For this cash we can buy tanks for our selfs...
Gotta love all the arrogant Jewish quotes in that article.
The absolute audicacity of these fucking kikes is astounding, Poland suffered 2+ million deaths, those are ethnic Catholic Poles, at the hands of Nazis and communists and the kikes want to steal millions from them modern Poland and blame them for the holocaust. Unfuckingbelievable. It just goes to show that every anti-jewish stereotype is in fact correct at least in general.
It's basically just "gibs money now goy". They don't give a fuck about the millions of Poles that died in the war or the Poles that fought to save their ungrateful kike lives.
Still they don't know why anti-semitism is so high and increase in europe.
they dont give shit about jews who died in europe do you know how american jews called other jews form europe in Israel? Polacy... Because they were discusting for them..
Stupid goys, we are gonna make you hand us over 1/3rd of your nations wealth because how are Jews gonna live comfortably in Poland in the future if you are not their slaves?
No point in going there otherwise!
We can just ban it after we buy off the politicians. Easy to do when we already own most wealth in Poland.
Gee, Imagine the shame there would be if we told USA to go fuck itself and opened ourselves, and thus Europe, to Chinese market that rises everyday and would wipe out all the amerishit companies off the continent.
Everybody knows US is the golem
In the meantime, Konfederacja is gaining while shabbos goyim from PiS are losing voters
Kurwa jak widzę kukiza wyżej jak konfederacje to aż krew mnie zalewa.
I biedron kurwa.
Myślę że Kukiz jest przeszacowany a Konfederacja nieco niedoszacowana, ten pierwszy w ogóle kampanii nie prowadzi.
>you need to pay them hundreds of billions or we won't occupy you
Niby ten sondaż nie ma napisane jaka próba była pobrana. Ale ta wiosna pokazuje ilu jest mega kretynów.
pay for polish deathcamps
talk about an idle threat
I'll be voting for Konfederacja later this month. My boomer dad is still going for PiS.
in my family 3/5 vote for Konfederacja.
Jestem w miarę pewny że nam się uda. Jestem działaczem Konfederacji i powiem ci że jest naprawdę dobry odzew, zgłaszają się do nas cały czas wyborcy PiS-u którzy boją się ustawy 447, w rejonach gdzie nigdy ani Korwin, ani RN struktur nie mieli. Ostatnio widziałem sondaż wewnętrzny z Nowogrodzkiej w którym mieliśmy 8% wśród ludzi, którzy zadeklarowali że na pewno pójdą na wybory. Jeżeli podtrzymamy ten rytm to myślę że uda nam się wprowadzić 3, może 4 europosłów.
Jakbym miał wybór na kogo głosować oprócz konfederacji.
Also zawsze zabieram kolegę który nie chodzi na wybory i glosuje na to co mu zaproponuje :v.
Do you think they are related?
Are the rest women?
W jakim sensie? Chodzi ci o osoby, które zadeklarowały że Konfederacja jest za bardzo ekstremalna?
>Poland—which is experiencing a resurgence in anti-Semitism
>resisting is antisemitism
every fucking time
That's it, I'm officially 100% anti-Zionist. I used to think every ethnicity deserved a homeland. However Jews don't deserve a homeland. Israel doesn't deserve to exist, and neither do Jews. Unfortunately there is no peaceful resolution to the JQ.
That's only made clearer by how they treat the US. For a nation that helped rescue tuem from their darkest hour, Jews really did a good job making America greatful to them.
I blame boomers for this; Christian Zionists are all bitches hiding behind a book they never read themselves to justify committing treason.
my father(also mother) is so retardet that he vote for KE. Even my cousins and uncles vote for Konfederacja.
Korwin i Braun pierdolą głupoty... A i tak nie mam alternatywy wiec glosuje na Konfederacje.
>bend the knee to your masters or you don't get protection
Like a true mafia. Extortion.
No właśnie nie ma alternatywy, mi np. Liroy średnio leży ale o to chodzi, że w koalicji nigdy nie będzie dobrze dla każdego.
Clown world.
>steal millions
You mean $330 billions to be exact...
Jest.... Jeżeli chce sie tego co na zachodzie to Wiosna! Podziękuje jednak.
Amerimutt military bases are very expensive. More expensive than tanks and jets.
That mutt base is supposed to cost $2 billion.
2 billions plus 330 billions tip.