Which branch of Christianity should I convert to and why?

Which branch of Christianity should I convert to and why?

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Catholicism, just find a decent church

None. Never trust a Jew.

>tell me why I should let a bed time story dictate how I live my life
Gonna be a yikes from me sweetie pie


depends. do you want to be a heretic?

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None Christianity is retarded


Finnish Conservative Laestadianism. Why? Because it's the fucking true fucking religion.

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You might like the Jehovah's Witnesses
They don't believe in a Trinity
And they spent time with you guys in the concentration camps.

Why do you wonna go and do that? Probably protestant, it's chill and you only really go to church on xmas

Orthodox Christianity or Catholicism. Protestantism is the gateway to atheism.

Satanism if you cant to be an edgy faggot, and don't we all at one point.
Christians say we're baby eaters but they'd slander their own mother if Yahweh told em to

I would start with reading the KJV New Testament and decide for yourself what you believe. After reading through Matthew, try praying to Christ for guidance. Ask to be saved and for him to come into your heart. Try to be kind to those around you but think for yourself.

>Which branch of a desert niggerfaggotkike religion should I convert?
I suggest Kike Tales III: Goatfuckers conquer Arabia. You will blow yourself up and be a net positive.

Stop worshiping snakes

Just follow Patristics and the Bible.
Anything else retarded.
Organized Religion is meaningless today.


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Become an identity Christian only good version of Christianity

>all this seething over christianity
Who hurt you?

Wonderful to see a Jew come to Christ. Jesus Christ came especially for you and your people, then the rest of the races of the world. Welcome home.

>which branch
The Branch Davidian.

Everyone else is a heretic

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Whichever one advocates you kill yourself.
Anyone living in israel deserves to die, jew or mudslime or christcuck.

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none. all religions are Jewish tricks

only a retard would think god of the entire universe is apart of some man made system of control from 1 planet

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Just Christianity itself denominations are divisive groups. Just find a Bible believing church that is not into the traditions of men. You want one where they read, and preach it chapter, by chapter, verse, by verse. If you have some preacher that uses one, or two verses, and then makes the whole service out of it, they are full of themselves, and not the Word. Also those that pass the plate are ones l avoid, because if they beg for money, they are not doing the Lords will. Those doing the Lords work will be blessed with more than enough, and never ask for money.

Atheism is also jewish trick
wat do?


You're in luck because Monism is aryan.

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That cart is incorrect.
Islam came from the Ishmael side of Abraham.
The Baptists were persecuted by the Roman Catholic, and pagan Rome prior to that. At that time were known as Anabaptists, they were actually formed by followers of John the Baptist, that believed in Jesus after John told them to follow him.
The Catholic Church was not formed by Peter who was never in Rome, but by Constantine the last Roman Emperor, and chose to convert the pagan gods into saints, and gave Mary deity status. It has always been an Antichrist religion.


protestant, Catholics praise a toe sucking nigger

Islam. You know this to be the one true religion. Muslims have always been the ones to rescue you Jews. It is baffling that you have yet to realize this on your own and convert.

i never said anything about atheism

the real god has nothing to do with religion

>dick already cut
>converting to christianity
but you already belong to a superior cult

Eastern Ortho or Oriental Ortho.

t. convert from Protestantism

how can you convince yourself of this Christian bullshit? You have to lose all your brain cells

You can't you can only claim Christianity if your mother was a Christian....

That rule aside.... I would say Mormon - you can have multiple wives...

I have not done-so myself because any desert cult is a lie....

>What fairy tale cult is better than others?

Non-denominational, follow the BIBLE.
>How to be saved, according to the Holy Bible

Throw away the old testament and keep the new
Your life will be much better without that jewish garbage
Proddies btfo

kiketianity is a tool of the jew

Southern Baptist

Top kek.

Listen to this guy rather: youtube.com/user/mapats2011

It's the most redpilling experience.

reading pic related book is also good.

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I left the Episcopal church years ago and after a while I went to an Orthodox church out of curiosity. That was an experience that I won't forget. Everything was beautiful and humbling. The sermon was simple and cut straight to the heart. The priest spoke of the Lord with reverence, not like he was telling a story about his buddy from the softball league. Whenever I move closer to one, I'll convert.

Because its not cucked with peods, no fag pope, no insane dogma changes over the last 1000 years.

Jews have been “converting” to Christianity for centuries only to switch back

be gone, fake jew larping faggot

The whole idea of branches is a jew psyop from the deciever anyway

True Christianity comes from Christ in your heart. Reject the rigorous religious dogma. When heaven comes to earth there will be no branches only the wicked and the sanctified.

Repent, the gates of perdition are opened in front of our very eyes

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When I had moved to a different city the protestant churches were all liberalized and even secularized. The church seemed like it was dead and an eyesore, then I ran into a priest from the Orthodox church and he had invited me just to see what they do. After about a month of visiting and talking I started my conversion. I don't regret it at all, if you move close to one check it out, some Orthodox churches will be different due to culture. But do convert, I promise it will be fruitful.

Have you heard of the New Testament of Jesus Christ it’s called the Book of Mormon

Roman Catholicism.

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if you're actually interested read the new testament and read the words of christ for yourself then decide what church is best

Catholicism and find a church with a good pastoral practice

Vargian paganism.

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Catholic easy

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Read this instead.

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Wait for Polish Reformation. Though they probably won't let you into the country even if you swap religions.

Any Christian church that promotes the pic related
will do.

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>Islam came from the Ishmael side of Abraham.
WTF you're talking about.
Their prophet has no know ancestry... Just kidding, but his clan was founded by a no-name, then his lineage got better thanks to the Mecca becoming an important crossroad on the East-West exchange lines.

stay jewish


start worshipping the oven, kike.

Catholicism is based upon Aristotle and Greek philosophy so how exactly did it destroy the ancient world? through the banning of slavery? the main criticism against Catholicism is that it had subsumed classical paganism in many respects and took over pagan feasts days, festivals, and temples and simply “converted” them into Christian holidays, celebrations, and houses of worship. Judaism did the same with embaracing Babylonian calendar and national myths (like the Book of Esther) or the most important of all - the Sabbath, which is not even a day in the week, but rather a specific day on the lunar calendar where the moon is at its brightest phase which is 14th day in the month averagely.

Just do what your messiah said to do you Christ-killer.

Why would you want to convert to a shitty religion like christianity? Only brainlet tier goyims believe the ancient jewish holohoax tier propaganda written in those things. Are you a brainlet, user? I thought all jews were super villain evil geniuses.

religious newby here. what church has ceremonie where you get to suck a turd out of that girls asshole?


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>Christ had no wives

>Mohammed had 11

> Christianity is gay convert to Islam

Roman Catholicism

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>Catholicism is based upon Aristotle and Greek philosophy
It stole what it could and tried to destroy the rest.

Stop with this dumb meme that Christianity is Greek.

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Don’t have to convert to anything. Just re-introduce isaiah 53 back into your synagogues.

protestant if not than evangelical


Protestantism. Find a based church ASAP. Catholicism is the antichrist.

I wanna breed that fucking jew tranny in your the picture!

And to answer to your question:

You should not only convert to Catholicism but actually become a Catholic priest, that's the only way to stop spreading the Jewish disease, you might be an asymptomatic carrier of Jewry, nevertheless it is still a genetic disease.


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you even got the based 33s but nobody care

LOOK a those tranny kike nails!!!

She is daydreaming of jerking off goyim!!!

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I bet she has the most beautiful of smooth feminine penises.

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Jehovah's Witnesses are the truest and most purest form of Christianity similar to that of the 1st Century Christians. We are the only ones following the Bible to a tee.

Our primary message is that of God's Kingdom now ruling in heaven by Jesus Christ who has been enthroned as King. We use God's name and teach it to others openly. We are the only ones actively preaching the message from your local neighborhoods, your local businesses, to missionary work in the most distance lands in the world. All of this without shedding one drop of blood or firing one bullet at an enemy.

JW are the only Christian sect who's members have never participated in any major war throughout their 100+ year history. In fact, they were imprisoned in the LOLacaust for refusing to war for Hitler WHILE they were imprisoned in the US for refusing to war for the US. Right now, there are JW in prison in Uzebekistan, South Korea, and Armenia for refusing military service. A few months ago Russia officially banned their work for refusing to be nationalistic. They are the most innocent of all the sects.


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Blessed and Breadpilled

>Catholicism is based upon Aristotle and Greek philosophy


>Judaism did the same with embaracing Babylonian calendar and national myths

Which is why Jesus condemned the Jews, especially the Pharisees and Saducees because the Oral Law, Mishna, and eventual Talmud would be based on the traditions of men learned from Babylonian Mysticism.

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Becoming a Catholic priest also gives you access to the young poon too.

go to Bethlehem Palestine where Christianity started n follow what they do

Go for a small community in your area. Don't fall for the big churches, their leaders are everything but christians.

>Becoming a Catholic priest also gives you access to the young poon too.

Yes, quite, indeed but not goy boy is gonna get pregnant, so this repentant jew might spread his HIV but not his kikery, which is far more dangerous.

Listen here, sonny boy, I’m gonna give you the rundown as someone whose family was heavily involved in a mega church in my home state growing up.

>Nondenominational Christian churches who take the Bible literally word for word are the most popular and powerful. sometimes called Protestant because they left the Catholic Church in protest of their bullshit. They run the shit and pull in millions of dollars
>Lutherans are salty dickbutts who want to be megachurches like the nondenominationalists but can’t because they focus too much on evangelizing and missions
>LDS/Mormons have weird traditions and lots of kids and the teenage girls are rreeeaaallllyy slutty. Also they’re not Christian
>Baptists are niggers and rednecks that like to sing and shout and occasionally speak in tongues and believe in stuff like possession
>seventh day Adventists are judgemental leftist fucksticks who always try to convert decent people to their shitty religion by telling them fornication is okay and women should be able to vote
>jehova’s witnesses are basically antisocial anarchists with Mercedes and nice clothes. Never trust one in a business deal because they’re liable to decide that god wants them to destroy your livelihood
>Catholicism is for the people who want to appear Christian and go through the motions and have cool (nonbiblical) traditions like confession and Ash Wednesday and shit like that but not actually be Christian. Also there is a strong Calvinist argument that the pope will be the orchestrator of the one-world globalist religion working in tandem with the antichrist mentioned in revelation. Don’t trust shitters who write their own add-ons to the Bible
>anglican, Methodist and Presbyterian churches are like Christianity Lite with a slight leftist bent for rich yuppies. They’re always the smaller churches in rich areas with sleek modern architecture and Porsches in the parking lot. They mind their own business for the most part. country club Christians

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clueless gook.

>>jehova’s witnesses are basically antisocial anarchists

Go door to door, house to house, stand in front of DMV's, market places, and talk to complete strangers about The Word of God. Yeah, very antisocial.

>with Mercedes and nice clothes.

Nice clothes yes, but most are handed down. Even their cars are donated and handed down to them by others. My nice meeting clothes is almost all handed down to me. They may have bought them but what relevance does them having nice things have with Christianity?

>Never trust one in a business deal because they’re liable to decide that god wants them to destroy your livelihood

Why would a JW destroy your livelihood? We are JW not JeWs.

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Why do you need someone to tell you what to think?
Figure it out for yourself

Roman Catholicism

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Evangelical christianity. it's pretty much the same as what you have.

hmmm she's kinda cute

religion is all about weaponizing superstitions for political reasons. Harnessing vast mobs of howling idiots to achieve political power

absolutely based

JWs are antisocial anarchists because they believe the world is ending and they shouldn’t contribute to governments or industry at least in my experience

The Hebrew restoration movement. Most all branches of Christianity have been corrupted through the centuries.