School in the Current Year

Zoomers of Jow Forums, what is school like in the current year? Is it as pozzed and degenerate as people on this board say it is? Or has it been exaggerated?

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they dont love anymore and have sex with people they dont love its evil

20 year old zoomer here, 98 is still zoomer right?

>what is school like in the current year?
University classes are as bad, if not worse than are explained here. That said, it's just the faculty. Most people see right through the bullshit.

But that's how it is for everyone - they FORCE you to be indoctrinated. I'm in uni for a Computer Science degree and I had to take each of the following classes, as a graduation requirement, for whatever reason:

>A history of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in the United States(state-mandated writing credit)
>Human Geography(Diversity credit) - really just a class about colonialism and why wypipo are bad
>Art and Race(another diversity credit)

And there are a bunch more. I just wanted to get my programming certs and I have to be subjected to this bullshit.

The only place to find white, conservative men or women in unis today are in greek orgs. It's like our last redoubt

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>have sex with people they dont love its evil
yeah I've been guilty of this a few too many times as well

I graduated a few years ago ('14) but my brother is still in, graduating next year. Our mom lives in a city and he goes to an urban public school. The stories he brings home sound only slightly worse than what I had to deal with.
>over half the school population is niggers
>several classes dedicated to muh 6 gorillion and da holocaust
>majority of classes feature jewish literature (i.e. written by jews)
>classes all feature muh diversity is strength
>limited learning/challenge except in AP classes (no nigs there)
>free-for-all I in between classes and during lunch
>fights, disorder, and general niggertry
That sums it well, I think

Good thread. I'm curious too.

>Tfw went to private school
>All male
>Got to hang out all day with old stock WASP bros
>Not a single roastie under 25 to be seen

It was beautiful. Wrote a 10-page essay to a friend of mine about why I disagreed with miscegenation on moral grounds, it leaked and I became somewhat of a school celebrity. Good times.

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those smooth soft bronze thighs make me feel good

Probably in a pretty highly populated urban area right?

I love women a lot

This. If you must go to university for your career, RUSH. FUCKING. RUSH. It’s so worth it

t. Phi Delta Theta

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Based user. I went to one of those so a huge public university was a bit of a shock

Pittsburgh. 320,000 I think, but it's about 1/4 black and my mom is poor and lives in a literal niggerhood. My brother's school isn't the worst of the options, but that doesn't say much. Still over 50 black and awful.

*50 percent

>over half the school population is niggers

This first point is already "game over."

>I love women

I do too but society works best when the sexes are segregated. I've talked to friends who attended co-ed schools and they were shitshows.

Society was governed by petty squabbles and social conniving; I cannot imagine this was to the benefit of the pupils regarding their academic or spiritual wellbeing.

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Yeah frat guys are pretty cool. You seem too proud of yourself though

>RUSH. FUCKING. RUSH. It’s so worth it

Would you mind specifying what you mean by that? It sounds very important but I'm not sure what the word rush refers to in that context.

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>ywn rest your weary head on those golden thighs

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Public School here:
A place for drug usage, thug recruitment, early chance to obtain knowledge on simple corruption and bribery, PC/SJW and multiracial indoctrination and the worst of all, stench of bitches in heat
Non-existant knowledge to obtain

Private School here:
A place with incentivation of drug usage, early chance to obtain knowledge on simple corruption and bribery (less potent as Public), PC/SJW and multiracial indoctrination and the worst of all, stench of bitches in heat
Little/Medium and unnecessary knowledge to obtain
*Depending on what Private School we're talking about, aspects may change, for worse, as this is the best case scenario for a Private School here

Not that guy or in Phi Delt, but I'm active in another fraternity.

"Rushing" is the process one takes to join a fraternity. The house holds rush events during the second or third week of the semester where students can come out, meet brothers, and then mix with brothers to see if you're a good fit.

If you're generally agreed upon to be a good fit, you're moved to interviews in which the executives of the chapter will determine if you're worthy of receiving a "bid."

If you get a bid, and you accept, you generally start the pledgeship process. This is where you're not technically a member of that fraternity, but you're in a probationary period in which you're the lowest on the totem pole and you have to learn the secrets and rituals. They also get to know you during that period.

>t. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Fuck nationals

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oh we definitely are, but that's kind of the persona you learn to love

Rush in this context refers to the recruitment window. Basically a bunch of guys sign up to join and then they are tested to find out who is allowed in. Have you never watched one of those weird American college movies?

swedish freshman years are trash.
all guys are basically nationalists and some of the guys actually know what they are talking about.
all girls/women are leftists, but its not as bad on my school because i have triggered them into insanity so they dont go off as much as on the other schools.

the op girl looks like that really smug dark skinned grill that looks like she's from a hentai that people post

I went to Prep school too. Not having girls makes everything better because they’re a huge distraction. Anyways, we all got together in the basketball court and cheered when Donald trump won the 2016 election.

Simply a bunch of edglords having mental breakdowns every morning and trying to kill themselves while the school does jack shit about it (i go to a charter school)

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Fraternities are honestly one of most based organizations on college campuses.

How was the boat this morning? Also is the ferry even still running? Last I heard there were only 2 that work.

Based nagatoro poster

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Most of the girls are thots and most of the guys are low-IQ.

Lambda Chi fucks, good choice
>t. SAE

Vaguely 20 here. rural school was based as all heck, many such cases. last year or two there I saw a huge uptick in wrong think and countersemetic behaviour (ironic and not) coming from the kids. Some group of zoomers talking about our uncle, throwing up the salute as a meme in front of a crowd, good times (women are still dumb though).

the university is absolute homosexuality and it is only through my reasonable verbal IQ and ability to very carefully not spaghetti spill that I haven't been assassinated.

I went to a Jewish school myself and I convinced a bunch of White girls to get with Niggers. Everyone there knew I was doing this and I also became somewhat of a school celebrity. Good times, goy.

Idk what shithole the other anons went to school, but when I was in school, 2014-18, I would walk like a Nazi freshman year and have cute girls laugh at me. Go on towards senior year people would greet each other with a Roman salute, and generally have a good time. I also bought a trench coat in sophomore year and would intentionally dress up like Dylan Klebold. No real trouble I or anyone else got in oddly enough. Did piss off a pozzed kid real bad by saluting him each day, but school didn't do anything because they can't prove I did it. Smoked more weed than you could imagine and fucked manic anxiety girls with short hair on several occasions. Would say my general experience was alright.
Our school was pretty hard right anyways, only the suburbaniggers from the northern neighborhoods built 5 years ago cared much for anything but Trump, on election day some absolute mate hung little flags everywhere and maga stickers on them. When we found out he won, everyone in a truck had a flag staff out their hitch.
Unfortunately from what I hear, the school has cracked down real bad on controversial subjects, practically banning people from saying certain words so my sister says. Can't have more than 3 in a restroom, can't go to a restroom without a teacher present in some way, hallways are throttled so only a few groups at a time travel between classes and they search you if they suspect even the slightest of things. Probably caused that cause I got expelled for a school shooting joke. Lmao.

UK schools are fucking pozzed as shit. Literal hives of degeneracy across the board.

T. sixthform teacher.

I'm seeing an increase in White Nationalism. It's great. Just keep supporting/spreading Alt media, it's working.

I'm a student and left school 3 years ago after doing A levels at a private 6th form. What subject do you teach and in what way are the schools pozzed?

My school was pretty liberal and (((diverse))) and plenty of people got away with that kind of shit, the only thing that would get you in trouble is school shooting jokes

18 year old zoomer here
high school suck they try to endoctrinate us .
just this year i had been subjacted to their diversity shit
i had classes about :
>around 8 classes about feminism and about how boys need to be more like girl to be succesfull in school , we need to drop the gender role shit
>one chapter of french about a book who relate the life of a nigger who was taken in zoo in france
>2 chapter in history about slavery and colonialsm ( anecdote my npc history teacher didn't want to answer me when asked about the arab slavetrade)
>1 chapter in english about the social justice movement ( martin lutherking mostly)
>and 1 french chapter about muuhhh holocost muuhhhh poor jew muuuhh german goy bad

Yes, Swedish schools are horrible, graduated a few years ago. Kid got in trouble for saying indian.

Alright bro

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What a cutie. Would betray my race/10

all these chicks are pretty busted. Not saying that I would kick one of them out of bed though.

Yes. All my classmates are sluts

i graduated texas HS 2016
>thots everywhere
>nogs always starting fights (even female nogs)
>nogs trying to act ghetto even tho we were in one of the most non-ghetto areas
>a lot of "diversity" promotion mostly targetted at promoting women in fields (probably because nogs were a lost cause)
>but since the girls were mostly thots it didnt work
>girls who werent thots just wanted to excel in their classes while still being cute/fuckable
the girls who went into compsci/stem in college quickly dropped out/changed majors while consistently crying on social media about how hard it was but "soon they'll be out"

my compsci class in high school was like 9 boys and 1 indian girl lmfao, we all learned programming but she was being taught some irrelevant feminist crap (women in STEM project or something) without learning programming
most us on the football team were white or hispanic, few nogs (said nogs were usually the weak links)

>latinas were thots
>white girls (few) were cute nerds (fat ones were thots)
>nogs were typical nogs
>feminism only really pushed in compsci
>humanitarianism pushed more than feminism or diversity

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with a face like that, no wonder she'd rather show her ass, which isn't a good ass either, but beats the face.

Bad. 2016 I was a white nationalist because of the Syrian refugee crisis and looking into demographics. Now I'm dating a half black girl because I love her. Multiculturalism has brainwashed me and I can't fight it. Kill me in the race war.

Jesus fucking Christ they all look like they're in their 30s except the center left who looks over 40. The makeup Jew: not even once.

Sounds like my 09 class experience

> Our mom lives in a city

Where does your dad live?

>have sex with people they dont love its evil
sounds like marriage

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Can do.

She's gross. She looks like she smells like shit. Kill it with fire.

Not a zoomer, but I'm in school in Commiefornia. Luckily my school has decent teachers, but the curriculum and students are pretty aids. Too many libtards and spics.

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Currently in college. Fraternities are the way. Most of the sorority girls are retarded tho, paying dues upwards of $1000 to go to parties they could’ve just gone to anyway, just to get fucked by someone they won’t remember... I’ve fucked a lot of sorority chicks and had many good times, but sometimes the frivivilify of it all can get depressing. seems to me like young men are in a good place, young women are insane and will go out 5 times a week and get fucked by a different dude every night tho. There’s so many of those. You just have to know to avoid them.

I wonder how things are with phones and social media nowadays. Does everyone follow everyone on snapchat? When I was in school, internet on the phone was still a novelty, so you could still get away cheating on a test using a hidden phone, or just going to the bathroom.

I really do not envy the people who were born this century.

For Caifornia, La Crescenta and La Canada are pretty based tbqh. So is San Diego, Stevenson Ranch, Simi Valley, and parts of Orange County.

He married a jew a few years ago and moved to Tampa last year

I will give you the option:
Rope or firing squad?

Everything’s just basically a more efficient popularity contest. When I first came here there was a freshmen girl that got “discovered” by the students and basically became a huge meme. She was hot and had a fat ass and got hundreds of thousands of followers and stuff, and was instantly the most popular person before she even met anyone. So it’s weird

Where do i find such a cutie?

you're a cool guy


uhh, lol

stuff like that is so surreal and I'm only 24. I'm so glad that myspace was a joke and facebook was a new fad when I was in school

Did you guys have hip hop Wednesday’s? Because we did and it’s fucking awful. Basically nigs get a “professional” DJ and blast shit tier music right in the middle of campus from late morning to early afternoon. The justification being that it’s to make them feel included

Thank goodness, no. They basically had free reign to play music on their phones in classes and at lunch though. They pretended to crack down on it during my last two years, but it only resulted in a few phones being taken away and kids hiding their phones better

Those thighs could save some lives

some latin american country probably brazil

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Any poor enclave in a big city of the United States where you can find spics.
Have fun Polish user.
But, if you move from Poland to the United States, chances are the federal government will put you in a predominantly white city, like San Diego. Never fear, though. San Diego has spics too.

you don't mean during teaching do you? kids playing music while the teacher is talking? LOL

On bad days, yes. Wasn't super often I guess, but I distinctly remember it happening a few times. I mean, you're also sort of implying teachers taught anything, which is a stretch

Aren't the spics in US corrupted by pop/nigger culture though?

I work at a school it's really not that different from when I was a kod, not as degenerate as they want you to believe. Most kids actually shun the degenerate ones.


Yeah it’s weird. To me it seems as though people are dumber than ever, due to technology being a crutch for so many people. At the same time there’s positives, kid I know started a food business and is the only one who regularly advertises on social media, and as a result the student body really supports him and he’s making bank. It’s the ever green example of stupid people abeing eaten by innovation and smarter people using it to eat others lol

hm, yeah in those instances, it is true that motivated kids can use the horde mentality of sheeple for their own gain. that's basically what every company ever does.

>Aren't the spics in US corrupted by pop/nigger culture though?
Not necessarily. A lot of them try and assimilate in their own ways to white culture too. You get a lot of heavy metal and punk rock loving spics.

I'm pretty sure a spic qt wouldn't want to emigrate to Poland anyway, so whatever :/

are kids on their phones all day long?

Alright I'll bite and give you a quick but indepth rundown:
>be me in uni rn
>22 y/o

Heres what I see weekly
>Professors openly screeching their far left beliefs
>Talking shit about capitalism in the business college by business professors
>Talking shit about whites in said college
>"Systematic racism" or whatever
>Constant barrage of weed, drugs, hookups, racemixers, slut clothing ect.
>Fake IDs everywhere
>Ive seen guys girls cheat on them constantly behind their back

High School from my and my bros expierence:
>Kids fuck as early as 14
>Kids drink as early as 14
>Kids smoke and indulge on drugs as early as 14
(Actually this is all happening in fucking middle schools now)
>Males are going into the girls bathroom ironically but using the i identify card
>Juuls and nicotine addiction
>For some reason there is a strong amount of far, far-right kids who don't do any of this and look down on those who do

they look kind of like the Arabs invading Germany and France, except they're Catholic so they won't blow up your public spaces or do other terror attacks

this is what I hear basically... juuls, smoking weed at 14, hookup culture. but never heard about the trans bathroom thing hahaha

>Not going to local community college
:^) my schematics teacher told a bunch of saudi students to shut the fuck up and stop complaining because they arent in arabia, thwy are in A M E R I C A . God bless thay women

I wanna see this essay desu

No we have a creative solution to kids using their phones during instruction time, we ask them to keep them put away during those times and they can use them during the last 15 minutes of class which is typically time to ask us questions or do the homework in class. It's been working well for the past 3 years, kids that don't follow it end up having to leave their phone at home or in their locker.

Lol wdym mean 'fuck nationals'

Seeing a increase where? Keep fighting the good fight gents
t. Nothing is beyond our reach. Wide Pride World Wide

It's probably some frat thing

that's especially good when periods are only 45 minutes long

graduated a british university back in 2014, so I guess I'll share my story

>one of the most multicultural cesspools I've ever had the change to encounter in my entire life
>more than half of each class was composed out of non-EU students (most of them were from Asia), assistant professors were mixed as fuck
>loads of drinking, loads of drugs, roasties having sex every single night of the week, nobody really gave a shit about university for the first two years or so
>the only conservatives that I've found were in the CS department, mine (History and Political Science) was filled with SJW and cucks that competed against each other for good boi points every single day
>protests being held by the Student Union every other week, most of the causes supported were progressive back when this shit wasn't really that mainstream, at least not this visible

Finished uni and moved back to my country, even thought I was offered an internship and a job afterwards in my political department. Did my masters degree in Romania, where at least I was surrounded by people that had absolutely no idea about the madness that was spreading all across british universities regarding hard-left propaganda, only normal students that were ok to hang with.

Now I hear from my little brother who's in first year uni here that things are pretty similar to how they are in the US or the UK. And everything is pushed by hard-left professors that are literally spewing commie propaganda to the students (this happens in non-STEM related fields, especially in History/Political Science/Philosophy/Arts).

tl;dr fuck the UK, spending 5 years over there made me a hard-right extremist, despite the fact I didn't want to end up like this. I was a normal right-leaning libertarian until multiculturalism made me realize how the world works.

canadian schools have posters in elementary schools telling kindergartners to come out of the closet and be gay

I recently joined one, any advice? I would appreciate it desu.

Post essay

just to add for posterity - one of the most popular clubs in university was the pole dancing club, were thots would meet and learn how to be good little whores for whatever cock might land at their doorstep the next time they will be blackout drunk before even stepping foot outside of the apartment complex. I swear, when you look at those pictures of british girls dressed like sluts outside of clubs, vomiting or whatnot, that's exactly how everything is in real life. Their concept of pre-drinks before the club because everything is so god damn expensive is so idiotic i cannot even begin rambling about it properly.

Post more cute latinas

colour me absolutely fucking shocked

It goes like this:

Whore tier:
>Zeta Tau Alpha
>Kappa Alpha Theta
>Delta Gamma
>Alpha Xi Delta
>Delta Zeta
>Alpha Phi
>Delta Delta Delta
>Gamma Phi Beta

>Chi Omega
>Alpha Delta Pi
>Kappa Delta
>Alpha Chi Omega
>Pi Beta Phi

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We actually do 4 80 minute periods a day rotating different classes every other day

The teachers in my bros high school dont know what to do bc if they say anything they are "transphobic"

"Nationals" are the national governing body of fraternities. Every frat has their national headquaters that kind of oversees them.

SAE's nationals are notoriously cucked. They banned pledgeship and try to shut down every chapter that's actually rising. No chapter actually respects them and its kind of hilarious.

I got a scholarship though. My /frat dues/ are actually more than my tuition now because of it.

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No, a majority of them despise that shit, except the ghetto trash.