Did white people come from space?
Did white people come from space?
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They came from Outland.
All people come from space. Aliums first created niggers,but they disowned them because the niggers were to animalistic. Later aliums created Chingchongs,but disowned them because they were too machine-like. Whites are the result of a perfected production process.
White people are really the remnants of Satan and his Angels being cast into Hell. Their punishment for defying God (the Aliens,) is to be slowly mixed into the Ape People of earth to make more obedient slaves that are somewhere between white and black intelligence.
There's a big theory around that
>tfw you know you'll never meet rl pleiadian cutie
No. Whites are the last survivors of Atlantis.
pfft witey be da fail eggspearmint by yakub u cavemen
White people came from Europe.
>I got banned for posting similar threads
I think so, I think all races on this planet have some sort of extraterrestrial origin
Secret space program whistle blower Corey Goode
Do the inner work, focus on becoming one with everything, they or another benevolent group may communicate with you when you are ready, we are actually suppose to be welcomed back to the cosmos within the next ten years, go research Corey Goode and Dr. Dan Burisch for more details, read the Law of One Ra Material
Ask yourselves this: Does it even matter? I would prefer that our origins remain a mystery. What matters now is the future. Earth is nothing more than a temporary home.
The whole satanism thing is a malevolent extraterrestrial race keeping us covertly enslaved, they have ultimately become the jews of today which you are talking about
Atlantis was interfered with by the race from Timat and Mars, they were human but had grayish skin and resembled Nefertiti and Akhenaten
You are right, our future is in our hands, it is our right and duty to return to the creator no matter our origins really are
Yeah nigger. See that movie Prometheus
>wypipo evuhl das rite
>white devil
And yet we’re the only race that has ever been concerned with or made strides towards human rights and enfranchisement. If we have a flaw it’s that we’re far too kind, but the white naïveté is being purged from our ancestral lines.
These aliens are the descendants of a timeline in which Nazis won. This is what our world could have been. Instead communism won, so humanity will turn into the grey aliens. That is the path that was chosen. It's a collective choice, unfortunately.
>Nazis would've been colonizing space n shieet dawg
more like collapsing after the eventual death of Hitler
This is the intergalactic redpill. Grey aliens are communist. Small. Frail. Sexless. Hive-minded. They are the products of a communist society.
Plaedians / Nordics / Tall Blondes are the result of a national socialist society that learned to work together in peace and bring positivity to the stars while retaining their own individuality, ideas of love and "true love", spirituality, ect.
They respect the free will of others now. Even the free will of communists and greys, only because their technology mixed with spiritual capabilities render them so far above the threatening reach of the more militant and vicious communist hive mind greys.
You can change timelines when you reincarnate. Just make the choice and save yourself, if this theory is correct.
Well IDK what to tell you. You're literally just choosing to be a small sexless grey alien with the path you've chosen. That's the path our whole society has chosen. Everyone is miserable here for it too.
This is an intergalactic choice. A timeless one. It's a choice for the human spirit. The "nazi vs communism" choice is one for all to make, it doesn't just determine the future course of your society either but the future course of your soul. Communism is slavery, mechanization, loss of identity. National socialism is love where you love your fellow citizens in your society but simultaneously retain your own individuality.
Thousands upon thousands of people report interactions with these beings. IDK what to tell you. And we know now from the US government itself (specifically the pentagon and former senate majority leader Harry Reid who commissioned the program) that UFOs have actually been real all along so......
Based truth teller.
Yes, aliens sent humans to Atlantis.
White people are the descendants of them.
We might as well considering other races on Earth other than us and the East Asians.
Dunno, but it seems to be a motif among Aryan cultures. Krishna is believed to have come from another planet.
Anyway, while we're on the subject of white people and the paranormal, pic related will change your life.
geo eng youtube.com
All white souls descend from Adam
If you start a religion based on a movie suggesting magic people.
I may die i little more inside.
mormons believe that white people were created just like god and every brown person was made that way to prevent mixing the bloodline. current pc culture has backpedaled this view however
yes. im from the moon
>Did white people come from space?
We ARE the Annunaki.
No, just who has blue eyes and blond hair.