Make Jow Forums great again

This place is fucking boring, and threads are repetitive. In this thread we discuss how to make this place more intriguing , enjoyable and a breath of fresh air. It's always some bullshit screenshots of feminists, bullshit religion, nigger threads, some American politic bullshit," I hate virgins thread", nigger cock " white wominz like bbc" repetitive redpill screenshots from 2004 , holocaust that never happened.

You turn everyday and expect something new and this is what you see. I'm afraid exposure to the normie world has fucked this place up. too many fucking boomers and kids that bring other trash.

I propose to somehow remove ban able offences here. total content and free speech. riads legalised and stuff.

Also ip address checks id possible. If you were here before trumps election. you get to stay. everyone else must fuck off.

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>holocaust never happened you filthy jew rat.

I acknowledge that. the holocaust was a work camp. and every jew is a "survivor". what a load of shit.


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the holocaust was real you fucking anti semitic bigot

only in your mind it is. You Jewish supremacist.

my great grandpa died in auschwitz you asshole

>my great grandpa died in auschwitz you asshole

Did he fall down some stairs?

Your grandpa sucked my cock

No he didn't, either you were lied to or your lying to us.

my grandpa survived the hall of cost too!
he didn't die in Auschwitz!
can i get some shekels or something?

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they survived to the fact they had to work, oy veyyy, imagine that moshé!

nazi fucks threw him in the swimming pool and made him drown

i have pics bitch

if you're great grandpa died. How do you know the method? How did your grandpa witness it and not be dead?

check and mate

oh yes, and they removed the ladder.
i used to do that in the sims too

Like pictures of some random retard drowning counts. Also we don't give a fuck. take a hike, kike.

Last time i checked someone who knew the witnesses would probably care to inform the family of his death. Holy shit are you this demented?

my grandma was there and she saw it

based kike

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Like some Nazi gurads would tell and inform every jew that their parents died and let them off. Before you start with a fellow jew informing them? Why did they escape? hey since they were all going to die?

no its legit pics the nazis took them

He drowned because he ate too much ice cream before jumping in the pool and he cramped up.

yh, and i'm here to witness a kike hasn't take a hike.


anyone remember trayvon or chris dorner? no? ok then

No, you have pictures of dead people. Probably from the Armenian genocide. Stop spreading lies Judas.

no they removed the ladder

well you're reperations were paid in full when adolf aka best drummer alive in 1940's. provided a drum solo

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Not every nazi was an extremist nutcase you know. Besides not just kikes were thrown in there, he could have been a homo or a nigger or a gypsy.

Did they put shekels at the bottom of the pool?

no i have pics of my grandpa in auschwitz you nigfag

>chris dorner
niggercop with a sniper?

like in the Sims
jews are npc confirmed

who's paying you? or are you seriously this brainwashed?

fuck you hitler you are a fuckogn nogger

its calling have a soul you fucking racist

yeah and he couldn't be cornered

he's obviously trolling faggot

You're given filters for a reason. Use them.

You mad wh*te boi!

All seriousness though this thread is kinda hilarious.

Funny you say that when you bear the flag of the enemy and you're a walking contradiction.

stay in your kike containment thread you /ptg/ faggot.
can't wait until Iran burns your country to the ground you filthy cunt.

who's the enemy? enemy of who? I'm not a filthy jew. I'm like jesus or bobby fischer. I expose the lies and live for the truth

well I guess it would fitler this whole board then

Calm down with the antisemite remarks. Your posts are not funny and incredibly offensive. You wouldn't ever wish someone called you a greedy kike.

this is the problem with this place. niggers or some fat fuck larping as niggers. with their shitty bbc threads.

Mazel Tov Shlomo! Yes, Jow Forums has gone to hell. thanks to your Zionist brethren who have invaded pol and turned what was once a lively site into shat.
Pat yourself on the back and BTW, your Mohel Rabbi needs help!

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Was he black?

Get a load of this pasta kike

I never needed a latter to get out of the pool
Your grandfather was just dumb and deserved to die. Natural selection

Stop the fucking Donald Jew Generals

no he was white hitler hated europeans


You are acting like it's not jidf that makes those threads

Israeli range ban and remove meme flags: that solves 75% of the problems of this board

fuck off hans the g*rmans didnt let him get out of the pool

American rangeban when

did he had a chance to try the price of persia hero parkour?

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every single speech of him tells otherwise
post them
there are some muslims in Israel. he might be not a kike
there is no single pool in Auschwitz you could not get out without a ladder. Even if they pushed him back he just had to lay on his back to swim and lose no energy. You would die of starvation after some weeks but yeah that seems retarded for a supposed "extermination camp".

i'm just kidding.


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its more likely that this is a reddit "edge lord" trying you to (you) him.
reddit is the cancer...

get btfo u fucking racists scum, how can u refute photo evidence

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OHHHHH FUG. I cannod refude dis bicture. The holohaust is real :DDDDD. FUG

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based snownigger sperg

where's the door though?

This is the ultimate proof of holocaust happening. You can't deny it with this picture, just face the truth fucking brainwashed nazis 6 milion died between those iron curtains.

there's no door on that picture.
holohoax confirmed didn't happen.

I like Jow Forums because here i can see what my favorite e-celebrities have published lately on tweeter, facebook and youtube. Its like bookmarks of some sort.