Isn’t birth control already accessible? Also, where is the money for all of this coming from?
Isn’t birth control already accessible? Also, where is the money for all of this coming from?
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Conservatives do everything possible to make birth control harder to get while also not wanting sex education. Conservatives are retards
Maybe it’s coming from your taxes??
yeah bro condoms are like a thousand dollars and it’s illegal to swallow
All that shit already exists and has for decades.
This is like all the retards who demand gun control then list off all shit that already exists but they're fucking retards so of course they don't know anything except how they feel.
why not both? (except funding single mothers)
>Conservatives do everything possible to make birth control harder to get
This is so incredibly untrue my dude
Liberals will literally say ANYTHING to justify their skewed world view
Oh well. Hey good luck with those muslims you want imported, I'm sure they definitely won't behead you first
>Isn’t birth control already accessible? Also, where is the money for all of this coming from?
Yes. Responsible people who are productive get their resources stolen by the government and those resources are given to useless nigger and thots.
whenever a liberal says something needs to be "accessible", what they actually mean is "I don't know what I'm talking about, so I'm just going to use this word to make it seem as if I do."
it's the same thing when they say "equality", "justice", "sustainable", etc. these are just buzzwords that they introduce to sound as if there's something going on in their argument, when in reality there is nothing. if they really wanted to make birth control "accessible" they would say "I think we should do [reasonable plan written in clear english]" not "I think we should do random buzzword that means nothing. No plan. No effort. Nothing. I'm just going to type a word and then sit back and wait for the world to fill in its meaning for me."
I'd pay for pic related for all welfare recipients.
>Conservatives are retarded
>Conservatives didn't start the sexual revolution
>Didn't start the women's rights movement
>Didn't force women to become independent
>Didn't come up with birth control
>Didn't start degenerate lifestyles
>Wants to preserve natural biological urges
>Wants to hold personal responsibility above all else
Yeah I don't see how conservatives are the retards here. Women have cucked themselves with birth control as studies show that birth control warps a woman's mind to want more effeminate looking males and marry men they are no longer attracted to once they go off the pill.
TLDR: Women are retarded.
>"existing" = literally cannot stop myself from riding every cock I come across with no expectation of taking responsibility for the inevitable result
How about you whores keep your legs closed?
Sex education is already a fucking thing. What they really want is a second sex ed where they shove LGBTQ bullshit down your kids throats.
>subsidize daycare
Fucking pay for your own god damn baby sitter you fucking mooch.
>tax breaks for single mothers
Reward me for being a fuck up.
Women punish themselves being so stupid. I dont need to lift a finger or wave a pen.
>Yeah I don't see how conservatives are the retards here.
Well to be fair, US conservatives are usually retards.
Dont even pay for a baby sitter. Dont you got parents that are retired and can watch them? Or are you from a family of failures? Maybe abortions are good for you.
This is all a joke.
Wow great counter argument, faggot.
To be fair I've heard personal accounts from a few southerner friends of mine who recalled their sex ed boiled down to "dont have sex before marriage, also here's nasty pictures of STDs" and thats it. I'm not really certain on abortion in general but I dont get the impression at at least in the USA, everything was fine as it was.
>as studies show that birth control warps a woman's mind to want more effeminate looking males and marry men they are no longer attracted to once they go off the pill.
sounds interesting, source?
Tax breaks for single mothers lol. Pay roasties to be single mothers, what a joke. Everything women want boils down to society should pay them to be whores, judgment free of course.
>give tax breaks to single mothers
Are you fucking kidding me? I'm 33 years old and worked my ass off and I STILL can't get a home loan because I have student loans out there.
Meanwhile a single white woman has literally five mixed mutts, ages from 16 to 5, and has a two story house and utilities paid for.
Fuck this cunt.
Birth control is the cause of all the abortions.
It destroys the girls' oxytocin systems, makes them forget to take the pill when sexually excited.
Then they get knocked up and have to get an abortion to continue life as they (erroneously) know it.
Their systems are so fucked up, they can't even pair-bond with the baby in their own womb.
You misunderstand me. I agree with what you posted. That being said Ive travelled through the USA and the majority of conservatives are braindead retards that believe that a McDonalds meal is a balanced and healthy diet.
Sex education is pretty much mandatory in schools. And even if it isn't, porn is pretty basic. All you need to know is that cum will get a bitch pregnant and you can avoid pregnancy, or have a pregnancy whenever you want.
Never let a whore tell you to take the condom off, no matter what she says "I'm clean!" or "I'm on birth control!" etc.
Basically the hormones flip what women find attractive in men and instead of looking for those who have genetically compatible parameters they seek out the opposite. They essentially look for "gal-pals" in men.
This could also explain why "basedboys" seem to be finding relationships while it is harder for the more masculine men to find faithful women. Incels seem to be stuck in the middle as they want women, and have the desirable traits, but are just masculine enough that women do not find them attractive in that sense.
Modern feminism is about women having zero responsibility and zero consequence for their actions. Having to manage birth control is a responsibility. Honestly society should consider paying people for voluntary sterilization.
(((sex education))) about how to finger fuck your date starting in 6th grade. It's degenerate the shit that is taught in those classrooms.
Naw, youre forgetting how the "sex scene" has changed since web 2.0. As a boomer my generation got bombarded with "wear condoms" in schools. So condoms were mostly used. Only rarely if ever would a girl say "dont worry about it".
Then the millenials and zoomers started to enter the sexual marketplace and they know fully that not wearing a condom is irresponsible, but girls simply want the full Chad experience, so they dont make them wear condoms.
Which is exactly why STD numbers are skyrocketing, DESPITE sex education. Not to mention HPV being the most widespread medical condition in the West for ages 15-25.
Lastly, Ill add that pregancy went from "last ditch effort" as something unsavory, but nontheless important to:
>Haha Im pregnant, because I let Chad come inside me despite ovulating, no worries Ill just go to the planned parenthood center and get a smoothie on the way back
>sex education
>teach 6 year olds about trans fags
Earlier and more intense exposure to sex only increases a persons likelihood to engage in the acticity. Teach virtue and chastity instead
>give tax breaks to single mothers
>incentivize broken families
Conservatives are retarded for allowing it to happen desu
For me, its punishing women for existing.
Single mothers already get tax benefits. If you have more dependents to your name, your taxes go down...
Not to mention the welfare
Honestly I can't argue with this. All I can say is the faster conservatives distance themselves from Jews the faster this country can heal.
If you haven't realized this by now, Progressivism relies on fighting fights long over by pretending they never happened.
Why do you think it's 2019 and they're fighting against shit from the 20's-70's like fachism, sexism, racism, etc.....
They have nothing to offer, they can only LARP as if culture wars of the past never ended.
>make birth control accessible.
condoms do not cost that much, cunt.
>fund sex education programs in schools.
teach your kids that shit yourself.
>subsidize day care.
pay for your own babysitters you damn mooch.
>subsidize prental care.
shut the fuck up, mooch.
>give tax breaks to single mothers.
fuck you and fuck giving incentives to being a worthless whore.
>punish women for existing.
oh no, you are going to have to have personal responsibility instead of killing another human because they "inconvenience" you.
>I'm unable to abstain from having sex
Why should the poor choice, and it is a fucking choice, of a portion of the population be my fucking problem? They made a series of retarded choices that ended up with them getting pregnant. Fuck em. Not my problem.
Rural and suburban retards to be exact