Get pregnant

>get pregnant
>can't get abortion in home state
>go to another state

Attached: Cursed_4660d9_6372609.jpg (1200x1200, 152K)


4th of July
Can't buy fireworks in home state
Go to another State

its a man in a chinese manufactured fullbody spandex suit cosplaying as girl pepe.
Its not even 9 am and I have to get offline for my mental health.

Abort unwanted mothers not unwanted babies.

>know you can't just kill the child
>actually be cautious about your sexual relationships

>can't buy ZOMG BAG ASSAULT GUNZ in Commiefornia
>go to Texas where you can buy nearly anything that shoots, true 'Murica, fuck yea

>then be prosecuted for a federal crime when you come back gg

Women REALLY see nothing shameful about abortion it's so fucked. Personally I don't think you should get an abortion but if you need one you should be at least ashamed.

user, there's nothing like coming home to a loving traditional wife and kids. you'll understand once you're older.