Why western women hate feminity?

why western women hate feminity?

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They think they aren't taken as seriously because they're women
Which is true, but its because most women are incompetent, and ill equipped for nearly every job out there. Not because they look feminine

Because they're brainwashed whores and they've been sold the idea of "traveling" and "The childless lifestyle."

They fucking love being feminine, what are you talking about?

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Envy of a caricature of male freedom

thottery isn't feminity

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Never said it was lol


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Who cares. Who can even be assed to care? I hate everything about western female culture. The awful fashions, the clown make-up, the dating rituals, the ridiculous smells, the idiotic endless aping of male behavior to seem 'cool'. Modern woman is repulsive.

> wrinkled shirt
> pointy shoes
> belt too skinny

0/10, would NOT fuck

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back of mummy's legs

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want natalia to tuck me in after milking me

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there is a push for girls to do man shit. but girls just use it to geg laud with chads. if u knew

I want to graph on her calve and stand on her feet while she walks.

In all rich illithid countries illithid's bitches have same behaviour.In poor countries they are feminine.It's always working

>whispers into girls ears
you can be like God.

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why all women aren't like this

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modern feminism

>The problem is MODERN feminism
Why would you add another word on just to make your post incorrect?


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Me on the left

Men and women's brains perceive objects differently, but not when the women are on the pill.

When they're on the pill their brain lights up exactly like a man's brain.

>this is what hillary thinks she looks like

She knows she's the queen of Jow Forumss heart.

>i have to dress for success
>i have to dress like a man

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media is run by the Synagogue of Satan.