>Breaking: UK raises threat level for personnel in Iraq due to 'heightened risk from Iran' >The UK has also put its personnel and their families in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar on an increased state of alert.
>Theresa May has been granted a temporary reprieve after the 1922 Committee agreed to let her wait until after the vote on the EU withdrawal agreement bill in early June before she has to set a date for her departure. But she has agreed to set a date then - regardless of whether or not MPs approve her deal in the second reading vote on the EU withdrawal agreement bill. Until recently she was not willing to discuss resigning in the event of Brexit not being passed.
>Racist bullies would pull her hair out, slam her fingers in doors until all her fingernails fell out, and flush her head down the toilet.
>"I still have that memory of the water going up my nose and feeling like if they don't pull me up now I am going to drown with my head in this toilet," she said.
>After that, she hid under a sink and had her first panic attack.