You guys aren't actually racist are you?

I understand that you all want a white country for your own people /pol,
but you don't hate the other races right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Eh I don't really hate niggers or spics, even the kebabs I can deal with.
But I genuinely think all kikes should be exterminated.

Fuck you

I'll come clean. I troll on here, but I secretly like Bernie and will vote for a Democrat (unless it's Joe Biden, dude is a corporate cuck)

This is a board of peace.

I like to distinguish rich conservative Zionists from the middle class American Jews who hate israel (based Jews are a thing)

What color are you?

Asians are the only non whites I like

Hate? No never, but if the (((they))) wont stop trying to enslave and control people something somewhere might happen sometime to someone

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Jow Forums hates anything that is not white, male, and incel.

All of the races you shown in your pic are races I think are damn fine in nature. In fact, all races were fine when they lived in their own borders, letting their culture be still and age like a fine wine.

However, the Jewish - particularly the ones that enforced the "oy vey i'm god's chosen people bow down to me goy!" belief - fucked it over.

You must be new here. I voted for Obama, and all white people got was more disrespect and even tons of niggers and other subhuman shitskins coming out in their insect hivemind droves of victimhood. No wonder these "people" never even made it so far as to progress to agriculture.

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I love black women

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Get your subversives in line or we will.

I just hate the Jews

Yeah I wouldn't care much about these people if I lived in a country where I didn't have to deal with them.

I hate niggers, westernized asiatics/pajeets/arabs/latinos, white lefties, muslims, turks and jews and i strongly dislike east asians, northwestern europeans except the micks, napoletani, north caucasians and pakis

these threads are getting annoying

In all honesty, deep down I like niggers, mainly b/c they're funny. Truly do hate all other non-white races though, especially amorphous disgusting brown people.

I don't hate the other races.
Jews are not human and their children make good rifle targets.

Jow Forums is bored of peace

Mostly Jews, niggers and homosexuals

everyone is racist

I have no problem with anyone of any race on that standing alone.

I also believe that every race should maintain their ancestral homeland as sacred.

And Europe dropped the ball just as fast as we drop bombs, so I'm a little disgruntled.

The state of Native Americans makes me sad.

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only niggers. not all niggers, but most. latinos and jews are fine, asians are QTs.

Africans - X
American blacks - X
Jews - X
Japanese -
Nordic - √
Slavic - √ (barely)
Canadian - √
Mexican - X
Portugal - 1/2 √
Poland -
Welsh - £
Australian - ~
American -%
Dutch - π

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I’m only seriously racist towards niggers, Jews and Arabs.

The rest of my racism is just light hearted jokes.

Im white
not jewish since youre gonna ask

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Give it some time, the porn gets annoying quickly

>you don't hate the other races right?

Nah m8. Islams a race now

>Written between October 1922 and March 1923, the diaries of Einstein released in 2018 contains what has been called racist remarks. He notes how the “Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.” After earlier writing of the “abundance of offspring” and the “fecundity” of the Chinese, he goes on to say: “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”

Einstein’s perceptions of the Japanese he meets are, in contrast, more positive: “Japanese unostentatious, decent, altogether very appealing,” he writes. “Pure souls as nowhere else among people. One has to love and admire this country.”[42][43]

Your question doesn’t make sense. Hate is just your trigger word, you’ve been programmed. What do you really mean?

Congrats on making me laugh out loud

No, they’re pretty racist. Plus they can’t agree on what is white without purity spiraling in the most autistic authoritarian way humanly possible. It’s what happens when isolated children with developmental issues are given approval and attention by uneducated inbreds who honestly blame brown people because everyone else likes the browns better than their violent, slack jawed, morbidly obese asses.

Against blacks yes. Other races are cool.

im only racist until im not

ah fokken ate allcunt me, ah fokken ate pakis, ah fokken ate jews, a focken ate chinkys, ah fokken hate darkies, and ah focken the tory basteds.

An a focken ate you an all, ye focken prick ye

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Only Mexicans and muslims. Though I have some Mexican friends. I'd say I hate their cultures rather than the actual individuals.

I still hate you.

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I can have prejudices but how can I hate an honorable respectful righteous man?Obviously not no matter the race

I don't hate anyone apart form my mum and my rabbi

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I don’t necessarily “hate” others, especially plainly, aimlessly and such. I do hate niggers, this doesn’t mean all blacks though. I do have a lot of frustrations towards people who turn our areas into non-white shitholes, including the whites who are partly to blame for this.

Deport all brown people
Hang all race traitor whites.

if hating other races is what makes you a racist, no i'm not, simple don't want them in europe/my own country
but i'm sure that is labelled as racist so maybe i am

Not rly, but that's because I don't rly interact with colored people in my daily life.

on individual encounters, other races are generally decent people. the problem are large numbers, masses, unintegrated groups, and mini ethnostates of 1 particular minority in certain city districts.

Masses of minorities are usually the real cancer, as they stick together, and never integrate, assimilate, or change their degenerate behaviour.


on individual encounters ppl tend to be nice.
on mass, they are disgusting unintegrated filth.

kikes are the exception though, gas 'em

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>Masses of minorities are usually the real cancer, as they stick together, and never integrate, assimilate, or change their degenerate behaviour.
true as well

all this salty idealistic strawmanning. its why your side always attacks bins, you know fine well racists arent quite the way you describe them. cunt theyd bowl your smelly middle class slags over in a second

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also, we blame jews, brown people we just find to be disgusting, no pojnt trying to explain why to you though, youd rather just think everythings all rosey.

here, why dont you go on a wee trip to the middle east to prove that humans are all good people, take a bike with you

Boomer tier

libtards destroyed epic style

No we arent. We just hate communists.

Calling me a smelly middle class slag will honestly make you less revolting. I know it hurts that your peers don’t value you. The way to fix that is to work on yourself so that you have value. Bathe often. Groom yourself. Don’t churlishly snarl slurs. Or just keep reeeing over pakis. I just hope I never need to look inside your mouth.

I agree. Look at the guy next to you. The ‘people’ who tend to reeee hardest over Jews and lizard aliens are a great example of something I don’t want anywhere near me.

I wasn't born or grew up racist.

Society and life itself made me racist.

This is fuckin epic.

who do you think i am? you seem to have a set image of what i must look like and live like in your head.
how does it fit into your world view to know that i have a wife, 3 kids, a dog and run my own business as an construction maintenance and repair specialist?

I don't really "hate" I just wish we would segregate. For everybodys sake.

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who are you talking about? is this another one of your mental caricatures?

Big fucking B A S E D nigga bitch nigga

A separate place for every race!

That your children’s teeth probably look a lot like yours? Kudos on not being on the government dole like most of your ilk. Does your family know you secretly vent your rage against the modern era online? Or are you guys one of those screwed up racialist households where the kids end up abused and human trafficked by age ten?

no, i just kinda want an ethnostate if not a place where all races conform to the european culture

btfo memeflag

would colonize her

niggers are fucking hilarious

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here op, have a (you)
very based and redpilled

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>implying jews are white

you actually are desperate to cling to some notion that i'm beneath you in some way, why is that? is your opinion so weak as to need a social shaming side show to prop it up?

You're right, what I hate is the proximity to other races. And since that is a variable factor, there's no inherent hate and thus my position isn't one of bigotry.

Check mate.

I do. But that doesn't mean I want to gas them.
Why can't I hate what i want?
Blacks hate whites. All the other races hate blacks
Koreans hate japs
Chinks hate japs
Since when is hating a race something unforgivable?
Illl telll you, it comes from the Jew!
HE implemented that idea onto people's minds.


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I don’t hate other races. I just hate them being here. I’d love to go visit foreign lands and accept visitors in America. But they shouldn’t be able to become citizens and get the right to vote/change the direction of our country’s future.

No retard its pretty simple. All european countries plus USA , Canada , the rest of the anglo colonies (like australia) and boers are white. The other are not. This is what everyone believes. What you see are either shitposts/bait or d&c shilling. How can you be so fucking retarded? You are not from here , you fucking glow. Also yes we are fucking racists and to think that calling us that somehow shames us is in itself another reason why you are retarded. Get the fuck out of here you waste of oxygen

SOme are some are not
That depends on how much reddit you are.

>Tfw second kid is on the way
>Tfw because I have a business I can order items regular citizens can't get

Set up a trust.
Death to israel.

Well, no. I have yet to ever encounter someone professing your beliefs that I would willingly be near. Look back at your posts in this thread. I think of you the way you think of blacks and browns. That should get it into context for you. Now, as an American, I’m gonna go cook some steak. Because I have the intact dentition to consume it. Remember. You choose how you speak to the world, how you cause them to picture you. It’s not something I’d invite onto my land for sure.

Except albanians *

You've actually probably been next to lots of us.

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If you honestly believe that you guys don’t purity spiral on the drop of a hat, well ok. Have fun bickering over if Irish and Slavs are white.

Kill all Jewish and israeli children

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Only the ones with the common sense to hide in shame. I’m not a telepath. But really. The grill calls. Boomer AWAY.

Cowardly minimum wage fag

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If we had a White nation I would not care about other races desu.


I detect a glow

>pol is one guy

Kys faggot

I have been in brazil for months pic related for proof. there are pure whites there, mostly in the north , but are getting blacked hard and fast. In Rio almost none is white. In Salvador there are a few , as well as in Sao francisco do sul and Sao Luis. Most however are subhuman tier half-orcs.

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I hate the other races when they live in the same country as me

mirin that blonde tranny's arms

nice one user, congratulations, my 3rd is only 3 weeks old just now, its pretty weird, i forgot what it was like having a baby round the house

this is an anonymous board where anons can let it all out, do you think i act like this in real life?
In real life i have strong prejudices, but am willing to give people the chance for the sake of #notall and shit.
Ive worked with blacks and muslims on large projects and got on fine, still doesnt change my opinions on a statistical level.

You can perhaps learn to understand your enemy, we are not he goblins you think we are, life isnt that easy im afraid

Everyone was doing that pose, pretty funny to watch desu

this is too complicated for libtards, you know that all cops (black and white) in the US know that they need to be extra cautious around blacks, not because they're racists, they're not but they understand that they are statistically 10 times more likely to be killed by a black than a white, it's called reality and if you ignore it as a cop you wind up dead
>around blacks never relax
isn't racist it's survival