"Yes Billy, the commies and the kikes are the problem, embrace fascism & class collaboration"

>"Yes Billy, the commies and the kikes are the problem, embrace fascism & class collaboration"

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Your 2 minute break is over, wagie

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>he has never heard of market socialism

Nothing wrong with fascism commie faggot.

If commies weren't intersectional, I'd support them.

>gee mr. Socialist, are you telling me I'll finally get my nice white country back with all the virtues and prosperity it had before if I follow you?
>the working class has no country morality is a spook off to gulag anti-semite class traitor

Clean your room

>imagine believing "cultural marxism" is a real thing

Attached: Xexizy.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>the "almost as retarded as communists" fascists feel pretty much exactly the same as the commies do about capitalism
Commies are why i have no hope for a cure to the cycle of civilizational decay.

NazBol is the way of the future, jew

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Here is a serious question that never gets answered whenever you ask a commir this:


the elites have simply gone multicultural/multiracial post nationalist fascist and op is one of their pawns

>the elites have simply gone multicultural/multiracial post nationalist fascist and op is one of their pawns
You are retarded. Nationalism is the central ideal of fascism. You are basically saying a total oxymoron. It's like saying "anti-socialist communist" or "populist oligarch"

Isn’t facism simply corporations being the central authority over the state?


fascism is a method of governance more than it is a consistent world view, fascism may have been rooted in nationalism but its methods of governance can be applied in a post nationalist/multicultural context as well


Because cultural marxism destroys christian values, which in the end will lead to what marx called "raw capitalism", fascism is just another possibility (secularism becomes the new religion, the Estate values are now the people's values) that benefits metacaptalists (the "elite", those that ally to or even control the government to escape the market laws, think monopolies).

imagine believing that today's elites are supporting "fascist" instead of all the anti-fascist marxist bullshit

you people literally live in an alternate reality right?

I hate Commies, Kikes, and capitalism if that makes you feel better faggit?

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Then why are they fighting "racism", "misogyny" and "homophobia" with every ounce of their power? Why do they ban "fascist" parties like Golden Dawn from goveenment while freely allowing crypto-commies like Sanders to run for office (even if they do end up rigging it)?

Jew lapdog

>imagine believing elite are marxists

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the same capitalism abandoned nationalism so too has fascism gradually abandoned nationalism in our era

we are living in an era where merely criticizing mass migration lands you in hot water when it comes to employment and making a living for yourself and you end up ostracized merely for bringing it up

if that isn't a method of fascism i don't know what is


>fascism is a method of governance more than it is a consistent world view, fascism may have been rooted in nationalism but its methods of governance can be applied in a post nationalist/multicultural context as well
No, it literally can't. You are completely retarded and have no idea what you're talking about. The fundamental premise of fascism is the idea of the country as representing a "nation", defined as a group of people with common history, religion, ideals, views on morality, economy, etc. In fact, fascism is completely the opposite of what you described. The central element is a government that represents the people and culture, while the method of governance varies widely. That is why you have Franco, a military junta; Mussolini, a monarchy's prime minister; and Hitler, an absolute ruler; all being called fascist.

Stop dropping the ball commie retards. You have to actually use your brain for once instead of regurgitating retarded propaganda.

Reading comprehension

> Imagine believing the elites are not mostly made up of Kikes.

Unironically this.

Jews are one of the "elite", they use communism to get useful idiots like you too

>imagine believing the elites are fascist

meanwhile those elites promote globalism (internationalism) multiculturalism, progressivism, uncontroled inmigration (low wages), etc

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Imagine not believing it.

The elites will always go for fascism rather than socialism, because under fascism they can retain their wealth

we can just agree to disagree instead of playing the autistic definitions game, ideologies change and morph all of the time, it's quite obvious the neoliberal regime are employing tactics that can be considered fascist in spirit even if they abandoned the central tenet of nationalism

fascism was always capitalism in decline, the same way capitalism moved on from being married to a nation state so too has fascism

if communism is so cool why are commies so easy to beat up

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Actually that is exactly what Curt Doolittle promotes.

They do both, it just depends on the country (russia and china vs eua and europe for example).

Whatever works for them, they will do, the important part is to get a tyranical government that allows for monopoly, be it communist, fascist, etc.

I can agree that you have no idea what you're talking about and you can agree that you realized how retarded you are but don't want to admit it.

Diversity results in wage depression and more expensive housing which results in greater wealth imbalance. Most of the rich are promoting culturally Marxists ideas and they are always censoring contrary viewpoints. If we don't stop them, in the future, most of us will be living in sleeping pods, eating insect meat, because it's the cheapest meat to produce per calorie, so that they will be able to live in bigger mansions, eat larger steaks, and party in bigger yachts, and we won't be able to criticize any of them.

fascism is simply a strategy for the elites to retain their power and wealth during a crisis of capitalism. just because the elites are no longer nationalist doesn't mean they are not fascist. the definition of fascism is much more broader than whatever ideological definition of it that you adhere to. even mussolini when he wrote about fascism insisted that none of it was set in stone, he went on and on about "dynamism" and ad hoc solutions.

i am sorry that you feel personally attacked but fascism is much more of a fluid ideology than you think it is and you simply have to deal with it.

this fuck juan, tryone, jack (formerly known as jacinda) and the homos

you're literally changing the definition and the concept of fascism to whatever you want it to be

So you have no idea what Fascism is. Commies are bigger bootlickers you dumb faggot

>we can just agree to disagree instead of playing the autistic definitions game, ideologies change and morph all of the time, it's quite obvious the neoliberal regime are employing tactics that can be considered communist in spirit even if they abandoned the central tenet of socialism
>communism was always a corruption of fascist socialism, the same way democracy moved on from being married to socialism so too has communism
This is basically the level of coherence of your post.

You are basically defining fascism as "a vague bad thing I don't like" (which is what most NPCs do).

That's not what fascism is. If you believe that's the definition of fascism, you're objectively wrong.


>changing the definition when mussolini himself stressed that nothing about the fascist ideology is set in stone
i have a feeling i know far more about fascism than either of you do on account that i at least bothered to do a cursory reading of what mussolini himself had to say about fascism
fascism is vague but nowhere in my post did i say or even necessarily imply it was bad. i simply said that the post nationalist neoliberal elite has coopted aspects of it.

call my post incoherent all you like but your reading comprehension is non existent.


>fascism is vague
No, it isn't. The only reason you feel this way is because you are too stupid to do any research on it beyond whatever leftypol tells you.

You clearly dont because you just assume Fascists are far right boot lickers because they support government intervention on big companies that don't benefit the general public. You couldnt give me a clear cut definition of Fascism without using Jewgle

Fascism is the natural form of governance for European men.

Also how can you possibly be anti-capital without being overtly anti-semitic when 50% of jews are in the top 1% of earners in the U.S and nearly less than a fraction of a percent of jews live in poverty globally. By every objective measure, they compose the ruling class and bourgeois, too be against dissolution of the current class system is in itself an antisemitic act.

literally read what mussolini has to say about it himself you fucking leaf shit for brains.

>implying i'm a leftist
you're honestly too dumb/emotional to make this conversation worthwhile

>being allowed to privately own property means you're oppressed, goyim. now give us everything and take your rations. you're not a fascist, are you?

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it’s hard dealing with people who can only think in absolutes and have misinformed and ignorant ideas about politics, history, etc. i just want you to know, user, that your posts were coherent to me and I think you’ve made excellent points itt

>telling Jow Forums to be anti-Fascist
Slow day on lefty/pol/, huh?

No part of the ruling system is currently fascist, authoritarian aspects exist for sure but it's a form of anarcho-tyranny.

>implying hes not a leftist
hello mr big brain might i interest you in a non emotional, non idealist, fully materialist, world view?
It empirically ties all human behaviors to their material conditions and lacks any emotion at all! :^)

Fascism is a recent yet ancient movement of the Italian spirit. It is intimately connected to the history of the Italian nation, yet it is not devoid of interest or meaning for other nations.
Its immediate origins must be traced back to 1919, when a handful of veterans from the trenches [of War World I] gathered around Benito Mussolini, determined to fight energetically the then-dominant demosocialist (demosocialista [sic]) politics. Democratic socialism was blind to all but one side (that of immediate material consequences) of the Great War from which the Italian people had emerged at the same time weary and victorious. It diminished the moral value of the war, when it did not resort to outright denial, by presenting it to Italians in a crudely individualistic and utilitarian light. It claimed that the conflict had been little more than the combination of individual sacrifices, for which each and every party was to be repaid according to a precise evaluation of its suffering. This claim resulted in an arrogant and threatening juxtaposition of individuals to the State; the neglect of the State's authority; a lowering of the prestige due to the king and the Army—symbols of a nation that transcends individuals and individual social categories—; .

the unleashing of basic passions and instincts, which bring about social disintegration, moral degeneration, and a self-centered and mindless spirit of rebellion against all forms of discipline and law.
The opposition of individual and State is the typical political expression of a corruption so deep that it cannot accept any higher life principle, because doing so would vigorously inform and contain the individual's feelings and thoughts.
Fascism was, therefore, a political and moral movement at its origins. It understood and championed politics as a training ground for self-denial and self-sacrifice in the name of an idea, one which would provide the individuals with his reason for being, his freedom, and all his rights. The idea in question is that of the fatherland. It is an ideal that is a continuous and inexhaustible process of historical actualization. It represents a distinct and singular embodiment of a civilization's traditions which, far from withering as a dead memory of the past, assumes the form of a personality focussed on the end towards which it strives. The fatherland is, thus, a mission

>post nationalist neoliberal elite has coopted aspects of it.

like multiculturalism? like globalism? like unrestricted inmigration? like progressivism? like multinational corporations?

>literally read what mussolini has to say about it himself

yeah that the concept of fascism is incomplete that was your only fucking reference

Nigger you're just taking about authoritarianism. I guess this is your brain on Hollywood propoganda and U.S education.

>The idea in question is that of the fatherland. It is an ideal that is a continuous and inexhaustible process of historical actualization. It represents a distinct and singular embodiment of a civilization's traditions which, far from withering as a dead memory of the past, assumes the form of a personality focussed on the end towards which it strives. The fatherland is, thus, a mission
There you go, you imbecile.

Don't try to argue with me. You are a failure at life and a failure at appearing intelligent or read. That is why you are a communist. I've dealt with dozens of people like you before and you are all identical.

You clearly have 0 idea what you're talking about and are jusy throwing around talking points interchangeably in a bid to sound intelligent.

This is the Manifesto of the Fascist Intellectuals, the document that literally defines what the word Fascism means.

An argument could be made that the U.S operated as a puedo-fascist republic prior to WWII.

>give us absolute power user we promise not to fuck it up the we have the last 57 times
Commies are a joke for a reason

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>nearly less than a fraction of a percent of jews live in poverty globally
Why should I hate them for being smart enough to care for themselves?

Off yourself commie subhuman.

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>imagine believing the elites are fascist
They will push for fascism as capitalism collapses because the alternative is them getting shot.

as long as you deny human biological diversity and continue to stick to 19th century blank slateism there is absolutely nothing materialist about communism at all you're bigger idealist than the fascists ever were

Way to avoid the point entirely, why won't you address the fact that your ideology necessitates anti-semitic rhetoric.

>like multiculturalism? like globalism? like unrestricted inmigration? like progressivism? like multinational corporations?
this literally all capitalism moving on to a post national model and fascist techniques of governance have simply been implemented to make it all the more smoother

Most nations, even communist ones, have some degree of nationalist ideology at the core. It's intrinsic to human spirit to want to form communities with people who share common values and history with you.

this, fucking this, its hilarious that Jow Forums is too stupid to understand the elites are on their side when capitalism breaks down

>why won't you address the fact that your ideology necessitates anti-semitic rhetoric.
because its a strawman not worth responding to

>implying capitalism and communism aren't both kike ideologies

brainlet detected lol

Oh of course, they only banned my party and hunt me down for thought crime. How could I have made the mistake not realizing that they -secretly- are on my side!

hey faggot, whats to stop your meme ideology from failing for the nth time?

>human biological diversity
nobody denies this, but race is not based on biology, it is an idealist concept trying to hide within scientific legitimacy. The idea of race can only work in one direction, you can categorize groups of people for statistics, but you can not then take these abstract categorizations and do anything useful with them.
Jow Forums says "blacks commit most of the crime we should kill all blacks!', this is idealism. SJWs say "there are fewer rich blacks we should do affirmative action!" this is also idealism.
The materialist says arrest the criminals and ensure everyone has decent living conditions.

>hunt me down for thought crime
its only thought crime because you are too much of a pussy to act

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Your ideology had a chance, now fuck off.

name a single rich person saying this, I can name few endorsing communism

the elites only care about importing more cheap labor to the first world to drive wages down and to sell debt to new customers and are employing fascist techniques to facilitate it

you AND the people who are claiming the post national bourgeoisie aren't employing fascist techniques as we speak to protect their profits are the stupid ones i am literally the only intelligent poster in this thread

a different approach, market socialism instead of central planning

you are flat out incorrect

thats why the media, the universities, the multinational companies, the bankers, the NGOS, they are all pushing for nationalism, anit-progressivism, etnocentrism, antisemitism, and less inmigration right?

>market socialism
so you want to do capitalism but with co-ops?

fascism requires a fall guy, everyone attacking white males is setting them up to be the next jews when things start colapsing

What does this even mean?

See If you have an ounce of common sense, it is obvious that Fascism is the biggest threat to the elites, which is why fascist thoughtcrime is the most heavily persecuted.

You are a retard. Go move to the slums in East St. Louis

Define Fascism for me

So.. imagine being rational?

has been replaced by identity politics
a fascism of pronouns this time
anyone advocating capitalism in any form is being anti-progressive, unless of course they are living in a feudal society.
they do just that, long are the days of 'muh melting pot' now its about ethnic identity groups.
liking jews is something old stupid white people do now :^)
>less inmigration
gotta keep those profits high, capitalism hasnt colapsed yet

*free-market with co-ops

No, fascism doesn't require a fall guy. That is NPC propaganda. See Fascism is just the principle of a common nation united as brothers.

What does require a fall guy is communism. You require a "bourgeois exploiter" to blame. This vaguely defined term is used to attack any social class that does better than another. That is the fundamental principle behind feminism, gay rights, communism, etc.

Still waiting. No more deflecting

Then do it, there is literally nothing stopping you from starting a co-op today. Stop whining about it on a chinese cartoon website and make it happen.

>has been replaced by identity politics
>a fascism of pronouns this time
Once again, you leftards just define fascism as "vague bad thing that I don't like".

Fascism is very clear on the issues. Men are men, women are women. Gays are degenerates. Foreigners are foreign. There is no internal division.

Aw so you support the bourgeoisie I see