Sincere message to avoid racemixing w gooks

I’m in hell. You don’t have to be.

My wife and the mother of my half white child is Asian. I see a lot of you guys coping with the idea of going yellow but hear me. My wife checks all the boxes. Beautiful smart conservative. But she just doesn’t have a soul and neither does anyone in her family. I’m alone in a sea of slanty eyed zombies who just don’t have the same energy or perspective as I do. At the point I can’t do much about it because we have a child who thank God mostly takes after her white side. But me? I’m fucked. This woman’s lack of soul has an osmosis style draining effect on mine. She cannot grasp the kind of optimism, energy, and general perspectives on life like a white can and naturally does. We aren’t able to share moments that should be utterly magical like the birth of or child, because Asians don’t appreciate life the same way. They’re just fleshy robots.

I know the white women in America are generally fat feminist hogs, but not all. It’s never, ever going to be worth going yellow. Don’t be me. Find a decent white and have white kids. You can live without your wife being a thin hot 10. You cannot live with a soul withering family of bug people draining your will to live as time passes.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Post your wife's tits or GTFO

just fuck her and have her cook, clean and raise the child. Who gives a fuck about her soul? Better that she doesn't think for her self anyway


>he fell for the ching chong meme

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>my wife? shes asian

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What kind of Asian op? That's important.

tell winston to upload a new video

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this, *exactly*.
They're kind, clean, submissive, and can be tempting... breed with one, and you will be creating a living hell for your mixed-breed offspring, coupled with the fact that you'll wake one day to the terrifying recognition that everyone around you lacks the divine spark

Why? Our grandchildren will be white again if our kids marry white. It’s better than mixing with shitskins.

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once you go yellow you're not our fellow

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Hitler laid it out clearly in mein kampf. Why didn't you listen? The will for self preservation should be the most important.

The communists kill everyone who has any concept of soul or morality. All that's left are internally dead pliant slaves for the ruling elite.

WOOAHH do Japanese has brown nipples???

lel fpbp

Do pink nipples ever occur naturally in japan?
What made them want to change their nipple-colour?

better than mixing with shitskins but you have to know that they will never be "white" again

>We aren’t able to share moments that should be utterly magical like the birth of or child
Let me guess. Scheduled cesarean?

It’s not important. That’s the point. 100% of yellows, yes even the honorary Aryans, are the same lifeless soulless fleshbots.

for some reason this picture gets to me more than any of the others I've seen...
also, friendly reminder that the chinese are a very significant step below the Japanese... only the former would do something like this (but keep your penis away from both)

Hey, I'm in the same boat, just had a daughter 11 months ago, half chinese half white. Daughter looks white. Glows in the dark just like papa.

Guess what though? My wife has spirit, a soul, she's ambitious and lively, she sings to our baby, she fucks me with passion, she and her sister and mother all LOVE our daughter and dote on her. Her family are all sincere, caring and highly family oriented. They love each other and accept me and dote on me as well, making sure I eat anytime I visit them and giving up their own bed so I can sleep.

I think you just married a fucking robot. That's on you, guy. You didn't use your head or maybe you're just too retarded to be able to identify social habits of the people you hang around with.

Your wife is also probably a Buddhist. In case you haven't figured it out yet, asian Buddhists maintain a very selfish bug person mindset. It's their culture to blame. My wife and her family are all Christians and even though I'm an atheist blackpilled unrepentant asshole, they show love and affection.

Asian women are just fine. Ditch your Buddhist insectoid wife and marry a Christian girl.

>pic related
>how my wife looks
>no it's not her, fucksticks

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You think Keanu isn’t white?

yea I am sure she looks just like that, user.

>He fell for the yellow fever meme..
Only boomers want an asian wife, ese!

Attached: asian waifu.png (857x668, 32K)

Absolutely raced and bedpilled

She does. Does this trigger you roastie toastie? She's actually not as tanned as pic, and has light brown hair and bigger tits, rounder ass.

Chink confirmed.

Oh I am sure she is exactly as you described, user.

Yeah my wife is very well shaped just like her. Lovely face, long cascading thick shiny soft hair. Physically she’s angelic. But i would take a so so white in a heartbeat if I could turn back time.

He said it wasnt her, dumbass. He means she has an even skin tone similar to pic

Why wouldn't she be? Attractive asian women all look alike, this isn't a new concept. Asian women do not maintain as large of a phenotype selection as white women do. That goes for the men and women.

Why don't you describe yourself roast beef?

If you're not larping, I agree and it's it's the oddest thing isn't it? In a group of them you get literally zero energy back like they're cardboard cutouts. Sure they'll talk and react but you can feel that it's just an imitation. Turn your head and you'd swear you're sitting in an empty room. It's fucking strange.

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2/10 LARP

>how my wife looks
>no it's not her, fucksticks

>yea I am sure she looks just like that, user.

Learn to read faggot.

>she married you for a green card and the divorce is imminent, THE COPE POST

top kek, based insect posters

I am sure she exactly as you described, user. Why are you getting so bent out of shape that I agreed with you, multiple times? Not a roastie btw, fucked a lot of asian women in my time.

I hear the same from local american sexpats who married czech/polish gold digger whores and live in here.

Why are you so upset about someone else's life? You've contributed nothing about yourself or your preferences in the entire thread, shitposting cunt.

She’s a naturally born us citizen and out earns me as a physician.

Yeah sure go ahead and divorce me.

Once again, all these Weeb posters refuse to go back to the country of origin of their dog-faced gooks. You're just as bad as spics who scream about how awful white people are but act like deportation is a literal death sentence. Race traitors are so fucking low.

read: faggot.

its women that are soulless, not any particular race retard. at least the asian women are benign, white women have been weaponized and 80% are consciously evil through being sluts and killing babies and other degenerate shit.

Can confirm.
My dad is Chinese/Austrian and as soulless as you get.
I didn't know it was an Asian thing back then and thought it was just part of his character.
I met him when I was 16, he didn't apologize for not having ever had any part in my life and acted as though nothing was wrong.
He never even bothered to keep in contact with me.
Even the way he speaks is soulless, he's so robotic and muted.
Asians have no personality.

Not larping and yes. No energy back. My divine spark is just going into a black hole at this point. My daughter does have a bit of the spark so that keeps me from eating a shotgun.

>muh race traitor

Our women betrayed us a long time ago, retard. As far as I'm concerned Asian people are miles above the negroids white women burn coal with. It's not even a contest.

Eurasian kids are top performers. Niggers will always be niggers, even mulattos.

Only virgins who watch anime put gook women on a pedestal.

All women are stupid whores. I get that white women are shit or whatever, but guess what? Gooks are naggy, bitchy, materialistic bugs and they're not far behind white women in being feminist cunts. Also that virginity meme is just that a meme. Women are natural liars. Japanese girls start whoring themselves out to salarymen in their teens so they can buy Louis Vuitton at Don Quijote. Asian whores love using and abusing dopey white men that put them on a pedestal. All of this will be irrelevant when artificial wombs become a thing and we can make our own white babies.

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You sound like a narcissist prick who is incapable of empathy, so how could these shared moments be magical anyway? It's merely your bias of her race that prevents you fron enjoying it, doesn't seem like her emotional contribution is relevant.

t. White man with white wife

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>tfw flip gf

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read: incel.

>no your anime pillow doesn't count as an asian woman you daft foreveralone loser

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>Does this trigger you roastie
weebs are so fucking retarded. Anyone who's ever been around good looking white women know they don't think about anything that could be considered close to a true thought, especially what weebs are doing. Every one of you faggots project the same fantasy of some hot white woman all of a sudden being struck by the realization they've missed out on good guy Weeaboo. The best indicator you plebs are all sexually noncompetitive.

>inb4 muh roastie
women shouldn't have rights

this user knows

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>muh coal burners
white women are statistically the most race loyal group of women but you ignore this shit because you can't face the reality that you suck.

i jacked it to your pic, OP. she cute, like emmy from japan. (actually chinese)

anyway don't worry about it. consider their bugman ways a virtue. they have a perspective you don't. and i'm sure they're probably better at organizing their lives and living healthy.

>looks just like papa
that's what they all say

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>white woman agreeing her race/gender have destroyed western civilization

Go do something about it, roastie. Shitposting your disgust for women that have outcompeted you for white men is pointless.

The Virgin Lion vs the Chad Chinkman

>OP confirmed for having Chinese Viet or Korean wife
at least Japs seem like they kind of have artistic souls and jungle asians are often Christian, so they're kind of relatable

Wow, what a weak faggot. I said I believed you about your soulless yellow bug wife. Yet, you are still here going on about it? Wtf is your malfunction?

>look guyz at my pretend fantasy life
>she looks like my asian waifu, amirite?
>my gook wife and her bug family are so great!
>oh you must a be a roastie or an incel if you dont buy my gook tales!

Just so you know, no one is impressed that you fucked a gook and married her.

from what I've heard - it doesn't. Light eye colors don't occur naturally either

>won't admit white women are the problem
>yOu sUcK!1

Maximum cope, thot.

I love Asian pussy

>their son
It looks like a girl

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why, it's just snow

You can buy nipple bleaching cream at Watsons in asian.

>Maximum cope, thot.

top kek

White woman detected

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Nice blog post, seething coalburner. Here's where you pretend you're a guy again so you totally don't stand out as a roasted white woman.

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>They’re just fleshy robots.
Nice .

Coping with having to settle for a Nip or a Flip. Look at least admitted to my mistake. And I’m giving you a fair warning.

>he thinks asian women aren't the worst feminist SJWs

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Whatever you want to think to make you feel better about your gook wife and her insect family.

>out earns me as a physician
The problem is you married a feminist. Her career consumes way too much of her time and physical and emotional energy for her to be a loving and caring wife or mother. She should be at home with your little girl all day reading stories and doing finger paints, laughing and playing.

Also, a woman will never submit to a man who earns less than her. At the very least, she knows she can never quit her job and maintain her current lifestyle. This causes resentment and a lack of respect for you as a provider.

there are no gooks in Poland, so I don't give a fuck either way. Also if I were to go out of my race, they would have to be Christian and at the farthest - middle eastern, which just almost doesn't happen anyway.

>wasting these numbers of a seething REEEE post

when while women ever learn?

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Only mixing with black queens is acceptable

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I know that. My wife is smart as hell and works hard. Few can keep up. And yes she’s more organized and cleaner than me. Basically it just comes down to having a deep and meaningful connection so that I feel like we are experiencing life together, but I don’t. And that’s high on my list, might not be for others.

Trips of truth, user. Good luck coping with your yellow mutt child and the insects around you.

I can't decide if you are a roastie or jewish.

Humans only in this thread, mudshark.

I'm the guy. I dont visit pol often if ever but today I stumbled upon this thread. I didnt even tell her she had a chance and than she played this game like I have no chance with her and I'm friendzoned
I told her long time ago I didnt need her in my life and she continued to pursue only to say never mind.
>implying I have a gook fetish

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Did you draw that yourself?

webm very related

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I’m a six figure guy. She could quit and we’d be fine. But yes I get it, as a man I’m fine going from 250k to 100k but she’d probably end up murdering me in my sleep.

My daughter is unironically whiter than you are, and that's not even a flex post, she is literally whiter than you.

You've probably had a gang of niggers cum inside you, permanently altering your brain chemistry. You are beyond repair.

you're just bitter that she's more successful than you