I'm morally against abortion

But irresponsible people shouldn't have kids and the dumb ones aren't rational enough to make that decision

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Just abort the unwanted mothers not the babies.

Abortion should be mandatory for niggers and jews

1) Fetuses aren't conscious and never have been conscious
2) they may be conscious in the future but this is wild speculation
3) aborting fetuses doesn't violate the NAP because nothing of value was lost: no memories or independence was retracted
4) mother should be honored for killing her retarded nigger downie child out of self defense

niggers TONGUE my ANUS

What if adoption was made mandatory if on welfare. It disincentivizes women to get pregnant for gibs and being out of work for 9 months.

Then you could set limits, say reversible sterilization after the first one.

wow well ain't it convenient that a law is brought in that explicitly discourages degenerate sex practices???? ain't that the darndest thing??????????

Irrational people don't think about consequences you dumb nigger

well good thing those irrational people will also be dealt with in due time.

Still don't understand how hard it is for some to simply not be whores

Anal sex, retard

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