Is Jow Forums aware that the stock market is the biggest reason for mass immigration and degeneracy in the current year? To make money in the stock market, your owned stocks must increase in value. Stock valuation and fluctuation is a whole can of worms, but let us simplify and say that stock prices are roughly reflective of the value of a company. Therefore, stock holders have an incentive to see companies increase in total value, prioritizing size over profitability.
What policies enable companies to grow larger? Mass immigration provides more customers. Gibs take money from middle class whites who would invest it and gives it to nogs who will spend it. Degeneracy creates demand for all sorts of things and removes any shame associated with indulgence. Radical egalitarianism reduces the population to an undifferentiated mass that can be sold to all at once, rather than having to tailor products and services to discrete portions of the population.
What do? Legislate that stocks must be held for some lengthy time (one year comes to mind) after they are purchased. Require every company to set dividends attached to issued stock in perpetuity at the time the stock is first issued in the form of a percentage of revenue AND ALSO a percentage of profit. This makes companies focus on efficiency instead of size, specializing so that all revenue increases are profitable enough to be worth it.
With this reform the entire high frequency short term stock trading industry dies immediately. Stocks are bought for the dividends they provide, not because of speculation over their future price. Constant growth is no longer the primary mechanism providing return on investment, and therefore the pressure from capital on politicians to create policy enabling it is much reduced.
Also, end fractional reserve banking.