Carl Benjamin Rapes a Dirty Dirty Smear Merchant on National TV
It looks like he did rather well.
Carl Benjamin Rapes a Dirty Dirty Smear Merchant on National TV
It looks like he did rather well.
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He's a pedophile workring for Sloppy Steve Bannon...another pedophile.
>e-celeb shit
Nobody cares
Erm...he's a serious political candidate, Aussie.
He’s running for office, no longer e celeb shit
Is it just me or is watching Carl on the BBC is probably one of the weirdest things I've seen all year?
>Carl Benjamin Rapes a BBC Reporter
It was bound to happen. They pushed him too far.
It is very odd.
This dumb fucking bitch is infuriating. Fuck it. Just start throwing them in the gulags before they beat us to it.
Kek that streisand effect. It would be Trump times 9288 if he did get in by a miracle
>Aren't the main stream media kind of blowing this out of proportion?
Outplayed. Well done Carl.
>Do you always ask people if they've been raped?
>I don't think you'd ask a woman if she'd been raped
>I have
>In this context
>Cheaply using comments to vicariously call him a bigot to his face
>Her voice cracking at 7 mins
You just know shes thinking "I can't even!"
Man's a fucking genius:
>Makes offensive joke that MP wouldn't see
>People are so outraged that he'd say such a harmful joke that they spread it everywhere
>Force MP to hear 'harmful joke'
>Can't go anywhere without hearing joke
>Joke apparently normalises rape
>Repeat and spread joke all over Britain by own logic normalise rape across nation
This man has created a level of meta comedy that puts black mirror to shame
Its deliciously ironic
Fuck it. I was voting Brexit party before but fuck it why not. UKIP it is
sargon redemption ark
UK: a country where the most based person in media and politics is sargoy of cuckad
clown country right there
>Man tries to talk about mens issue
Jess laughs
>Let me tell you why you should shut up now
>Carl Benjamin
where's his rape video & tweet that everyone is flipping out about anyway?
The only woman there dictating how its going to be. Yeah, no power at all
Yiffing in Second Life with Vee, right?
what a cunt
I wouldn't even rape her
I've heard Carl Benjamin is literally a Nazi
Other kids at school call me "Smart Man."
First off I'm 18, by "other kids" i mean other highschoolers since we're in year 12. I got into an argument with a right-wing SJW and was spitting off Rousseau and Voltaire like Carl fucking Benjamin. I then ended it with "have you even read Locke?". No one really knew Carl Benjamin so they didn't know i got it all off him. They always laugh when i speak to show support for me (kind of like how whenever the bully talks in a movie, his friends laugh to show their on his side, like not laughing at him but laughing to support him). They also all call me "smart man" and whenever they see me in the hall they say "hey smart man!" since I'm all about individualism, not collectivism.
An SJW also got spit on one time by someone on the third floor. They spat down and it happened to hit a SJW, they say it was accident but i think they did it since that SJW opposed me. I think they did it for the same reason they call me "smart man". It's outta respect
>This man has created a level of meta comedy that puts black mirror to shame
He's pretty good at what he does. He basically killed Anita Sarkeesian's career as well with similar tactics.
The funny thing is not that Sagon wins any debates with them (he doesn't) but that they are dragged down to his level. He inadvertently exposes that the media are no better than him.
That's a problem for them, because no one expects much from some idiot on the internet, but they do expect higher standards from the supposedly serious media.
So well done to him for having the balls to stand by his stupidity.
dude shes ugly as fuck. Anglos aren't white
If you can't outsmart people then you outdumb them.
>political candidate out of nowhere
>small party
>far right
>storming politics
>finger weapons
>i wouldn't rape you
>you deserve to be raped
why are you copying us? is Mr. Benjamin also a zog agent?
You'll notice she concludes with "that will take an awfully long time!"
watch that
He makes tweet. Very matter of fact
3rd step
Oy gevault I'm having flashbacks to my 6 million rapes
thx fren
but where's this video that the BBC found of him joking about rape?
You should win the Pulitzer prize. Oh w8 they don't have a fiction category tho.
Try harder Victoria
lmao shut up new zealand
ur only relevant when your mosques are getting shot
She mentions it at the start that CERTAIN interested parties who run these things at youtube SHUT IT DOWN
he's bolsonaro's fat long lost twin
>The biggest threat to the establishment in my country is a YouTube shitposter
>To the point where there are shills on our Mongolian thimblecrafting forum actively trying to smear him to the very people that spawned him
This timeline is getting out of hand
Wtf I love sargon now?
The Carl Benjamin Vortex: those who engage with him are dragged in and swallowed.
>JOURNALIST: you're pro rape
>BENJAMIN: have you even read Locke though?
>JOURNALIST: what are you talking about?
>BENJAMIN: you're a liar and a filthy smear merchant
>JOURNALIST: wft? I'm just trying to convince people you're pro-rape and you're bringing up Locke?
Holy fuck he's going to win isn't he
nigel is a fucking sellout piece of shit, only status quo neocon commies will vote for him
Can't wait to see the tears when this faggot gets less than 2% of the vote.
This is a bad copypasta and you should feel bad.
Shapiro, this is how you debate Britcuck media.
It takes an obsessive neckbeard to kill the career of a feminist.
>This man has created a level of meta comedy that puts black mirror to shame
Agreed, the bit at 14:50 had me in hysterics at the layer of comedy this stuff is producing.
I am suprised no one has put a splice of it all to make a comedy
Watching BBC journalism causes blindness.
Seriously, it is quite ridiculous to be elected to a parliament because of memes, only to retire after a few months of full pay, and thus have a regular income for the first time.
He's not woke about the JQ or race-mixing, but this still made me kek
No, you fucking idiot lmao. UKIP's popularity has nosedived with the rise of the Brexit Party from around 17% to 3%. Sargon needs two seats in the South West to win, and it seems very unlikely that UKIP will even get one.
A very Anglo plan, to be sure.
tv presenter with no independent thought, can only read a script.
Nice trips. He has zero chance of winning though.
Shes such a shite reporter that she spent half the time reading the comments of other people
>This interview has made me cry he sounds just like my RAPIST making people believe that its all a JOKE and that women are hysterical!!!
>bannon bad
Hello antifa
pump your brakes kid. that mans a national treasure
I hate both of them. Carl is a joke candidate and him and Dankula have ruined the reputation of UKIP (fuck knows why they let them in). The BBC interviewer is an insufferable bitch who kept repeating the few talking points she had on a piece of paper. The fact that this is the level of discourse in Britain shows that we really do live in clown world.
hahaha this is a proper hit piece, literally how it is done. just read out a load of comments from literally whoever, fucking laughable. I fucking love rape jokes now thanks to Victoria Derbyshire
I think the interviewer was genuinely about to cry, so she just buried her head in the paper of quotes to avoid looking at him
UKIP let them in because they had no strategic direction after Brexit actually passed.
He said mean things about the dumb bitch that killed ukip so he's obviously the shame of britain.
>This tweet said this
>Well if I could -
>Also this fagbook post said this
>The issu-
This is like that Mythcon debate with Thomas Smith all over again pulling quotes non-stop to the point where Carl had to repeat "I don't care" about 5 times.
Oh fug
Agreed with yo agree
>His comments were described as "S***" by Ms Phillips, who questioned whether he should be allowed to take part in the 23 May Poll
>Carl is a joke candidate
>Carl and Dankula ruined the reputation of UKIP
Carl's press probably hasn't helped, but UKIP has fallen in popularity because of the rise of the Brexit Party and the sudden 'shift to the right'.
>hurrr MSM says they're bad like they always do so their reputation is ruined
fucking retard
At 7 mins in you can hear her voice crack. All very sad shes not in the right state of mind but Jesus Christ its not worth the gulag
>just read out a load of comments from literally whoever, fucking laughable
he should have printed out his own sheet of supporting comments, and when she said "how do we know those are real?" he could say how does anyone know yours are
Is that really news to you? Sargon has 959,234 subscribers, that's incredible reach, larger even than most of the media attacking him, and he has enough of a platform to call out their lies.
He's the perfect candidate in a clown society.
Not to mention all the grooming grangs. All this getting pissed and even an investigation over a rape joke that's a meta joke and ignoring the real rapes going on.
Dear god, someone rape that BBC cunt to death and serve her up as kebab meat
Is it just me or has youtube gotten worse. In my recommendations and searches, I'm just seeing more BLUE CHECKMARKS being at the top.
>Later that night on the BBC
>Ronald McDonald threatens to beat woman to within an inch of her life because he said she was too ugly and she probably has crabs
Are you agreeing with your own post?
If he even mentioned that he would be in a prison being raped by a muslim right now
I'm not entirely sure why we aren't just making fun of the UK for Carl being considered out of line or out of touch. He wasn't my favorite e-celeb, but he was decent. The UK is just gone at this point. Get out if you live there, or politically and socially fight back.
>lol e-celeb
>running for office
Why hasn't Ardern arrested you for visiting Jow Forums yet?
he really didn't and your lying
We call it cultural enrichment in Britain.
That does not in any way translate to political success. Most people want to hear about how their lives are going to be improved by policy, not a hundred interviews where Zergen defends a rape joke.
We can only hope.
If only because it'd be really, really fucking funny to see what he has to say to Junker and Verhoffstadt the first time he meets them
>Now listen up you unelected globalist, Europhile, Germanophillic bureaucratic communists, it's time to break out the Locke in here.
Just showing my post to fren. Don't judge me
LMFAO @ this stupid cunt got absolutely blown the fuck out and still robotically tried to push it. He raped the shit out of her for 16min. This clown world is going to incenerate in a ball of fucking laughter
that cunt and the bbc are reprehensible. god bless america and the first amendment.
Learn to write, Aussie.
>e-celeb shit
The most effective meme I've ever seen on reddit. People should hink for themselves, not youtubers and the reddit hivemind. The truth is its neither. Once Hillary lost, they went after those that caused it. 'E-celebs'. Stop being retarded. You probably think most of the 'jurnolists' on the nightly news actually care. They're just pretty faces with agendas motivated by money.
that a was a great interview. He refused to backdown to her bullshit and kept his cool. From an American perspective he should crack a smile or two more, but maybe that is unnecessary in England. I would vote for anyone who interviews as he did.
Fucking hell, the butt hurt is glorious
It doesn't really matter, the European Parliament is a farce. What does matter is that he and his 'common sense' platform gain a lot of publicity in the UK. They try to use the rape joke thing to drown him out, but as long as he doesn't give in and apologizes, he stands defiant and will win a lot of support.
>carl (((benjamin)))
sargon is a kike?
based and redpilled
>see what he has to say to Junker and Verhoffstadt
if he doesn't crack a rape joke then it's all been for nothing
The fact that so many media outlets are queueing up to do orchestrated character assassination on him demonstrates that he has more power than anyone is giving him credit for. None of these have the reach and engagement that he has, a politics where issues can actually be discussed scares the elites and the left because they know they will lose every argument