Anyone else feel like UK is going to be first to crack? They're just so dumb with extreme class divisions and cling desperately to whatever relevance they still have. Did I mention they're dumb as fuck? They have a society in which everyone hates each other.
Anyone else feel like UK is going to be first to crack...
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duck off france
Retake the throne, Orange bro.
Britons are too spineless. They don't know struggle, always safe on their shitty island.
This. Fuck England. Always try and act high and mighty when I come shit up their general. I hope they get shanked by a muzzie.
>extreme class divisions
this is never spoken about now. this is what the left used to be all about. now it's race privilege, literally out of nowhere. as for a society that hates each other, that is by design right now. there are things happening that are so astounding that the people literally have to be silenced to not talk about it. mass arrests for tweets, hate speech laws to stop discussion. implementing Islamic sharia law that will inevitably result in a whole new variety of blasphemy laws despite those being repealed. politics is the only way out so if we vote for the more of the same I would expect mass unrest. if that doesn't happen then we are fucked.
>never seen so many white people in England
what did this retard mean by that
But england was never white. Haven't you seen all of the historic non-fiction on the BBC?
class division in the UK is so weird because you physically see it by looking at people. You can tell who the upper class is because they look like posh stereotypes and who the lower class is because they look like the Norf FC memes. In the US everyone is equally fat and retarded regardless of class
he's a leftist cuck like everyone in all the media over here. he was criticised but that's as far as things go here. they are all cultural marxist ideologs. one female presenter literally used the words powerful, stunning and brave during a story about some woman doing something