Why can't Jow Forums solve the problem of Israel controlling America after all these years...

Why can't Jow Forums solve the problem of Israel controlling America after all these years? Can't people here confront world leaders and press them for solutions? Can't Jow Forums make a meme that easily exposes Israel's wrongdoing to most of the public?

Attached: .jpg (1536x1539, 409K)

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Jow Forums is a jewish psyops



This. You are fake and gay.






/ptg/ is weighing us down at the moment to accomplish that.



I'm sure some have tried, but they sudoku'd with 3 bullets to the back of the head and were quickly memory holed if they made the news at all




Sloppy job Mossad












what the fuck are you doing?









Go to 8/pol/ they actually give a shit about discussing real issues Jow Forums's Jow Forums has been taken over by redditors that want to do nothing but shitpost all day long.









It's been taken over by constant raid groups who coordinate half these threads and long-winded posts in Discord











i have solved the problem. i need 1 million good men.

You must be fun at parties.


Those tits are made for thick asian cock




you must be a faggot


Israel will always control America because there are too many stupid religious christians who believe the Jews and Israel are God's chosen people.



buddy bumping doesn't work that way. you can't bump after you've bumped once. so you'd need to wait for someone else to post before you could bump again after your last post






You must be a faggot as well. Now what?


because mutts iq is low


nice try




Jews enjoy to see them Jews hated, but hate to see a personal humilation of a Jew. Use it wisely. Support black israeltes.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 36K)


>no u
fuck off









You don't solve the issue until you take the currency creation mechanism out of Jewish hands. Now this will be no easy task because Jews have run the money systems of every place they have inhabited for the last 3,000 years or more. Jews are Masters in the truest sense of the word. One mean look from a Jew can get you blacklisted by all the Good Goyim. So if you want to take your (((Masters))) on you need to do a few things:

Expose Central Banking and how currency is created to every working man.

Expose Jewish control over currency creation and everything else for the last 3,000 years or so.

Physically remove Jews from any position of influence.



