Me and the wife are gonna start trying for a baby, any ancient techniques that guarantee a cuck-free parenthood by birthing males only?
Redpill me on how to birth boys
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Cute daughters
I want a daughter but I desperately need at least a single son.
Kill yourself sub-human insect.
Crazy looking white man with gun. You assume these are his daughters. Maybe he captured them or stole them at birth.
boy sperms swim quicker but die earlier. female sperms swim slower but live longer. So for a boy you should try it at the end of the fertile days I guess.
Before you try, spend 1 month lifting weighs, doing pushups, situps and running. Watch manly movies like 300 to raise your toxic masculinity levels.
Then tell your wife to only imagine having a boy and wanting a boy, then fuck her in a ravaging way, you will definitely acquire a boy.
Ask the poo in loos. They're the leaders in making babies whatever gender.
>So for a boy you should try it at the end of the fertile days I guess.
What the fuck does that even mean
Supposedly if you get her pregnant while you're both standing up, you'll have a boy.
The man determines the sex of the baby. A woman can only give an X chromosome. If you also give an X, it's a girl. But if you give a Y, boy. Y chromosome carrying sperm travel fast and die fast. X sperm travel slow and live for a couple days. If she isn't ovulating exactly when you have sex, all the male sperm will die and only girls will be left.
Have her track her period for a few months to establish a time frame. Get some ovulation tests from the drug store. They work just like a pregnancy pee stick. If she is not ovulating, do not have sex. Girls happen when the sperm is carried for a day or two before ovulation begins.
You have to strike when she is ovulating. Save up for as long as you can, at least a week. No method can guarantee the outcome of the gender but at least understanding what's going on in there gives you the best chance to figure it out. Basically, the formula is Ovulating = Cum. Not ovulating = No cum.
That all being said, there are benefits to your first child being a girl, mainly as they grow up, an older girl is more likely to look out for the well being of the rest of the children than say, a preteen boy would. What I'm trying to say, is just be happy it's a healthy white baby. And good luck.
This is legit. The boy sperm are better uphill swimmers. The girl sperm last longer. You need the boy sperm to win the race.
A woman is only fertile for a day or two every month. The week before her period is when this magic 48 hour window occurs. If you bust in her a day or so before this fertile window (ovulation) occurs, only female sperm will be left to impregnate her. When you pin that fucking window down, you shall be rewarded with a boy.
Also, position helps a bit. Doggy style favors boys, missionary favors girls.
you can also see if she's on or near her fertile days when you check her pussy fluid. If it's transparent and forms spiderwebs between your fingers if you move your fingers apart, she's fertile. If it's yellowish and thick, she's not (the sperm can't swim then)
Based Jow Forums scholars up in this joint
I think it's like a 5 day period when the woman is most likely to get preggo as the egg slides on down...if it's closest to the vag the quicker sperm would get there before they die.
Imagine thinking White people like you because you browse
Yes. Have patience, good sir. Help is on the way. I promise.
gender selection through IVF.
Pricy though
dman i didn't know this, good , another day saved by kraut
the female body is very interesting. They really have a hormonal cycle that acts like the moon.
Squatting doggy
Wait until she's ovulating. Put her on her hands and knees before you cum in her.
make babies, if its a girl discard it, repeat until you have a boy.
If democrat you just kill the unborn girls.
Have 5 kids, then train the boys to beat up the non Aryan boyfriends of the girls.
Bro trust me this works, comb your eyebrows well for 3 weeks every day at dusk, like with the grain, then fuck her on the 22nd day. While you're abiut to Nut, hold your breath. Don't take another breath until after you inseminated her
Father of 2 boys here after using these methods.
One point I would add is to make sure you are sending fresh swimmers. Day before the deed rub one out so the new strong boy sperm really get there first.
I have all boys. Won the coin toss 3 times in a fuckin row. My wife got fixed too so i will never have a girl.
I literally won lifes loterry
drink another man's semen before you have sex with her
>t. canadian on holiday
the chinese method
Really? Or would it be better to save a huge load a long time. How long do sperm gotta chill in the sack to be optimal shape?
tfw im a 19 year old doomer permavirgin who will never have a home, wife, or kids.
you're 19. stop being edgy.
wish i was 19
how am I edgy
Stfu faggot zoomer you are not even out of high school yet and you are whining and moaning like a whore in heat already. Let nature run it's curse on your weak ass faggot self and by all means do lend it a hand by working out and stopping being so spergy, wanna see how you deal with your 28 someday
>that flag
How does it feel to be a subhuman nigger?
>Check her pussy fluid
Are we talking about a car or a broad?
Balls deep for a boy
Why would that be the case?
Lmfao, boy do I miss being a retarded edgy 19 y/o kid. Keep crying on the chans son it will really help you someday for sure kek
This is now a plague doctor thread
How do I convince my fiance to have kids when we are married, he doesn't want them for good reasons but I want to have a child so badly. I know he'd make a good Dad.
Lmao, the audacity of you to post here without hiding that flag.
You will never amount to anything, you subhuman piece of antiquated farm equipment.
You are the spawn of the devil, I am the son of god. Learn your place, nigger.
it's retarded and edgy to claim your life is over and you will never whatever when you are 19 years old.
Show tits first, then we talk
Sperm cells age and die like any other cell. You want the most healthy and strong ones to reach the egg. I think 24 hour max to store it up. But when ovulation time comes drop 3 loads in there.
Activities that kill sperm: hot baths, tight underwear, cell phone in pocket.
>purposefully hiding all their toes
>cuck free
says the guy that wants another man sucking on his wife's titties
I'm too embarrassed and have small boobs. Please understand. :(
Best answer right here.
If he doesn't want them and you do then don't marry him. That will wreck the marriage down the line. Make it a point now and have him make a decision. Don't waste any more baby making years not knowing what your future will be with this man
I've always wondered if cowgirl would produce the best offspring, like only the strongest sperm can swim at that angle,
No pussy, bear it, male or female
>Repeat untill it comes out brown
"Y-yeah, dont waste your time with him, m'lady. Come with me, a true gentleman."
Do you think whoever made this knew they were basically using a Kanye lyric?
doesnt matter, show tits
not gonna waste my time giving advice to a fag larper
Ha ha but kanye married a fucking plastic abomination and total whore
Couldn't help but see this
What the fawk do I gotta lose?
it is your seaman's fault fag.
No idea... 2 tries, 2 girls. Fuck my life.
That's just a chart about yeast infection that you've decided to label as fertile and infertile.
no, but here's another one
Three tries, three boys. I know the first one was born when my wife and I were out shooting and fucking in the woods.
I attribute the rest to fucking her in the kitchen when I get home from work and she is cooking.
Okay big-brain, if the previous image was about fertility, not yeast infection, i have only 2 questions
1- why was text about fertility so obviously superimposed and not part of the original image?
2- Why is there a list of signs of infection in the bottom left?
lol, try being 25 and permavirgin then..
Make sure that she eats well. The biggest factor in whether or not its a boy is the mothers nutrition. Poor nutrition, her body basically auto aborts boys.
why do you bother engaging with retards
God I hate zoomers.
Look I was depressed and unironically attempted suicide when I was your age. I'm still a fairly young 22 and finally figured out that men age slowly and to slowly learn the skillsets necessary for survival. I can tell by your demeanor that you haven't worked a day in your life and you'll be stuck without a family if you don't think you have to work for it.
No test tube sub humans allowed.
I've been her well over a decade. It's all I know.
What diet should I keep my wife on to ensure the greatest likelihood of boys?
OP, I did all the witch doctor European voodoo stuff for a boy and struck out. First girl on the way next month. I started as an oldfag (34, wife 29) so I don't know how many more chances I get.
If you get this figured out be sure to come back and tell us.
I dunno the answer to this but my wife was on keto diet when she conceived a girl.
So not that I guess.
>wants to have a kid
>doesn’t understand women’s fertility or ovulation or the “target days”
Wow you’re fucking dumb like take sex ed nigga
never change Australia
You determine the child’s sex, not her. It has nothing to do with her other than the ovulation timing. The rest is up to you
shop a bazooka in there and its good
Just keep pumping them out. My wife really wanted a girl and, after 4 boys, she got one. It's a crapshoot
too give advice for which signs one must watch out for to detect an infection because some people think normal vagina slime is a sign of an infection.
That's why they wrote
>Symptoms of a true vaginal infection.
If there's not only slime but slime of unusual color or matter, and if it's read and itchy then it's an infection and not just normal cervix slime.
i know those feels. You have plenty of time to turn things around, you're still a baby. Workout/ lose weight if needed get a degree in something useful or go to a trade school. Whatever you do, just pick something now. You can always change later but the longer you wait the harder it gets. This applies to literally everything in life.
Now stop whining and do something.
the chinese managed to do it during the one-child policy era. they just threw female babies in dumpsters.
i-is one of them the mother?
>boy sperms swim quicker but die earlier. female sperms swim slower but live longer.
>Before you try, spend 1 month lifting weighs, doing pushups, situps and running. Watch manly movies like 300 to raise your toxic masculinity levels.
>Then tell your wife to only imagine having a boy and wanting a boy, then fuck her in a ravaging way, you will definitely acquire a boy.
That's all you need to know, and make sure you're balls deep when you nut
I know it sounds stupid but he's my soulmate, I could never be with anybody else. I know he's the only one that's perfect for me.
y-chromosomes are lsightly lighter, so the sperm are a little faster. Monitor her ovulation and do the deed right in time.
Gives you a very tiny better chance.
t. my son was born a few weeks ago.
Why would he not want children? Tell him he's stupid for not wanting to spread his genes.
Why not have girls?