
>the next big thing is well underway already and on everybody's minds
>I am referring to revolutionary changes which will allow a system of control which surpasses fiat on an infinite scale! Think of what such a system could be comprised of!
>FIAT has done its job. The NEXT system implements a level of control with an inescapable feedback mechanism which encourages seamless and utter COMPLIANCE!
>not chip, not food control, not world fiat, not WWIII, not bitcoin
>t. young rothschild user poster

What did he meant?
"Social credit"? (communism)
is that it? are we fucked like china?

Attached: sqdnt.jpg (231x218, 10K)

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its the chinese credit score model.

you cant sell without being in the system. you cant buy without being in the system.

if you say a word agaisnt the system no one will sell-

all this mental power, used to create a police state for a few families who want to keep their money. quite sad, we would already be in exoplanets with light speed engines if resources would have put to that instead of this "i wanna have most money and power" game thats still going on.

this model can't work. it removes too much freedom. maybe it would have worked with the x generation, but the youth is too degenerate to be that obedient, they hate autority and they'll use crypto as soon as they'll feel constrained

It was a LARPfag who said they were vegan. Utter bullshit.

yes i dont think it will ever work.

what will happen quite likely is: we will get space travel and megacities etc. the elite families will always lurk in the background, owning majority stock of all largest companies,but in the end they are only trust fund kids who think they are talking to lucifer so their plans wont go much further as getting them further would require real skill in manipulatin the planet.

Transhumanist complete mind and body control.

t. targeted individual forcibly used to beta test this crap

no it's not microchips, only microchips could achieve what you describe

Fuck you, it isn't microchips and it is based on nanobots, metal ingestion, EMF, sonic, cellphones, subliminal suggestions...

Kill yourself, memeflag.

What is the black market

There are spiritual techniques that can effectively counter these technologies. The elites are not the only secret power in the world.