Immigrant rating in your country

Good: Finns, Norsemen, Danes, Poles

Ok: Brits, Americans

Shit: sandniggers, niggers, serbs, russians.

polish people are hardworking hopefully more will move over

Attached: ghhhf.png (1035x586, 1.44M)

>polish people are hardworking hopefully more will move over
I hope not, poles should steer clear from terrorist filled countries.

Immigrant rating:
Die where you were born.
Don't travel.
Don't relocate.

I live in el paso texas. Border patrol is dropping off hundreds every couple of days to just walk off wherever in the country.

>polish people are hardworking hopefully more will move over
I doubt it. Your language abomination is shit and you're full of niggers.

Good: None in high enough numbers to be noticeable
Bad: Pic related

Attached: labour market.png (640x443, 43K)

Good: Christian Albanians, Christian syrians, Bulgarians, Nigerians

Bad: Pakis,Muslim Arabs, Russians

Get the hell out of my country tier: Afghani's and Somalis.

Yeah, fuck off.

Good: Scandinavians
Ok: Anglos, germans, italians
Pretty shit but still hardworking and polite: Iranians, asians, latinos
Pure shit: arabs, balkan, most slavs desu
Gas them: somalis

Good: Germans, Austrians, Belgians, Danes (and other Nordics)

net positive / okayish to negative /shit : Poles and other eastern Europeans

bad: any species of nigger

terrible arrogant nation wrecking assholes: Americans (esp in the main cities)

chronic destructive illness to the nation: arabs