Bolton sabotage of Trump’s-war-iran-becoming-reality-57507

Read these two articles. Bolton and trying to ruin the USA in favor of Israel, dragging Trump into a useless war to taint his name forever, and dragging the US into a war it will not profit from so that Israel will have the upper hand afterwards.

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Other urls found in this thread:’s-war-iran-becoming-reality-57507

reminder that the israelis got bolton the job that mcmaster had.

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Trump doesn't give a fuck, if useful people get annoying he will just fire them.

reminder: JFK was going after israeli nuclear program, even planning to send troops to the facility, and he got assassinated for it by mossad and friends.

>if useful people get annoying he will just fire them.
that is why you should have read the article.

>Two sources familiar with the matter tell me President Donald Trump’s rumbustious National Security Council chief is headed for the exits, having flown too close to the sun on his regime change efforts for Iran, Venezuela and North Korea. “Hearing that Trump wants him out,” a former senior administration official told me.’s-war-iran-becoming-reality-57507

Well, shit. Source on this?
McMaster ordered the useless strikes on Syria, no? Was the 'real' back story on this ever revealed?

read also

>So, why are we reading about this in the newspaper? One possibility is that the war hawks in Trump’s White House want to publicly signal to Iran and the international community that the administration is prepared to use force in response to Iranian misbehavior. Another possibility is that the anonymous national-security officials who leaked this have grown uneasy about National Security Advisor John Bolton’s determination to attack Iran and change its regime. They might see his recent bureaucratic maneuvers, including a highly unusual visit to CIA headquarters and a recent incident in which he deliberately exaggerated raw intelligence in order to depict a long-scheduled carrier deployment to the Gulf as a deterrent threat to Iran, as dangerously provocative posturing that could unintentionally start a war.

>Americans must begin to appreciate how peculiar it is for a country like ours to be so maniacally obsessed with, and terrified by, a country like Iran. The United States is a global military juggernaut whose core national-security concerns are rendered rather trivial due to its outsize capabilities and its uniquely protective geography, reinforced even further by a reliable nuclear deterrent. Iran is a third-rate military power in a tough neighborhood half a world away. It poses no direct threat to us. Iran’s main regional rivals possess conventional and nuclear capabilities that can deter Iran quite sufficiently. Washington’s phobia of the supposed threat of an Iranian attempt to close the Strait of Hormuz, through which about 30 percent of the world’s crude oil flows, is mostly overheated babble. A sincere attempt would be damaging to Iran’s own economic self-interest, not to mention its security, as retaliation would surely be swift. Additionally, Iran’s much ballyhooed support for non-state actors, mostly Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis in Yemen, does not present a real threat to America. Those groups have local concerns. Hezbollah and Hamas are almost exclusively focused on Israel, and the Houthis in Yemen are a nationalist movement. These are not transnational terrorist groups spending time trying to hatch 9/11 style plots against America.

If this is actually the case, Trump truly is a moron. Everyone knew what Bolton was all about.

yeah but there was more behind getting bolton the job, see:

Bolton is shabbos goy, he probably sold his soul to Israel.

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he looks like a dog who receives a treat from his owner.
>good goy bolton, ruin your country and we'll reward you

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McMaster was replaced because he wanted war against North Korea. Now expect Bolton to be replaced for wanting war against Iran.

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>McMaster was replaced because
of this:

US foreign policy: stop doing what I don't like

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why did trump even hire the retard?
its no secret that WAR is all that faggot wants.

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>Bolton sabotage of Trump
How is it sabotage when you knowingly hire the fucker. Trump knew full well what Bolton is about, if he didn't he's a bigger moron than we all thought

he has a big enough ego to have thought he could tame bolton so he could use it to bluff at Iran with