To the pagans

Why should I abandon Christianity?
Use facts besides "christcuckery"

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It depends what you are replacing it for.

There are no actual pagans. Modern "pagans" don't believe in Wotan and all that shit.

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No evidence, prove your God exists at all, and what has he been doing the last two centuries when we were getting fucked over
Also, why worship baby killers, who slaughtered Egyptians and Canaanites like cattle?

Because it provides nothing that gives you valur virtue strength or power

It a religion of self destruction and cuckholdry.

Ergo.chop balls off to not """sin""" aka fuck women

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Have you even seen the pope and catholic church?
Can you really not think of anything?

You're missing the basic concept of faith.
I said: besides "christcuckery"

>Why should I abandon Christianity?

It has no real cultural ties to my nation, camels, dates, deserts, etc are not native to England.
Why worship foreign gods.

Takes healthy men and makes them into.homosexual.pedophiles who cant touch women.

So I should throw away all my faith because of a bad pope?
Are you going to give up on your nation because of the bad leaders you've got, or are you going to strive for better days?