He’s Guilty


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Comey wins. Brennan loses. Comey is actually a witness.

he's Sunni too right?

oh wait not Sunni he is probably a Sufi (type of Islam the mystic type like Kabbalah or Gnostic)

No he's a Zionist and only Israeli shills like. you trry to inject MUH ISLAM in these threads. Brennan got Mossad to kill Seth Rrich.

Comey was a double agent all along. Sabotaged Hillary twice at key moments, sabotaged the anti-Trump muh Russia narrative by admitting in his book there was zero evidence for it (while saying to maintain cover Trump was mean).

He is /ourguy and always was and now he plans to use a plea deal to break the normal rules of NDAs and disclosing classified information and take down the whole gang.

I don't know why he had everyone fooled though...

uhhh okay yea maybe
I still think he's been photographed or seen with islamic texts and once said something about it....

JAMES asked: What is the main concern (meaning what is the biggest case) going on inside the FBI at this time?

A: Israel. We are truly in danger of becoming the United States of Israel. They own 80% of our politicians. They have infiltrated our media, our tech companies, our banking systems. The average Jew in Israel or America is not a problem, they are regular people. But, the ones who either serve Zionism, or work on the so called “Greater Israel” manifest destiny pose a serious risk, both foreign and nationally.

If we can move forward with a full investigation into the CF, Wiener, and HRC, it will eventually lead to exposing the vast reach of the Israeli lobby. The best thing we can do as a nation is to continue to bring this stuff into the light. That’s why platforms like Jow Forums on Jow Forums, and so called “truth” channels provide the people with some kernel of truth.

Back in July, I tried to let people know that their mandate for taking back the nation had to begin with a citizen’s investigation into the CF. Now, please investigate Israel, from Mossad, to AIPAC, to a huge and complex web of financial connections between Israel and our elected leaders. I promise you that you will find a slew of information if you look closely. And what you find will make you question how we can consider Israel or Saudi Arabia as allies.

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Imagine if he actually did turn out to be FBIanon

I suspect FBIanon was not actually FBI but someone in military intelligence (he talked about things in foreign countries a lot that isn't generally told to FBI people). I think either Flynn or Erik Prince recruited Comey a long time ago though.

>don’t put me in jail, I just got this job

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That’s stupid, quit posting

The alternative is to assume that Comey is extremely stupid and promoted BECAUSE of his extreme stupidity.

And today that is indeed what the Democrats would do. But back when Comey was promoted they promoted people for conformity and MEDIOCRITY not too stupid not too smart. Just a perfect cog.

So with Comey while hes no genius I tend to also rule out the extreme stupidity explanation.

I'd love it to be true that leaders in the FBI are honorable and selfless like that, but one always regrets being too kind. I don't believe it.

>that screencap
I hope they hang that commie though.

Oh no most of them were terrible I think Comey is just an exception. McCabe and Mueller were major league swamp rats (Mueller just couldn't plausibly frame Trump, he tried though).

The cock sucker went to Mecca. He is a fucking muslim.

Brennan doesn't have to be a Zionist OR a Muslim. There are plenty of Muslims that are willing kike accomplices. Just another flavor really.

I think Comey is just a massive retard. He probably didn't think that email investigation so close to the election would really hurt Hilary.
I also think he is a traitor.

I commented on this explanation. I don't think hes likely that stupid because people that high up (at the time Comey was promoted) were selected for mediocrity not stupidity.

He also sabotaged her in his congressional testiomony (don't think he could have ever charged her himself).

Ehh.. The communization of the US under the left has been in effect since the mid 90’s

Yes. When he was in the Mideast he became a Muslim.
