Would you marry a white woman who has been raped? Would you even date one?
>Inb4 ‘demoralisation thread’
It’s a valid and real world problem.
If she’s been raped, as a fair few women have been, by nogs or roaches or sand peoples of various descriptions; how many of you would marry her to have kids and save the white race.
>Inb4 ‘Muh white virgin qt’.
Most of you will never get one, statistically it’s impossible.
This is directed at swedes especially, since by a purely statistical metric they are the most affected by this, that said it applies to other white countries too. Can somebody set up one of those Jow Forums poll methingies?
Truth time Jow Forums
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>Would you marry a white woman who has been raped? Would you even date one?
damaged goods, no hymen no diamond
>Would you marry a white woman who has been raped?
No. She shouldn't have left her home without a male family member. It's her fault for tempting her rapist.
You don't want damaged goods. It's even worse than woman with multiple previous partners.
Let man who raped her marry her. There was even laws requiring that in simpler, wiser times.
Spouts some retard tier phrase despite the >inb4
>checks out
No hymen no diamond roastie.
Firstly I said *white* w*men, also get outta here with that meme tier white sharia
You can't get raped in a white society. Her fault for living amongst negroids.
Based pyccкий
Yes i would.
My mother was raped as a child by her stepfather yet is the most loyal non degenerate women i personally know.
Besides you can tell very early in a relationship if the woman you're with is mentally ill because of such an incident in her past and end the relationship.
>but virginity
There are no female virgins above 16 anymore
Not a roastie, and if it matters, I personally wouldn’t marry a woman who has been raped. But let’s be honest, somebody’s has to and unless you’re the genetic cream you may have to bite the bullet.
Its simple, no hymen no diamond. What are you not understanding?
Why did she get herself into a situation to be raped? Take some responsibility.
No hymen no diamond. Being raped is a choice.
I’m not some Sikh who would rather behead every woman in my family at the first whiff of Muslim marauders. If she’s a virtuous person then a physical thing in her past that she didn’t choose doesn’t represent her character.
Now now Cletus...
Also what if she was raped by Slavs or equivalent white untermenschen
>would be with a girl who has been raped
She’s not going to tell you she’s been raped until after the fact anyway, let’s be real
Unless she’s a lefty liberal, then she will wear that fact like a badge of honor for some reason
>raped by Slavs
Jews aren't Slavs. Slavs never rape.
>Would you marry a white woman who has been raped?
Would you even date one?
Idk, maybe, if the pussy was still tight
>Most of you will never get one, statistically it’s impossible.
Y tho? My ex-wife was a virgin.
My wife was "raped" but only in the way the modern feminist law defines it. Her dad used to fuck her when she was a little kid but it sure wasn't any sort of rape.
This is one side, but they are - as many others have pointed out - damaged goods. the other side is the ‘lestupidwhoreshouldnthavebeenoutside’ argument. But where is the most reasonable position?
My wife is Hispanic and she used to drive to the barrio her family lives in to lend them money, my money! You cant go there at night without some druggie trying to throw themselves on your car for insurance fraud. Those deadbeats never appreciated it anyway and a few of them are outright hostile to me. One time i told her something like "if you get raped driving over there in the middle if the night i won't be able to love you anymore and i will divorce you." She stopped doing it and her shitbag illegal beaner relatives hate me even more now.
You seriously couldn't find a better woman to marry than incestuous used-goods?
I’m married to a white woman who was raped as a teenager by her at the time boyfriend, years before we met. It wasn’t her fault and she didn’t get pregnant or catch any diseases. I don’t let the thought of it affect how I see her.
She’s a good, obedient wife and I’ve been working to help her become more self confident because her teen years were kinda fucked. From the moment she grew tits some pervert was always trying to grab on her. I’ve helped her gain the confidence to hit the fuckers when they try.
Love is complicated, I guess.
Based and rapepilled
The number of men unmarried is greater than the number of white women waiting for marriage.
Based amerikun
So? There are millions of virgins in Eastern Europe and Asia, more than enough to meet the demands of white men.
What could be better? She was already well trained that she meant to be owned by a man. And I get to see video of her as a toddler sucking dick so that's just bonus.
>raped as a teenager by her at the time boyfriend,
And you believed her when she fed you that lie? I've got a bridge you might be interested in.
>It wasn’t her fault
Yeah, she was "raped", mmhm, you keep believing that.
>Most of you will never get one, statistically it’s impossible.
Most men dot deserve or even want a virgin
Anyone that wants one can easily get one
Eh I'll just wait for the age of consent to lower. I hope it hits 12 within a few years.
Based cuck
Just not true but sure
In high school I raped a drunk girl. I met her again in college and she didn’t recognize me. We started dating and have now been married over 20 years. AMA
Verrückter Junge...Da kann man ja fast nur den Koft schütteln.
Die einzigen Frauen die heutzutage nochwas wert sind, sind Japaner und Süd-Koreaner. Die asiatischen Kulturen allgemein sind wesentlich besser, wenn man Reinheit und eine Familie haben möchte. Die Juden haben die Westlichen Zivilisationen zerstört.
Women who were actually raped will have an instinctual fear if men and sexual acts with them. She will also be mentally unstable.
In other words no.
Hahaha. Hahaha. Oh shit. Hahaha. This is like Shapiro bragging about being a virgin.
Is this what you wanted OP?
Denk bloß nicht drüber nach hier Hapas nach Europa einzuschleppen!
>Would you marry
No. Marriage is a scam. You'd have to be beyond retarded to get married in any Western country. Modern women are a joke, all risk and zero reward.
depents on the women
Komm schon Junge. Spinnst voll? aber wirklich, ich weiß dass Europa eine abgefickte scheiße ist, aber persönlich kenn ich mindestens eine hübsche junge blonde Frau in Amerika, die bis zur heiratung wartet. Diese Insekten sind so wie so das selber scheiße wie unser roasties.
Thanks ameribro, I’m in a very remote location so the WiFi is shit.
Nein nein so meine ich das nicht, wenn dann nur gut eingedeutschte, die den teil ihrer Kultur, Reinheit und Familie, behalten haben. Meinte damit auch eher die halb japsen und Koreaner :D
Der männliche Nachwuchs von denen ist chancenlos hier. Ich habe ne Zeit in Düsseldorf gelebt wo viele Japaner sind und es ist blueball-central. Deutsche Frauen sind nicht schlecht wenn man nur lange genug sucht. Die Idee das jede Deutsche Mist ist und jede Japanerin gut ist meme-tier.
Die wahrscheinlichkeit eine blonde Jungfrau zu finden ist so gering wie Nachrichten zu finden die nicht Linkspropaganda labern.
Meinte ich so auch nicht, nur deren Kultur ist nicht so gefickt wie unsere momentan.
Ausgezeichnet based nord-deutsch poster
Das stimmt, aber bist du denn selbst eine? Ich nicht. Wie kann ich das dann verlangen?
If she recovered from it mentally, then yes.
I don't understand how retards here can view such women as "used goods"
Damaged? They sure can be, but a person can be damaged by a bunch of non-sexual things.
Used? Fffs, are you for fucking real? I'll be honest, sometimes I think half of you guys are just feminists larping as right wingers to make right wing look just like the feminists describe it.
If it's not the case, then I guess feminists were not nearly as paranoid as I imagined.
Aber ist doch möglich oder?
T. Roastie
Nicht wirklich bro. Nicht wirklich.
I'll take "Berlin 1945" for $500 dollars, alex.
No problem, always glad to help someone with that flag.
Of course. Pretty sure anyone would. They're just memeing or retarded otherwise. Which means this thread is fucking pointless.
I wouldn't. The reason being that, just going off of the numbers, most rape victims who are female turn into Crazed nutjobs and have trust issues with only Men. That kind of mental baggage shouldn't be around children and that trauma shouldn't be passed down to children.
If she's been raped or molested = no marry
Ich verlange ja auch keine, bei mir geht es wenn dann nur ums weißsein und Reinheit und Familienpriorität.
T. feminist in disguise (or the useful idiot of feminism, don't know which is worse)
>tfw nobody cares
What if she’d been raped by a white man?
It seems you only mentioned people of other races.
Ja, da bin ich auch im selben Boot. Ich denke unser Hauptfeind sind meme-tier degrees und die anschließenden "Karrieren"
I would, all other things being equal. If she isn’t a thot, then it wasn’t her fault.
used=damaged in the context of rape. dont be mad the majority of young people see rape and molest victims as damaged and used goods they dont want anything to do with.
What a stupid cuck. You'd marry some woman who got raped by a bunch of niggers or molested by her mentally ill incestuous family? you realize incest is a mental defect that runs in families, right?
Auf auf nordi, sei of der wacht!!
Lol you need to get laid first, virgin
>implying with people rape
I can smell your virginity from here
yes, yes, because ALL women are raped and molested. there are no virgin females left.
oh, wait, then why are most zoomers not having sex? plenty of virgins coming up for us. enjoy your blown out whores boomer.
If it was an actual rape that she was powerless to prevent or stop, I wouldn't hold it against her. However, I wouldn't take responsibility for her mental state, so I would hope she had emotionally recovered before getting in a relationship/marriage. But if she was a good wife in other ways, I would be willing to accept her.
If it was her getting drunk at a frat party and fucking some guy, then deciding she was "raped" the next day, then no.
T. Rapist
Ich denke im Endeffekt hat diese Entwicklung schon sehr geschadet. Nichtsdestotrotz ist die Ehe meiner Eltern durch schlechte Partnerwahl und Ignoranz zerstört worden. Vorehelicher Sex ist eine Variable von vielen, das System ist sicher rigged aber die meisten arbeiten auch einfach überhaupt nicht an sich.
Why doest thou treat the Brit bong with such kindness?
Perfect example of why you don't get involved with damaged/used goods. The mental baggage lasts a lifetime for these weak willed creatures, and they pass it on to their children and husbands and boyfriends.
Its fine hopefully she still gets pleasure out of sex and doesn’t have a halfbreed baby...go for it dood...save eachother, build a life together...stop being a victim
Had a girl over one time. She was completely down to fuck.
We go outside and smoke a cigarette. And she mentions she was date raped.
I ask her about it.
She says she was really drunk and didn't remember, but woke up the next morning in bed with a guy.
I was polite about it, let her hang out a little longer, and then took her home and ghosted her.
So no, a woman dumb enough to get raped isn't the kind of woman I want to fuck.
Don't be a dumb whore. Don't go drinking and partying and then claim rape.
Don't walk around a city in a short skirt, without a chaperone and you won't get raped.
Don't be a retard, and you won't get raped.
And in the few instances where a genuinely good girl gets violently raped (ie: her male chaperone/husband/father gets jumped and she's dragged off into an alley raped by a pack of niggers and miraculously lives), her mental state will be so fucked up that she won't ever make a good mother. She's best off just becoming a nun and growing old with cats.
Ich denke das ist mit das größte Problem das wir haben, das niemand an sich selbst arbeitet und die typisch deutschen Werte verloren bzw. zerstört wurden.
>Would you marry a white woman who has been raped? Would you even date one?
Yes. As long as it wasn't one of those "I was slutting it up with a bunch of blacks and they ignored me when I said no" cases. Statistically there is a not-insiginifanct chance the woman you end up marrying will have been sexually abused as a child.
All females from 1-100 should be carrying a firearm to protect their virtue. If they decide not to, then they've already made the choice that they WANT to be raped, or that they're FINE with it.
Tja, so ist das halt. Ich bin jetzt 25 und habe die letzten Jahre ziemlich hart gearbeitet um finanziell besser darzustehen. Ergebnis ist das ich im Prinzip ohne es zu merken sämtliche Kontakte verloren habe die nicht beruflich er Natur sind. Ist schon nen Trauerspiel.
Yes, if I was the rapist.
No, if she got raped by the town rapist.
In germany you aren't allowed to carry firearms, of any size, unless you have a good reason for it. Not wanting to get raped by illegal Migrants is not one of them baka.
wait if you write s.m.h it changes it to baka wtf :D
Sorry you live in such a shitty country user. Carry a knife then like all ancient societies did. A small blade is better than nothing.
If a Man is going to rape anything, that thing should be willing to fight back as if it were life or death, because it literally is. If you sit there and let it happen, you deserve what happens to you.
Du kannst aber noch ein einseitig geschärftes Messer bis 13cm führen
She’s emotionally damaged
ya kraut you need to learn to censor words lefty jannies enacted here
s-_oy = onion, t _-bh = desu, s _-mh = baka etc.
The virgins are the boys. The girls are all fucking the same guy.
Every thread on this site is for memeing and retardation though
I dated a girl who's only sexual experience was being raped. It took like a year before she felt comfortable sleeping with me. And she cried a lot at first and it was pretty off putting. She ended up having some very rapish fantasies when she started to enjoy it. College ended up bluepilling her really hard and she got super feminist and started saying she'd never want kids. I date another girl who's been sexually abused in the past, but I'm not gonna date any girls in college. Shit really changed my ex.
Ich dachte Messer bis 12 cm sind nur erlaubt?
Am rather new on /pol nice to know, thanks.
Date not marriage
Only if they could prove it was rape, as in there were arrests, and convictions. But not one who does the reetoo kind of rape allegations.
Sorry stimmt bis 12cm.
>statistically impossible
Then how did I achieve this miracle you pleb? Just go do it?