
Imagine unironically believing that it's okay to murder and exterminate 7 million people based on paranoia and conspiracy theories about their ethnicity.
Holy fucking shit.
You people are either LARPing or severely retarded or sick in the head.

Attached: atrocities.jpg (834x664, 324K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Serb bitching about ethnic cleansing

>He belives the Holohoax

Attached: 1522021137165.jpg (640x480, 64K)

You are baiting, isn’t it?
Anyway, it was pretty wholesome deed.

Attached: 092DBAB6-38D3-42C4-BDCE-E176D32AE06D.jpg (543x380, 147K)

Agreed. When will the jews and the allies pay reparations for their crimes?

Attached: Prussia is gone (2).jpg (595x973, 260K)

You realize that soldier is shooting past the woman and her child to save her.....


Attached: qwar.jpg (2049x1036, 567K)

>conspiracy theories
oh i am laffin

Attached: adolf-hitler-we-should-have-listened-618x523.jpg (618x523, 84K)

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What the actual fuck?
The 6-8 million Jews was bad enough, but the Nazis killed even more Russians than that. What's wrong with you?

Attached: 1542734958465.png (363x296, 136K)

Imagine unironically believing it happened...

Lol that image is photoshopped... at least use images that haven’t been debunked you absolute brainlet!

Attached: 5E88B77D-DF60-4659-93F6-D381B0DB269A.jpg (1000x750, 175K)

Why would you sight a target that close?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 1.13.14 PM.png (868x575, 65K)

You're right killing 1 million people is an awful thing to do.
What kind of sicko would kill 3 million people?
It disgusts me in my heart that someone would kill 6 million people.
I just hope some madman will never kill 7 million people every again. #neverforget
All we can do right now is look to the future and remember the 11 million who we're killed and try to honor their memory.

My fellow Russians died for what they believed, no regrets.

Attached: EC435F42-70C0-45CF-B997-342C8B3059F3.jpg (1200x527, 111K)

>never forget the 6... I mean 11... I mean 6... I mean 7... I mean 28 million?

Attached: 1557336480655m (1).jpg (1024x442, 80K)

I am also furious Serbro.
ONLY 7 million...
If we weren't attacked by Gopniks and Nazis we could eradicate even more Jewish rats!
Ah, what could have been


The best part is if you question any of those numbers... off to jail!

Attached: intellectual-dark-web-e1558008055527.jpg (708x487, 66K)

You idiot.
The photo has never been debunked, except maybe on the daily stormber, you brainlets.>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivanhorod_Einsatzgruppen_photograph#Falsification_allegations
I hope all you deniers of reality will be haunted by the screams of 8 million Jewish souls for an eternity in hell, along with 20 million Russians.

Without holocaust there would never have been decent memes like Anne Franke.

Attached: 93D6B41D-B5F5-4EAB-8FF6-B450333A43BD.jpg (528x704, 304K)

Genocide is fine until it happens to me.

I see what you're doing. Well played.

Attached: 1558009721260.jpg (450x627, 69K)

nobody cries for killed roaches

this image is pretty good man. i really like it

lol why don't you bitch more about the time we shot sandniggers with water cannons at the border?

Attached: 1556788956669.jpg (483x574, 76K)

Wish I could take credit. Got it off the Stormer.

Attached: 1557685959823.jpg (1080x1439, 143K)

imagine being hated everywhere you go, get kicked out of over 100 countries, and still screaming about how you're the victim

I've heart it was 17 million.


Attached: 1557857063381.jpg (600x687, 75K)

Neck yourself

Attached: 20180916_161517.jpg (790x845, 438K)

Nice picture of a Yugoslavian soldier you got there.

66 gorillion

Attached: sol.jpg (1280x720, 772K)

You """people""" make me sick and it's clear that no conversation with you can serve any purpose.
I just wanted to express my shock and dumbfoundedness as to how you could possibly harbor such vile ideas and beliefs. But of course, not even the opinions as good as mine can get through to you. I never should have expected any better from a pack of low-IQ, bitter, fat neckbeards. At this point, I'm just sorry to have ever graced this board with my quality opinions. Frankly, it's like throwing silk on a pig. In the end, I'd just like to remind you that you are nothing but a fringe minority. The good guys won in '45 and there's nothing you can do about it except cope. The world has moved on, and you will forever be left in the dark. The world remembers the 8.5 million, while you are forgotten and marginalized. Haha what's it like to be irrelevant? Now if you'd excuse me, I'll go back to PROPER forums where the intelligentsia gathers to discuss and deliberate the ways in which we can better this world. Keep "shitposting," beta males.
I also leave enclosed a "le rare pepe." Even the pepe I post is better than your pepe. I even beat you at your own game.

Attached: pepoji.png (262x264, 107K)

>6 million
>8 million
pick one, jew


It's a bit my dude. His first post was 7. Then 8. Then 8.5. Etc.

Attached: 1557857000164.jpg (940x672, 110K)

it gets better. they decry communism for being murderous, yet they blatantly wish millions did die in the holocaust, while insisting thy didn't.

one side blames communism for killing millions in one mouth, while in a very juden like fashion, wishes for millions dead themselves

Anne Frank would be pregnant if the South had won.

Attached: Anne and Johnny Reb.jpg (1415x1696, 514K)

Thank you

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Hasn't this picture been confirmed fake?

In the full version he is clearly not standing right behind her and is shooting at someone else

Weak b8

I've been holding back, but I want to make posters to put around my town at night
They would be the Shifty Jew over the top of BigBrother

Fucking cannibal satanist

What are you even doing here if you aren’t going to use reputable sources?

Its either German troops firing at Russians on the far side of the field, as civilians flee. Or Yugoslavians post 1945, as the uniforms and weapons match those that were used by em'.

Ultimately we may never know exactly but it's very telling when certain people try to portray it as 1110%%% genuine.

that rifle is a yugo. not german.

he did not win nobel peace prize, but literature

Cope harder kike. We will kill you all down to the last child.

>We will kill you all down to the last child.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

Attached: Charge Bayonets!.png (736x692, 335K)

You wont.


what? why do you question the 8 million dead?
you think it's funny, doubting whether 9 million died?
you'll be hearing from the police about your questioning of the 10 million dead

Attached: 26_08-.jpg (272x168, 11K)

Never forget the 38 billion

Wanna try, boy?

Attached: Confederate Standard Bearer.jpg (728x931, 287K)

You try faggot. Im gonna kill Jews. Stop me.

This is bait

why the fuck are these threads allowed? this shit and non-stop racemixing bullshit. what the fuck is wrong with jannies.

Little sad that only a few people got it.

>8.5 million
how dare you deny the 9 trillion

Attached: 1546390039037.jpg (464x700, 51K)

>Using a doctored Soviet photo

Oh the ironey

Yea it's disgusting how people just deny the deaths of 8 million people. The Nazis brutally murdered more than 12 million Jewish men, women and children. Never forget the 16 Millions.


>Im gonna kill Jews

Sure you will pal

This is the problem with meme flaggots
Yo dipshit he's on OUR side. Didn't the Confederacy WANT to destroy the overpowering government that was opressing their comfy way of life and capitalist regime?
Or are you just another redneck retard who saw the dukes of hazard and went full on Muh Heritage.

>Stop me.

All it takes is one well-placed bullet. One well-placed strike of a saber. One good thrust with a bayonet.

You'd know if you're weren't a sniveling coward who though butchering women and children made you hot shit.

Attached: For God and Our Rights Dale Gallon.jpg (1400x1831, 411K)

>hot shit
Is that you John?

Joe Bernstein deserves hell

>flag that got utterly BTFO shilling for rats kicked out of 360 countries is going to intimidate anyone...

Attached: 1557758395699.jpg (638x1000, 61K)


Plz no report to elders

Attached: jewgold.jpg (694x544, 113K)

Nice edited photo, bait/10.

If youre gonna stop me than quit talking and do it faggot.

>Yo dipshit he's on OUR side.

He's a Nazi. He's not on our side.

>Didn't the Confederacy WANT to destroy the overpowering government that was opressing their comfy way of life and capitalist regime?

We did. And the Third Reich was one of the worst offenders.

Attached: saint andrew's cross bane of tyrants.jpg (546x438, 33K)

uggh its a serb

Attached: 1557765499118.jpg (886x862, 169K)

T. Jew on vacation

>12 million
oy vey you nazi scum now it's 12. Keep rounding down the 13 million will you

>killed two Federal pigs for every Southerner who fell in battle and nearly brought the Union to its knees
>got utterly BTFO

Attached: union scum btfo.jpg (489x479, 62K)


>Nazi "care" centres where pregnant women were forced to have an abortion or had their child killed right after giving birth.

Attached: file.png (475x271, 237K)

Hes just a kikr afraid to die because he has no soul.

It's 7gorillion now?


Attached: 1557760933006.png (500x703, 423K)

>He's a Nazi. He's not on our side
No im not. You dont have to be a Nazi to want the death of all Jews.

> (OP)
>It's 7gorillion now?
Fuck! Am I the only person still alive on the planet?!

They call me the (you) machine
I catch the (you)s, I spread the (you)s
I eat the (you)s, I shit the (you)s
Without (you)s, I will die
Inhale the (you)s
Exhale the (you)s
Inject the (you)s into my bloodstream
There are good (you)s, and there are bad (you)s
Why has God abandoned us? (help me)
Smoke the (you)s, snort the (you)s
Take the (you)s until you OD
If you borrowed my (you)s then you owe me
A new fresh pair of (you)s

(you) machine
(you) machine
I’m a motherfucking (you) machine
(you) machine
(you) machine
Without (you)s, I will die.

Attached: 1534779593974.jpg (699x587, 66K)

>Looking at all of the evidence from this thread as well as older ones and still classifying it ***under your own terms*** as a conspiracy

Are you seriously that stupid? It is amazing that a human can be so oblivious to any information presented in the name of declaring themselves right. Also, what's with NPCs and the word "conspiracy"? Anything can be a conspiracy under one's own definition.

most nazis don't even want to kill all jews

If you need proof that the holocaust happened and that it was probably the worst atrocity in mankind's history, look no further than pic related.

Attached: degenerate krauts.jpg (283x9628, 1.04M)

Both sides had nearly the same death numbers by army, if anything the North Killed more civilians and therefore holds the higher death count.

Not people

Attached: 1355454495168.gif (150x150, 333K)

you think the Russians and the Jews will be down there in hell screaming? thats pretty antisemitic/russophobic lmao


russkis killed themselves by throwing their people into MG-nests. they didn't value individual lives

I already have super-immunity that covers any form of immunity stealing thank you very much...


Considering the odds stacked up against us. It would the equivlant of Poland single-handedly throwing out the Nazis six times, successfully invading Germany and getting as far as Seelow Heights (twice) before finally succumbing to Germany's industrial might.

The North a larger, better trained, better equipped army and more industry. And yet only won through four years of literal zerg-rushing.

Not even the Soviet Union did that badly by comparison.

Attached: battle of fredericksburg marye's heights mort kunstler.jpg (1598x998, 1.06M)

Thats because they are nutless weak willed faggots.