Sincere Advice

I tire of memes and bullshit.
(Yes, even your clever nonsense.)

I am 41 years old and wiser than most.
What do you need to know?

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What's it like being so old? Do you find woman your age attractive?

I honestly can't imagine myself living past the age of 27

If you look back- who in your social circle got successful and who became a failure? And what did differentiate the two?

I'll bite. Is dating a coworker a good idea?

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Have you figured out how to be a man yet?

>What's it like being so old?
A lot like being young, only with more joint pain. Seriously, be kind to your joints.

>Do you find woman your age attractive?
Actually, yeah. I mean, the ones who keep up. Horny old guys? I get it now. Imagine everyone you've ever lusted after. Now imagine that there's a new version a few years away.
Prpotips: tits sag, everybody's got a belly, 99.9% of women have disappointing upper arms, and they HATE IT,

>I honestly can't imagine myself living past the age of 27
No, many young people can't. I couldn't either. You'll get there.
Or you won't.
Buses happen.

Good luck!

I'm going to be 39 in 2 weeks. Assuming I have no gf/no shot at a gf, what would you recommend to keep me going?

I know this is going to sound like a stupid or sarcastic question, but its 100% genuine.

Why do a lot of men have a girls farting fetish/kink? It seems fart fetish has been rising in popularity lately and i just dont understand it at all.
Which aspect of it is the sexy part??
The girl getting embarassed or a girl who owns it and farts on purpose? The smell? The sound? I dont get it

>who in your social circle got successful and who became a failure? And what did differentiate the two?
My "social circle " consists of an alcoholic substitute teacher, a former air force pothead, and a single mother struggling to keep her shit together.
The substitute teacher, my best friend, remains the only person I know living their life "successfully". He's pretty miserable, but then, he's always complained.

An easy way to get sex.
Not looking for a girlfriend or someone to validate my poor life choices.
Just wanna fuck a smoking hot girl 3 times doggystyle while grabbing her tits.
Yeah I know escorts exist and 95% of them are scams, stings, or ugly as shit and the other 5% are 5-6 out of 10s that want $500 so they can kind of rub your dick a little bit during a massage.

>I'll bite. Is dating a coworker a good idea?
It depends. Is seeking romance worth shitting where you eat?
No, seriously.
Is risking the environment of your workspace worth what you might gain?
A stranger on the internet couldn't know that better than you. And you knew that. Good luck in your choice, friend.

How do you grow and develop as a person? How do you quit being so selfish and actually do things for others because you truly want to and not just because it'll benefit you by people thinking you're a good person? I'm struggling with this

>Have you figured out how to be a man yet?
When you're carrying in your father's luggage as your wife escorts him into your home, you ask yourself, when did *I* become the adult?
But to answer your question, it's by doing what needs to be done.

>what would you recommend to keep me going?
I don't care if it is creepy fascination with ponies.
If your passion is pure, and not related to a tangent sexual kink, then strive for it. If your talent and skill suck, you can get better.
Embracing my passion sustains me.

If your passion is illegal, that presents issues...

Should I just drop everything to walk around the country for a bit? Would you consider that a good idea?

In my subjective experience, it's the Jenny McCarthy experience. She knows guys, knows that we fart, she knows that we know that they fart. If she farts, we know everything is cool, pass me a beer!

If your boyfriend specifically wants you to fart for him? That's his fetish and anyone claiming that they know *why* is full of shit. The choice is yours. Do you fart to get your boyfriend off? Or do you clench in name of whatever dignity you cherish?
I don't judge either way.

Vegas bunny ranches are legit.
What are you really looking for?

I just wanna stick my dick in something other than my hand for an hour man, I don't need drama, I don't need LE, I don't need to drive 8 hours to Bunny Ranch, and I can't pay $1,000 for an hour of sex with a girl I know isn't into me.

Did your life get less stressful as you got older (in particular, after 27)?

Doing things for others *is* doing things for yourself. It's just that you, and nearly everybody else, are too myopic to see it...

Name some selfish thing you want. Now imagine everyone working towards what you want...everyone getting what you want..
What were you fighting for again?

>How do you grow and develop as a person
By being the best version of who you imagined.
And then asking questions without stopping.

Thank you

>Should I just drop everything to walk around the country for a bit? Would you consider that a good idea?
It honestly depends on what you would be dropping.
Good question though. I look forward to details

Have you considered propositioning an "unattractive" girl?

Ah yes the autistic fat guy asking girls if they want to come home with me I'm sure this couldn't go wrong and end up with me losing my job or getting a visit from the police.

>Did your life get less stressful as you got older
There's always new shit to deal with. But you get to the point where if there's demonic bladed monkey shit to deal with, you just gotta learn demon blades. Same shit, different day.

I take it that "no" you have never asked an "unattractive" girl out and would never consider it.
We're done here.

Just dropped in to say hi, fellow oldfag. 42 here.


Just lazing around on this crappy weather weekend. No real plans, probably just going to be mostly vidya by myself.

Just my current work, I think I have enough money to come back to get back on my feet. I feel like it would be a perfect vacation for me

Well, enjoy yourself, fellow surivivor of an era....

I don't understand why you keep putting "unattractive" in quotes.

Indeed I will. Have you also been here for ages? You can't leave. Over the years I've met quite a few people from this site. I even made one gf from here.

Because it's subjective to what you would find unattractive. Or not. I'm not OP.

>I don't understand why you keep putting "unattractive" in quotes.
>Because it's subjective to what you would find unattractive.
Also, it's a sliding scale.

>Have you also been here for ages?
Here as in Jow Forums, yeah. Relatively new to Jow Forums.

How do i let go of my anger? It's been consuming me for a month had to take pain killers to numb my brain just to do work.

I don't know how romantic relationships happen.
I've had 2, in one a girl who i was massively into, but kept disappointing me, cracked and said she had feeling for me (didn't take long for her to dump me). In the other we matched on tinder so we were both kinda on the same page.
I don't know if trying to go for a kiss at the end of the "date" is a good strategy. Did that with tinder matches, with girls i meet irl i'm less inclined to try. I'd go for a kiss if i think the date was enjoyable. But i only ever thought the dates with my 2nd girlfriend were "amazing" others i'd describe as "good", usually they don't get a sequel.
Stopped using tinder over a year ago because i've had one "ghost" too many. Straw that broke the camel's back sort of thing. Not gonna expose myself to that again, only ask out girls i meet irl now.
There's this missing puzzle piece that would reconcile the 2 pieces of advice i've found "let it happen" and "you must kiss her by the 3rd date, dates being times you two hang out by yourselves".
I don't know how to test the waters to see if it's ok to go for a kiss.
Can i straight up ask a girl if she likes me if it's the 3rd time just the 2 of us are hanging out? I'm too nervous to wait for the end of the date.

What’s the point of life

I think I would like to be in a relationship, but I really, really struggle, because I associate girls liking me and me being attracted to girls with being groomed and molested by a group of women when I was little. What should I do?

>How do i let go of my anger?
Identify the source of your anger. When you're feeling angry, try to find the cause.

If your anger is from a problem, find solutions. Change what you can't accept.

Accept what you can't change. Practice relaxation and stress reduction techniques. Distance yourself from the source.
Work on forgiving.

Talk about it.
I held onto resentment over a minor issue, that I understood was just a misunderstanding, for months until it became a problem. Once I voiced my position to the person, I instantly felt better.

>Work on forgiving
I can't. I can never forgive lies and humiliation.

How do you cope with having to work a job you hate in order to get one that you enjoy? And if you ultimately can't get the position you want, when is the best time to change careers, particularly if you have student loan debt?

Forgiveness is for you, not them. It's a way for you to live and move forward. It isn't about permitting the behavior. It is about not letting the behavior to continue to damage you.

>How do you cope with having to work a job you hate in order to get one that you enjoy?
Enduring something you hate is about acknowledging that it is a moment in time and it will pass.

>And if you ultimately can't get the position you want, when is the best time to change careers?
If there is no chance for upward advancement, look for a new path immediately.

>particularly if you have student loan debt?
Oof. Good luck.

Then you are an admitted moron

That first part comforts me, as it's not the first time someone has given me that exact advice almost word-for-word. For the second part, it's not that there isn't a chance of upward advancement. I'd even be much happier with a sideways advancement that pays the same but works with a different group (I'm a teacher teaching an age group and subject that are both a total drag for me when put together). Only thing is, I applied to like 70 jobs over the spring and summer, and the single offer that I got is the one I really did not want.
I guess for my next question: you might not be a teacher, but in your years of wisdom, how valuable is having a year of relevant work experience when it comes to finding or changing jobs? I don't think I have a second year of this job in me.

>how valuable is having a year of relevant work experience when it comes to finding or changing jobs?
Relevant work experience is pretty important, sorry.

Don't be sorry, because that's what I wanted to hear. I'm getting experience in my current job in order to get one that isn't shit.

I guess I am.