Could it be true?

Could it be true?

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Yeah, Jews did it.

Holy shit, is that true?

Anyone care to explain? This is new for me

shieeet they be hiding those black noses n shieet

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the noses fall off because they aren't supported by any other part of the sculpture. thousands of years is a long time for something to be hanging in mid air.

Looks african to me

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>building anything ever

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explain this then

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We wuz kangz content.


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>not a single image of a sub-Saharan structure
Thanks for helping out

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>he doesnt know Egypt is in africa
American education everyone

this fucking dude

gotta admit. those statues do look pretty black.

>egyptians are africans

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They come from Africa, therefore they are africans you dumb mutt


on Jow Forums, Jews always done it

Actually Arabs chiseled off the nose between 3rd-10th Century AD, due to Islamic laws against idol worship

>what is DNA and race
> what is sub-saharan DNA vs Meditaranean/Saharan DNA
The absolute state of German education.

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shitskins are to egyptians what sandniggers are to east asians


Unironically Egyptians, Tunisians, Moroccans and Algerians are the ONLY real Africans. Africa is from the Roman Empire era.
Niggers came later in the 16th century.

Islam didnt exist in the 3rd century AD you retard

Also why would they only cut off the nose and not destroy the whole thing?

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That spear looks way too damn good.

>not a single image of a sub-Saharan structure
>he doesnt know Egypt is in africa
>American education everyone

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learn about last ice age, backing ice sheet, sahara desert, hellen empires, who ruled Egypt since 5000bce and when niggers(nubians) came there first time for a short period of time.

> WE

Christians would often deface Pagan statues by removing the nose, because they are crazy psychopaths

You're comparing a peasant's hut to a monument you dunce.

Also, the world's largest steppe pyramids were unearthed in Europe.

meanwhile in reality

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Bosnian pyramids still aren't proven.

Well there is documented proof of white archeologist painting over hieroglyphes and making them more light skinned.

And Arabs not considering a multiple hundred year long reign because that specific pharaoh was black. They just jump over that period of time as if it never existed.

this one looks Asian

If this is true then I guess the kangs owe the Hebrew nation reparations.

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>Mexican Civilization 1000bc
>Native American 1000bc

This was made by an anthropological illiterate

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where do you think asians come from

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German posters are quickly becoming Canadian-tier

You mean Jewish

they took the nose off of everyone as a sign of disrespect

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It's this stuff that makes me think the mummies are 100% bullshit.
>super high technology want into creating oldest egyptian statues, obelisks, pillars, pyramids, tombs, tools, etc
>statue depictions are mathmatically perfect
>mummies look nothing like them
You don't fuck something like this up. there are tons of lies about Egyptian history.

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If it's true then that means Africans were the earliest civilization to create Slavery.

A nose is an extrusion with no support under it. Of course it's the first thing to break.

> African Civilization
The Pyramids are in North Africa which has always been a Caucasian region stupid fucking nigger.
>Mexican Civilization
Kek Oxford University is older than the fucking Azted Empire, and Amerindians from Shitxico have legends of Bearded White Gods coming from the Atlantic in rafts of serpents (Longships) bringing them knowledge.
>Arab Civilization
What do you mean by Arab Civilization? like Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Gulf? Because if you do then you should know that the Beduin shitskin sandniggers have built nothing that resembles that picture, they only dwelled in tents and huts. If you mean the Assyrian and Babylonian Empire of modern day Iraq, then they weren't semites neither but Caucasians related to Europeans.
>Jewish Civilization
No such thin, Hebrews =/= Kikes, and the Hebrew/Phoenician Empire of the Bronze Age was not a kike empire but Caucasian.
>Gook Civilization
They literally tell of White Bearded Men founding the chinese civilization
>Native American Civilization
Are you implying the Hopewell Mound Builders to have been native american primitives ? Kek, that advanced civilization had steel smelting and already produced iron and steel swords, armor, and the fucking wheel with chariots, the native americans had no concept of the wheel nor steel smelting when the pilgrims came. The Injuns actually have legends of attacking and massacaring white tribes that lived in the East Coast of America ( this somehow confirms some of the stuff the book of mormon tells).

KYS fucking nigger

>Well there is documented proof of white archeologist painting over hieroglyphes and making them more light skinned.
I'm not surprised

> He thinks North Africa = Sub-Saharan Africa
kek lads

> in reality
MEANWHILE in reality
The mummy of Biblical Joseph the Grand Vizier of Egypt, the son of Jacob (Israel)

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They're broken off.

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>>mummies look nothing like them
What would you expect decomposing organic material wrapped in cloth to look like?
...I get where you're going and very much agree

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> satanic digits
> M-MUH NOSE !!!
Kek fuck off coping nigger

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>Pot calling the kettle black.

Ethiopians are the only Africans who wear lip plates and, according to many white racialists, Ethiopians are just Caucasians with black skin. So white people wear lip plates? Hmm.

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The Jews did that.
It's their unmistakable identifier.

They still look like corpses and the bones and facial structure is generally maintained. The statues look -literally- nothing like them though, and seeing how advanced they are you know something is not right about this.

I'm glad you agree and I know it's a hot take, but anyone believing those mummies are real isn't thinking straight. It's like believing the great pyramids were built in 20 years or that they used copper tech to cut and transport 2 million pound blocks of granite. Fucking ridiculous.

The devil is behind it, no doubt about it. Even European statues have their noses broken off.

Oftentimes entire heads are broken off.

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Hmm that is interesting. The extrusion on top is definitely less supported than the nose, so is strange.

I know you retarded faggots love to shitpost about this, but who the fuck cares? Just fucking take Egypt already. Yes, everyone in Egypt was black, ok. Don't care. Fuck off already.
Ancient Egypt was less technologically advanced than 99% of countries in the world right now.

This is the most meaningless bullshit ''political issue'' I've ever seen. People squabbling over a bunch of fucking old rocks. Pointless arguments over shitty statues that you could order on Amazon for 50 bucks.
This is the gayest shit possible.

Sometimes statues do wear but when a nose is missing you can safely assume some faggot broke it off. It's too common to be an accident and it's illogical to say that's the only part of a statue that would wear away.

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>Ancient Egypt was less technologically advanced than 99% of countries in the world right now.
brainlet spotted

>muh aliens
>muh ''perfectly cut'' rocks
Brainlet calling other people brainlets

The world is full of stupid people.


>reads Graham Hancock once
typical leaf

>arab asian and juice are fan art
>europe is a photography of a nowadays structure
Jesus christ what a shitty bait.

So how did the European hut people conquer the obviously superior monument people

>extreme north-east of Africa, on the Mediterranean coastline
Please, at least look up a fucking map.

Show it then. Post that proof.

Its a classical sign of disrespect/vandalism, as it disrupts the whole face , happened across cultures , kinda like how sticking out your tongue is a universal insult

By a full on illiterate. The jewish one is wonderful btw, makes me think pic related wants to be ironic.

What the fuck are you talking about?

There really were Kangz that did rule over Egypt, but it was only short period of time.

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it's a little naive to assume that all civilizations are trying for a true-to-life semblance in their statuary. even the greeks weren't depicting real people but idealized people. the simple answer is that egyptian statuary was depicting a concept of a kingship rather that an individual depiction of that specific individual. the soul can't look like the body, for the body is corruptible

this is a statue of akhenaten, who in fact did have his statues removed from their temples and busted up before being buried in the desert but his own priests did that. ironically this means that the statues are fairly well preserved and easy to re-assemble when compared with statues that were subjected the sand wear for centuries

was in the process of writing this he worded better than I would have though.

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What you are talking about. The only wrong thing i see in the kinder-milk-slice flag's post is the percentage. Because Ancient Egypt was surely more technologically advanced than most of nigger africa.

So you're not American, because you have roots and DNA from Europe? Egyptians are unironically Africans you American retard.

I am talking about you being a retard. There is nothing impressive about anything ancient Egyptians made by modern standards.
If Ancient Egyptians were alive today, if they had a country, they would be the laughing stock of the world. You'd have daily threads on Jow Forums mocking them, and butthurt Egyptian posters (if they got their hands on the internet) would come here to yell at you and how they will be a superpower by 2060.

All ancient civilizations are shit compared to the worst of modern countries.

>This shit again
>thinking age and war of art indicates the paint color

You niggers make me sick.

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niggers always talking about how they were space kings and wizards and shit

Cant grip the reality that you're all garbage.

Africa is a continent like America, so no, the burger is not American. He is from the US though. Same as Ancien and modern Egyptians are not African, but still they are egyptians.
Or like a Somali in Amsterdam. You can give him a piece of paper with a lot of stars on it, and your daughter, but he won't be European for that.

Oh fuck it's the nigger in Germany again

It's not naive it's just the most likely assumption.

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You don't know a thing about ancient Egypt.

khoisan cluster further from nigger than gooks from niggers
slit eyes are an adapatation to climate, subhuman nigger

No it isn't. Not coming to people that clearly demonstrated their fetish for geometry and their geometrical definition of beauty, perfection and goodness. And this applies both to egyptians and greeks.

>but Caucasians
levantines and iraqis still are caucsians
>They literally tell of White Bearded Men founding the chinese civilization
No,don't be a white nigger

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>a drawing
show me some real shit


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>slit eyes are an adapatation to climate
now this is dumb nigger posting

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