Be me

>be me
>go to near kebab shop
>it costs over 3500yen(32 US dollar)

How do you justify this?
We need diversity and immigrants for our good affordable lunch.

Attached: 24_large.jpg (3456x2304, 542K)

Other urls found in this thread:>go to near kebab shop/ needs immigrants/page/1/

Low effort Repost

op is a faggot

op is a faggot
you got your answer in the other threads engrishu teacheru

Hi, I am not

And it is offensive to call someone faggot

your a truely a arab loving faggot
litterally first thing i have when typing price of a kebab in japan
>Another excellent item on the Asian Kebab menu is the Kebab Curry. For 700 yen or about $7 USD you can try this Middle Eastern take on a Japanese classic. (Japan is curry crazy!)

stop pushing immigration of shitskins and posts proof that a normal kebab costs 32 dollars in japan

also OP is a lying fag each time he makes this thread he changes the price
keep pushing for diversity shlomo>go to near kebab shop/

OP is a niggerroving engrish teacher

Attached: Bone.jpg (500x417, 54K)

he is also the guy that pushes for open boders here needs immigrants/page/1/


Why the fuck would you eat that shit anyway.

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why would you eat kebab when you can have some delicious food?

Your high.
Go to a different shop, no different state
Im in midwest and literally just ate at a super greek place. Had a amazing gyro fries and soda for $8 and still have 20min left on lunch

Is OP that dumb feminist leaf who got rejected by all the Japanese men?

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>eating kebab

Oh another VPN faggot thread.

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You live on an island. Everything has to be shipped in...everything. EVERYTHING is more expensive when you live on an island. If you don't like the high prices that come with island living, the answer is obvious.....

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Just go to Lawson like I did.

>Everything has to be shipped in

hentai doesn't

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that's it. it's over.
it's over.

It's probably so expensive because they have to ship the shitty meat in via boat, rather than transport it uncovered in the trunk of a van, like they do in the UK.

Attached: kebab truck.jpg (748x581, 71K)