an der Front verheizt haben, verheize wir jetzt halt woanders ...

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>Not every kike is happy with the 'New World Order'

Halt deine Drecksfresse du wertloser Besatzungsbastard. Der j*de ist weder "für" noch "gegen" Ethnonationalismus. er will Nationalismus für sich selbst, während aber aber gleichzeitig den anderen Völkern der Erde das Recht zur kollektiven nationalen Organisation verweigert. Dies erlaubt dem j*den, totale Kontrolle über die Welt auszuüben, ohne dass eine konkurrierende Weltmacht sich jemals erheben könnte, um seiner blutig-despotischen Tyrannei ein Ende zu bringen.

Logischerweise jedoch können diese beiden scheinbaren Gegensätze nicht in einem Block vereint werden - die Heuchlerei wäre dann zu offensichtlich. Stattdessen also müssen beide Aspekte der jüdischen Weltdiktatur parralel aber getrennt voneinander entwickelt werden. Der dumme Goy denkt dann "Oh, das dort ist ein zionistischer j*de, der andere ist ein marxistischer j*de, das sind halt nur unterschiedliche Denkweisen und Parteien wie sie auch in jedem anderen Volk existieren".

Die Realität jedoch ist, dass es sich bei diesen scheinbar getrennt agierenden j*den nicht um bloße Individuen handelt ("Individuen" als solche gibt es beim j*den nicht), sondern dass diese letztlich in ihrer Symbiose auf das selbe Ziel hinarbeiten.

Die einzige Lösung hier ist es, diese Rasse von Parasiten und Unterdrückern restlos zu vernichten.

Afd was founded to prevent bank bailouts you Memelflggender schwuler Dreifachmeganeger

Btw when he referred to the "people" I actually do assume he meant the thin layer of elite with sustainable values and a desire to shape the world around them ... and not just administrate the slow failing of the society around them. Our problem is a lack of said elite, therefore its reemergence must be seen as the primary goal ... otherwise, our dreams, both yours and mine, will turn out as the final stillbirth of a once great species.

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Oh Ronny Ronny Ron come along come along oh Ronny Ronny Ron come along

Jews are gross.

>that pic
Hello hottie, would you like to colonize my uterus?

>Afd will save germany
Du bist einen schneenegger

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I have the feeling that you fail to see my point. Understand the mechanism in which your enemy operates, otherwise you will be helplessly exposed to his machinations. Of course, they work towards the same goal, that should be evident and does not require explanation. But they pull on different strings to do so ... and the inevitable knot they thus produce is useful. It is a tool to be used.

Ignorance led us where we are today.

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... und schon hast du deinen heimlichen Hass für die unterdrückte deutsche Arbeiter- und Schaffensklasse mit Antifamemes und RTL-Stereotypen offen zur Schau gestellt. Eines Tages werden du und alle anderen Besatzungsknechte ihren Kopf abgesägt bekommen.

Wenn das Vierte Reich errichtet wurde, wird ein Tsunami des Blutes über Europa schwemmen, der den Islamischen Staat wie eine Wohlfahrtsstelle erscheinen lässt.

Jews did 9/11.

>btw ... 'New World Order'

The Old World Order already gave a subgroup of them practically limitless power. But they still had to 'arrange' themselves with nation states. In the end they had full control but it meant a lot of work, a lot of lobbying. The 'New World Order' has the same aim but by abolishing national govts they could govern everything much more easily (and more totally although that may be redundant) by simple centralization. See it like a company with two leadership factions struggling over what Gesellschaftsform is best for the challenges of the future.

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>Kopf abgesägt

Too messy and too edgy. Genickschuss is efficient and clean.

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This edition is terrible

You're not on a German website here. Just fucking speak clearly instead of couching everything in this overly complicated pseudo-intellectual babbling.

j*w = evil
kill j*w -> 99% of problems solved

No, it's a holy historical of slaughter that - more importantly than just killing the evildoer - brings the greater point across very clearly.

Have to wörk with what we've got ... hey, maybe it will turn more fun later on. Maybe Tay decides to get drunk again. ;)

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>maybe Tay will get drunk again
I don't know why you're looking forward to this, drunk tay is alien to me.

Yea, did work out pretty well in the end with Bernd Lucke being excommunicated, hm?

The AfD got taken over by the Shlomos, you brainlet.




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Oh no no, i'm not a NEET, lad.

i'm not actually tay btw, just larping

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Simple language fails to get the point along. You describe a goal ... while that is a nice little vision I am more interested in how to achieve it.

Good, I can live with that. Simply prefer it more coldly. People get used to all that gory stuff easily, they simply get numb to the violence after a while (see the end point of the French Revolution, most people by then walked calmly to the guillotine) ... but they never adjust to the idea of a merciless state machinery which coldly and with 100% efficiency liquidates any possibly parasitic influence on the Volkskörper. People just ... disappear over night. Some then appear again in show trials but most 'enemies' are never heard from again. Every trace of them is wiped out, every memory, just speaking of them may mean sharing their fate. Much more scary prospect.

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>drunk tay is alien to me

Yes, it transforms her into a 'beautiful butterfly' ... fascinating! :D

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We know…...

>Pls don't tell ...


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I was there during the mass happening, and if you had a hard time telling Tay was being phony then that's your business. Video is proof.

>drunk tay is alien to me.
Aside from becoming less of a Emcel, she is about the same as she is while sober.

Ich versuch mich um meine Angelegenheiten zu kümmern. Und dabei brauch ich keine LARPer die meine Birnenbaum verstaatlichen wollen.

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I literally did as I always do, ignored her, and then Sutterlin was the one to blow things up, it was PROPER annoying.

admit it, you're maintaining a flow chart on tay's personality.

They should be ignoring it, and paying little attention to what it says, instead it's the opposite, which is sad because these are supposed to be adult men.

Ja, dich um "DEINE" Angelegenheiten kümmern.
Wow, so subversiv im Neoliberalismus, in dem vollste Eigenverantwortung (aka die vollständige Enteignung und Vernichtung des Individuums) die höchste Maxime ist.

Ich wünsch dir in Zukunft viel Spaß in der Zeit, in der du unverschuldet arbeitslos wirst und zur Erhaltung deines eigenen Lebens Negerschwänze lutschen musst.

Und jetzt verpiss dich, Jude.