European Defence


Europeans will create a common european defence union
>US wont have access to technology developed and information gained by the defence union
>US wont get to sell their defence shit to Europeans anymore
>European army will become greater than ever - and Germany willl have full control over it.
>Europeans will greatly pump more European money into their defence

US whiney pinkydoodle letter by drumpf's bootlickers to stop the European plan has been fully rejected by high ranked European politicians

Watch out, murimutts. We are coming for you. It's payback time

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Sweet, bump
It's about time mutts are kicked out of this continent.


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na, fuck that. I don't want to share a country with turkey. We have too many already

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>>European army will become greater than ever - and Germany willl have full control over it.
so it will be just the german army but supported by everyone in europe? how would you get someone like the french to agree to that when they are still involved in west africa?

>t, you
Read the link dumbass, it clearly says all EU members have to meet unanimous decision because if only one of them doesn't like Turkey (or anyone else, but Roachland is specifically mentioned) they can fuck off.

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Already did once

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I wish this time you will be exterminated for good.

>Swiss stay neutral still

I fucked your sister last night. It was shit.

meanwhile 80% of Europeans believe that EU will end in 20 years kek

Post a link not written in Arabic for starters Ahmed.

Also you guys won't spend any money on it so I doubt much technology or power projection will ever result. Not to mention your weak and cowed populace has been taught to reject nationalism and patriotism so no one will fight with heart or soul.

I am glad for you if I would have the power I would genocide every ethnic romanian woman in existence.

>Europeans not understand they are being manipulated
Europeans might be the easiest people to manipulate in the world. All you have to do is make them feel smug and superior and they will do anything. The US knows when it makes absurd demands it will push Europe to do the opposite. The US doesn’t want to be responsible for your protection anymore but they want you to be the one to pull the plug.

Who ever said the current EU would be that Union? it will probably form during the upcoming civil war as a means to connect the white people left here

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Nor will your migrants fight for you. Sure they may play the game but they don't care about Europe nor are they very smart or brave. You got the criminals and cowards that fled to easy opportunity for give and rapes after all.

If the krautniggers are in then I'm out

And nobody oposes it since everyone has their gold stored there.

why the fuck are you guys so delusional, they will outbreed us all, German Greek French doesn't matter in 50 years from now half of our populations will be mutts, as long as economic prosperity goes on, Europeans won't care about race, thats the fact, only a war can save us or a major economic crisis, other than that, we will be replaced, sadly...

> 50 years from now half of our populations will be mutts
Not a problem. Slaughter them all.
>as long as economic prosperity goes on, Europeans won't care about race
It won't. We are already entering a recession rn.

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You mean we wont have to continue paying billions to protect you ungrateful fucks anymore. Oh boy, you sure showed us lmao


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To the EU defense.

krautbro, this will never happen, stop being delusional, take the blackpill,
act as an ordinary person, have many white kids and hope for the best, thats all you can do

Working on it. But a civil war esque scenario is more than likely in the next 20 years. Have you not noticed the ever increasing anger with which public unrest has been going down lately

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Pretty based desu. I'd take European kikes over American kikes any day. Ideally neither but that's not an option at the moment.
You don't pay a fucking thing boomer faggot. NATO member states "contributions" come from spending money on their own military and you jam American equipment down their throats and make billions off it every year. The second largest financial supported of NATO events is Germany, at roughly 66% of your support, which is only 455 million. NATO is and always has been an American hegemonic extortion scheme. At least you're dumb enough to not want to continue it.

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>Und morgen die ganze Welt
Oh come on

For the unaware, this is an economic issue related to military contractors.
The EU Defence Fund allocates money to be spent on European contractors only.
US contractors are unhappy with this, obviously.

This program may not even have any serious military goals, it seems like France and Germany are using it primarily to stimulate their economies (military keynesianism).

How will you pay for it?

Enjoy dismantling your welfare state after already importing a serf class of barbarians refuse integration and breed 5 kids per woman. This will be fun to watch from the other side of the Atlantic.

If America didnt pay a thing it would care a lot more about losing influence than it does

NATO is a massive economic loss for the US, why protect global trade if US isnt a country that relies on it?

Is this the EU army they said wasn't in their plans when it was a talking point of the Brexit vote?

We won't, jew. Fuck you, and fuck your EU.

>us btfo
>still hasnt understood that evrey defence project is europe is automatically tied to nato (so the us)
Cringe and bluepilled.

no, fuck you and your new Gay Reich
your army is a joke btw even the french would shit on those undertrained soldiers with no issues

Germany isn’t ethnically German

>EU numonarchy gives strongest ally justification to attack down the line
Very smart.

>US won't have access to Information gained by the defense union
Let's be real: that information is going to leak into our hands quite easily as it makes the rounds to be translated for the various heads of state.
The EU doesn't strike me as one to have exceptional opsec.

I want out of this neo-Soviet-Union already.

Unfortunately, it still is, if you only briefly look at the statistic. The country is still 80+ % German. That's a serious problem, because it masks how fucking horrible the real situation is. That 80 % consists of old people, who are not going to breed anymore. The youngest generations are not German. The kikes in the government can always point to the statistics and say that the country is still German until suddenly it is overwhelmingly non-German and they no longer need to pretend.

I remember being in China and realising how irrelevant not even Germany is, but also Europe. We´re just another remote country that hardly impinges on some places at all. Europe ist the result of countless wars between brothers. A United States of Europe seems to me the only worthwhile political objective today. We must have a European legal system, a European appeal court, a common currency the same weights and measures, the same laws. We must make of all peoples of Europe one people, and Brussle the capital oft he world. I just hope we Unite soon. 1500 years of constant warfare between each other is more than enough for us to understand that we are stronger and undefeatable together, long live Europe!

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It's not for me and my Island lad, also implying France won't lead all foreign policy missions like it does already in the EU.

>My country

That's my country, Denmark, Norway and a hunk of shit Fritz.

going from nationalist socialism to globalist socialism, very cool

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The good old days soon will return.

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Delusional Kraut and their 4th Reich Union dream.

Get this through your head Hans, all not-Kraut Europeans are owned by you Krauts, together we are owned by the dumb Yanks who are obviously owned and paid for by the goddamn fucking jews.

Even if they build one or two bases in Poland them Yank are never gonna leave Germany, you will never be independent again without a war

You seriously think you can just proclaim Kraut-Exit and the jews are gonna let the Yanks leave Ramstein?


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Hope russia rolles over you goys

>Hope russia rolles over you goys

Better be fucked by Russia than be owned by Israel.

I bet you have at least one cousin that lost at least one leg in Iraq defending (((his country))).

Now go home and get your circumcision kit, you fat shabbos goy!