Live in Alabama

>live in Alabama
>have white fiancée
>planning to start a family
>she gets assaulted and gang-raped by a gang of feral niggers on her way home from work
>she gets pregnant
>she's now supposed to keep the baby

>live in Alabama
>have white wife and two kids: a boy and a 13-year-old girl
>the girl gets raped by a nig and gets pregnant
>she's now supposed to keep the baby

why does (((Jow Forums))) defend this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What is adoption

>have white fiancée
fuck off normalfag

If she were gang raped by a pack of niggers, why didn’t she go to the cops and file a report. Immediately after that she could buy a plan b.

>keep the baby
Nobody said you have to keep your babies you cuck. Just not murder them. Murder on top of already bad things won’t make them have not happened it’ll just make it worse.
It’s totally not up to us to murder babies, it’s not a choice.

Just go to another state to get the abortion. As long as you're not a poor you'll be able to afford it.

this exactly

Ethically, if you are that opposed to raising the niglet that was the consequence of what your wife claimed was “rape” you would accept the consequences of post brith aborting that niglet.

>have a daughter
>she is raped in the women's bathroom by a trans "woman" because legally she is allowed there.

>have a daughter good in sports.
>loses college scholarship because tyreesha the recently trans 6'2" 200 lb athlete took her sports scholarship for track.

Why don't you be a real man and help them fish that thing out of there with a coat hanger you fuckin fag?

>Forced to carry black child
>You're now husband to a nigger incubator, people will last about your wife's unborn son in the street
>Black DNA literally now stuck in your wife's DNA and will pass on to your child afterwards

They talk like pregnancy is spontaneous. It’s not.
I had sex with *a bunch* of women on a recent 3/4 month binge. Zero of them are pregnant and I’m firing live ammo (I had three slip ups in the past all in one year - deep shit like that instils hard lessons).
What does cause pregnancy is complete disregard and reckless selfish behaviour.

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>*kills baby*

Just make sure your wife doesn't go and buy crack from those infested nigger places OP..She asked for it, now pay for it..

3 things.

1) Arm yourself and your family, train situational awareness.
2) Don't relax.
3) Don't live in groid states.

>What is adoption
you're a faggot antiwhite spic to begin with

But mixed babies are gross and the world doesn't need more of them

Why do you use rape to justify abortion? Oh because you already know it is a crime that is only justified by another crime.

Fuck off.

How can you read this story and think the person who should be killed is the baby?

>stayin with a raped woman, let alon one who fucks blacks
Yikes my dude

>didn’t take the Plan B pill
Dumbshit. Enjoy your new baby

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>rape is everywhere
KYS feminist faggot

>wife gets raped by nignogs
>have the finances to take a plane & three day weekend to NYC and get an abortion done
>white trash and nignogs that cant afford a train ticket to a blue state have to have babies
Laws are for poor people.

The baby should be strangled by the mother immediately after birth. Only path to redemption.

Best response.

Also very good.

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Most pro-life advocates say women should keep the baby, unless it's from incest or rape. Incest and rape babies can be aborted, but some opinions may vary.

>Just not murder them
kill yourself cuck
nigger lives don't matter

If you haven't trained your wife to carry a handgun and shoot niggers then you are a failure.

Did I say it was a happy situation.
>people last
Murder is more serious than people lasting at you little guy. People don’t last at me. Perhaps if they last about that they’d be lasting about the blacks raping her and not you not murdering an innocent third party.
And I bet out of the two of us you’re the cuck. Somehow I get that feel. I don’t have people lasting at me or fear it, I generally get respect. But then I’m not a stinky looking little coward in flip flops.

They got guns in Bama so they can just shoot the niggers.

Alabama did the right thing. Abortion is fetal murder and women who abort should not be allowed to reproduce.

If a grown woman is too stupid to take the necessary actions after a rape to prevent that pregnancy, they deserve to carry it to term.

>gang-raped by a gang of feral niggers
yeet that bitch, cuck.

Every rape victim that reports and goes to the hospital is afforded the Plan B pill..
Everyone in this thread is a dipshit

If this happened (it didn't) and you wanted an abortion you'd just go to another state to get that abortion.

but thats murder

>she gets assaulted and gang-raped by a gang of feral niggers on her way home from work
If she didn't gun them all down with her AR-15 then it was consensual.

Why didnt this retard reproduce. What a waste of blue eyes. What a retard

Of course once it’s born and gets a bit older it’s unlikely to stay innocent and feel free to exterminate at Will, I’m not objecting to anything reasonable but sacrificing babies that are at least half white is too low.

See Is everyone 12 here?

>the only path to redemption.

I could finally love her again if she strangles the unholy offspring.

It's isn't a fucking mystery as to how babby is made anymore.

Probably the same reason I didn't, because monogamy is optional and I'm not Chad Thundercock.

What a fag. We don’t need more of these mutts

Thank god there’s not this widely available emergency contraceptive known as plan B that could be given to rape victims immediately. Something like that would just destroy your straw man. And that’s assuming people don’t already know rapes and incest account for less than 1% of actual abortions.

KYS yourself you baby murdering shill.

Everyone: plan B pill exists
Pro-choice rapist faggots:

You have, how much, six weeks to abort if you are a rape victim, so what's the problem?

Because it takes her two months to conclude it was rape.

Your wife has 6 weeks to get to the hospital and have that nigger spawn removed.

Plan B you dumb nigger.
It's easy to not get pregnant even after getting splooged in.

>allowing a niglet to be born

>Just not murder them
(((Jow Forums))) indeed.

ask me how I can tell you're not white

many women dont even know they are pregnant before six weeks

>that girl you met 6 weeks ago may just now be finding out shes preg

Murder the baby.
Mother's life is in danger from having nigger kid.
Must think of mothers life.

Some of these states could potentially charge you for doing such things. I am against abortion myself, just expressing what I have come to understand about some of these laws.

It's self defense

>Raped women shouldn’t take the Plan B pill unless they start showing.

After being raped women can walk into any ER and get the day after pill, or an IUD as well as a ceftriaxone shot, oral azythromicin and post exposure prophylaxis.

No that's self defense.

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You idiots it's perfect. A few white women will be at the short end of the stick in the interim, but this lays the groundwork for mandatory sterilization of all nonwhite males.

the fuck? angry man

"Gang-raped" aka "gang banged while I watched".

In what scenario is a bunch of black dudes going to rape your girl unless she's walking buck naked down some alleyway in Mobile? White women mainly get raped by niggers by hanging out with them or living in gun-free zones.

They know if they were raped before 6 weeks.

The only correct approach to abortion

It makes my heart warm to see the Democrats coming home to their roots. Long Live Margaret Sanger.

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Does she live in france?


>Some of these states could potentially charge you for doing such things
If they are codifying that, it is proof that they are trying to sabotage their own bill to placate the masses. Charging someone for ex-jurisdictional crimes is unconstitutional af.

Send the fucking image you nigger imageboard engine

Oh fuck this shit, fuck you gook moot

Abortion laws everywhere should include the clause "abortion may proceed up to 5 years after birth in cases of black father".

Because fuck killing babies, that's why. .

Honestly, the correct response is to go to the cops, get the niggers arrested, go to the hospital, get a rape kit done for evidence purposes, get a prescription for the morning after pill, take said pill, follow up with doctor to make sure that the nigger spawn is eradicated, testify at the apes trial, laugh out loud when the dindu's get the maximum sentence, move on with life.

Also fuck giving the left anything they want. The left is evil, they deserve nothing and everything must be taken from them.

>fuck killing babies
So nu/pol/ consider blacks to be human?

You give shlomo what ever the fuck he wants

You're looking at this the wrong way. Now people will have to accept the consequences of their actions, and will look at other methods to address the "problem"
White people as a majority know the fact that actions have consequences, and they take responsibility for them. See - family, violence, rape. White people will be more responsible because they dont want to live with an unfavorable outcome.

Nonwhite cannot fathom that their actions have consequences because they have been constantly supported and subsidized. They will look for the easiest and least painful way out, as they always have. Men of color will willfully unload their sperm guns because it will be presented as a wonderful alternative to the much harsher child & family support to follow this abortion ban.

Embrace the psychological warfare white brothers. This is the wall and boat back to native countries we've been waiting for.

You mispelled executed.

>check within 6 weeks, if there’s a niglet then you can abort. Or just use a plan B pill.
Wow it’s like you didn’t read the fucking bill you stupid nigger.

Honestly, the people who are most likely to get an abortion are the exact same people we don't want to reproduce.

So is it now death by state for any child death?
All children must live by the will of state.
Ready to pay Alabama?

>plan b.
This is the correct answer.
Zygote doesn't attach to the uterine wall right away, only 10-11 days after conception.
The effects of taking Plan B make it so that the uterine wall will not accept this attachment, and the zygote is later flushed out by menses. This happens naturally as well.

Read my comment above. You're missing the larger picture.

>gang-raped by a gang of feral niggers

In your heart, you know what do do.

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The goal of these abortion laws is to get an abortion case before the Supreme Court to try and overturn Roe V Wade. Also, even the strictest abortion laws have exceptions for rape, incest, or a pregnancy that threatens the life of the mother. These are no different.
>Alabama Resident

If you can’t protect your woman you don’t deserve her or children. White sharia will fix this

If they’re not prepared to defend themselves it’s their fault. Most rapes aren’t random. Don’t marry a slut & shame your daughter into not being a slut and they won’t get raped by Jerome.


they are the same party who gave amnesty under Reagan, they are the same people who let corporations bring in tons of immigrants so they can lower wages...

they are no different then democrats.

The only thing that dems and repubs disagree about is foreign geopolitical decisions... the domestic policies are the same.

Obama care was originally a republican think tank health care plan that they never pushed for, they left if on the sidelines.

Raise and care for it and call it George
Got to keep the state gibs up.
If nigs keep dying cant steal more taxes

>retarded strawman
Look the question isn't "how do I kill this baby I don't want" the question is "is this thing inside me a baby" that is literally the entire point of the bill. Lefties should be for this as if the SCOTUS decides it's not a baby you are clear to kill all the babies you want.

Why sit on your hands when you could've done something about it a whole 8 weeks prior?

A plan B pill is packaged in every single forensic rape kit. It is offered to every rape victim at the time of the evidence collection after a rape.

>Implying plan b isn't just abortion in pill form

The answer is to eradicate the negro

Honor killings are a thing

well we can kill the nig when it is one

>What is the Morning-After-Pill/Plan-B?

Why is the zygote not a person?

You see, your problem is not that abortion, it’s niggers!

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I support aborting and killing mutts but I'm also against aborting white babies..
I just don't care about other races.

>Raped by niggers
Probably not? she'd choose to fuck niggers gladly, white women are scum of the earth. Your real issue should be concerning the reality that you can't abort a white daughter to prevent these white witches from existing.

Muh hart strings

Why do you let your wife hang around with gangs of niggers user?

plan b
plan b is provided by default for every rape that gets reported. Which is how you know the feminists screaming about rape, dont actually care about rape. They just care about killing babies.

>Use birth control.
>give it up for adoption.
>Report the rape and get plan B.
>Keep your legs closed, slut.
>Can you at least get your abortion done before 20 weeks? Isn't --5 fucking months-- enough time for your irresponsible ass to get your shit together? Do you have to wait till it feels pain?