

Attached: E1E5E3EF-E28B-4DDE-81E8-B97BE4751D98.jpg (676x960, 216K)


it is powerful because nazis are disgusting scum
t. actual right winger

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Nazis don’t exist.

Yes how wonderful is it that the good goy traveled back to the homeland of his people slaughtered those who defended it and left half the continent to rot under mongoliod rule. Thank god we saved the west from Hitler.

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Oh shit you found a nazi flag? Keep it soldier!

This shit makes no sense

Is this image real? :(

Me on the bottom right.

still stuck in the left/right delusion i see

What do you have against the Finns?

how do you know what is my understanding of right/left dichotomy

>the left/right delusion

ITT: Fascists tell us why the left/right spectrum doesn't exist.

Guess niggers and Jews don't either.

This image is posted once a day it’s so annoying it’s just to distract people and take up their time OP never even responds to the thread

They're faggots.

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nah, just American ones

This time you're going to win the election with cartoon strawmen and snark. It's going to work this time for sure.

Its funny because they replaced the hammer and sickle with a swastika.

Our form of fascism has never been tried, that last one wasnt true fascism.

Well I think it is funny. They caught the spirit of amerimuts at this last picture.

well, let's face it. It's funny because Americans are fat.

They wouldn’t exist if Nazis did exist.


Based polack amerimutt slayer

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A lot has changed in this country since 1945 we went from ~90% white to shitskin land.

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #295 - 'Historical racial and ethnic demographics of the United States (864x296, 74K)


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Oh Poland, you sad, fat little man. It must hurt you so much to know every country has a dumb pollock joke. Literally every country has a "how many Pollocks does it take to screw in a lightbulb" joke.
Even now, everyone on this site sees your flag and thinks "a polish firing squad always shoots in a circle" or "polish women can't use vibrators because it chips their teeth.
Damn you're stupid.

so very true......

They see my flag and think, but they see your flag and laugh. Know the difference, might save your life...

stupidly done considering not asleep it smells like edgy JIDF

of course the focus should be on the jews not non whites..btw shit mind, cease your sabotage of pro white posiitons

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We simply fought the wrong side. Should have atomic bombed Israel in the first place.

Our grandfathers were tricked by the jews to fight a battle against themselves. They weren't the greatest generation, they were the dumbest.