How come (((they))) are against smoking?

How come (((they))) are desperately pushing for more regulations and taxing heavily on cigarettes?

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>ITT retards defending the enslavement of the mind to narcotics while making justifications for their degenerate behavior


heard that cigs lowers estrogen in the body.

Not everything is a conspiracy. I think there are bigger battles to fight than proving jews are trying to get people to stop smoking

Smoke all you want, just don't exhale.

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Smoking fully sparks the synapses and encourages social interaction. They dont want the cattle stimulated and organizing.

taxes are always (((levied))) against the poor first

I imagine we'll need heavy anti cancer genes like sharks have if we ever want to reasonably survive in space without having to lug around large radiation shields. Or even fires and carcinogens in the air.

Dead humans from smoke inhalation hurts the fee fees though. Altruism was a mistake.

You fucking retard. Jews are the ones selling and advertising this poison. They always have been. Who do you think normalized this self-harm?
But you know that because you're a fuckibg shill trying to advertise this shit. Fuck off abd die, you scum.

I've been wondering this too. In this clown world, it's literally the only vice that's considered taboo and is actively rallied against by the government and corporations.

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I was curious about this too, some time ago. The conclusion I got was that nicotine acts as a nootropic.

Check that shit out

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Politicians use it to virtue signal that their authoritarianism is in your best interest, goy, and the jewish lawyers made some solid money going after the tobacco companies when the jewish advertisers were found out.

>encourages social interaction
Holy shit, this is retarded. "I need my filthy habit, it helps me be cool and make friends with the cool kids"
>The conclusion I got was that nicotine acts as a nootropic.
And you think the best way to use a drug is inhaling smoke? Nobody is against nicotine, it's an okayish stimulant. But if you smoke you're fucking retarded. Only the stupidest scummiest filth would smoke.

Sharks developed that resistance over millions of years naturally.
The reason I dislike smokers is because when they smoke around me I unwillingly smoke too.
When I drink I don't swallow half a mouthful and then spit the remainder into a glass and make everyone else drink it, so all I ask for is the same consideration.

Because they increasingly oblige themselves to pay for the outcome. Once again, taxpayer supported services are to blame rather than say, Phillip Morris.

I dont know but it hurts cigars and pipe tobacco even worse and it pisses me off. Literally my favorite way to relax and have thinking time alone, or my favorite way to socialize with others.

We had an amazing conversation after work last night about all sorts of shit over a few cigars. It was great.

Smoking was pushed for years in movies and televison, OP is 17 years old

>sociable habit
>lowers estrogen
>being told it is "obviously bad" and doing it anyway is the ultimate middle finger towards (((experts))) who use their talmudic logic to corral the goyim in every other facet of life
t. not a smoker

Thine quads hath spoken.

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Smoking more than a pack a week is going to KILL you

>Smoking was pushed for years in movies and televison
I know
how come its not anymore?

Smoking raises IQ, lowers estrogen and increases test. The only issue is the commercial tobacco plants are heavily sprayed with toxic pesticides now. We either need Organic tobacco or to go back to using Nicotine as a pesticide again.

Socialized health-care means (((they))) have to pay for your cancer and cancer's expensive.

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>Literally my favorite way to relax
How could you relax doing something bad? That doesn't make sense. Bad things are bad.
>socialize with others
>We had an amazing conversation after work last night about all sorts of shit
And you can't do this without being a filthy piece of shit because?
>how come its not anymore
IT IS. Mad Men, American Woman, other garbage shows. Smoking IS still pushed in TV and movies.

smoking increases testosterone

>why are (((they))) taxing everything
Because money.

I love the paranoia on this board, never change Jow Forums.
Also, smoke pipe tobacco not cigs you filthy pleb


I think smoking is great, it is the ultimate nigger identifier.

it's legal and available at every corner store, smoke if you want

Because (((they)) live off of other humans' unhappiness. Remember, they promote elitist abstract art and music and architecture to take the joy out of life.


Absolute LOL

Based. (((they)))) don't want smokers because smokers tend to be high testosterone, risk taking and its also social. Banning smoking is part of the progressive plan to castrate men and sissify them. You can't trust the mainstream brands of tobacco though, they add things in them. You have to buy good quality stuff

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