When did you just accept it?

What was that defining moment when you just said "fuck it, I am a racist/nazi/asshole etc."?
Idk what it was for me but at some point I guess I just realized it was actually better to just embrace it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off JIDF

Meeting black people

The minute I read this cuckchan thread OP

Never. "Racism" is just trotsky's term for "pattern recognition" and is used solely to control dialog. The Nazi party ceased to exist in 1945 and the term "nazi" refers to fictional bogeyman. National Socialism is what it's really called and it never did anything "evil". I'm only an asshole to assholes.

Hillary clinton, her pro women agenda and MSM and many people trying to push it on to us.

She just prooved that women use this to get ahead in life.
So do blacks and all other minorities.

They dont want to compete fair and take part in our society, they just want to take everything they can and shit allover what is left.

How did this play out? What was the actual moment you realized "holy shit, they really are just sub-human"?

You ever feel like you were missing out before? It was a mind fuck for me.

when the left started to attack science itself to hide the fact that almost all niggers are dumb shits.
I knew a black man who was very smart, but I met him in a high level class at a university in the US, and that is just proof that the high tail end of the black IQ distribution exists. There are smart niggers, just not very many of them.

I had my suspicions before but i was to reserved to speak out because i wanted to be socialy acceptable.
Maybe i was even part of the problem because i was born and breed by those people and they trained me to shut up and live those lies.

Well now im.in asia where its ok to call out a nigger for what he is in public.

All is good ;)

Yesterday after seeing all those women bragging about murdering their children on Twitter

When I read a history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind I finally let the last shred of doubt melt from my mind.

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Like affirmative action and the "hardship boost" to SAT scores? or are you referring to something more specific?

Seeing entire former majority white neighborhoods and schools being completely brown.

Fed thread if I've ever seen one

any thread worth anything could be called a fed thread you kike

day must be slow at the bureau, eh?

This is true, no one is lonelier than a smart negro. Many of them realize the truth and sink into a quiet depression and then snap and chimp out some years later anyway

Shit, central banking was probably the start for me, just started to see the whole "pro-choice" movement for what it is. The brainwashing was fucking effective for a while growing up in a hyper liberal city. Just happy it can be undone.

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that kind of stuff, also I live in an almost entirely white area, and as such my naive youth never encountered niggers. I knew they existed out there and occaisionally saw one, but until I tried to help one, I saw them for what they really were. they don't want to save themselves, they expect everyone else to do it for them.

Got any stories to share leaf boi?

the guy was actually born and raised in africa, but was outstanding enough to get a research position in the USA. not gonna say more in case I dox myself.

wow those digits though.

When I realized that even if I committed wholly to their cause I would never be their equal, and would be expected to constantly submit over the perceived crimes of my people. There is no way for a white person to be "progressive" and have self respect, that's why they're all mental ill, degenerate, and miserable.

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I forgot

Loving ones own people doesn't make one an asshole...or a nazi. OP is a complete faggot.

Everyday is a slow day when you have to constantly reply to the most autistic shit you've ever encountered on an hourly basis just to larp as the boogeyman.

when they started to groupraping and killing our people in masses.
that's when most people i know started to realize how different we really are.
keep in mind, before 2013 we didn't have that much blacks here.
i remember as a child, my mother looked out of the window and called me
>user, look, there's an negro walking outside
not because she was scared or disgusted or something but because we simply didn't have that much blacks here, it wasn't something common.
i hate it what they have done to us, fluting our lives with third world niggers, with death and rape.

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I've been on this site for 10 years now but it wasn't until after I came to Jow Forums that I became an ebil nazzee. It happened slowly and yet so quickly at the same time.

Within a year or two I

>Hated blacks, Jews, Muslims (I still like Mexicans as long as they come here legally, they're pretty chill desu)
>Realized the holocaust never happened
>My general distain and disappointment in women turned into full blown hatred
>Realized how full of shit the media is
>Honestly believe women should never have been given the right to vote or been allowed to do anything other than raise children and maintain the home (although they should be greatly compensated for producing high functioning members of society like doctors and lawyers)
>Think trannies and the entire LQBTBBQ+ community should be violently tortured en masse
>Believe in strong families and communities
>Believe no one besides IQ individuals should be allowed to immigrate into this country

I'd originally came here to troll all the Nazis and became one. Hate does not die, it only spreads. Beforehand, I was a pretty peaceful guy who had no problems with any groups of people, including fags and trannies. Now I see how degenerate and harmful to society they are.

I've completely cut off my social group besides a few people. I did not even give them a reason.

This place really does change you...but I'm fine with it now because fuck Jews and niggers.

Thank you, Jow Forums.

Lurkers beware.

I was always third position, it was simply a matter of being honest with what that third position was.

Mine was a slow burn over about a year. It was a combination of finding out about the European immigration crisis and Gamer/Comics/Anime gates.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

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Based and axis pilled

2010 ish is when i first thought to myself that i was racist.

Before that i was definately racist but i would have said i wasn't. Where i live (south NJ) calling someone a nigger to their face is not even uncommon to this day.

I work with a guy everyone calls darkie.

Fucking Jow Forums got me more than anything. There's some content out there that will make you think, but holy fuck the concentration of it all here can flip even the most bluepilled faggots. Except maybe the Swedes, save a few, they might as well be unsalvageable.

i'm only a "racist" insofar that i believe europeans have higher intelligence and are generally more sociable than others, and that europeans should be able to express ethnic self-interest without constant kvetching from jews/browns.

i have no problem with some POC minding their own business in their indigenous homeland of wherever.

and if this makes me a racist prick than so be it.


Jow Forums radicalizes because its fucking true. when you read a study that proves that blacks are dumb as shit, and see video evidence that they are violent, operate as a collective, and want to hurt people like you, and all the other side can do is try to hide the truth and ostracize you for hurting their damned feelings, it's pretty fucking obvious who is actually telling the fucking truth.

Any of you ever come to the realization that you might as well "fit the costume" they imagine you to wear, and if yes, how so?

this. I don't hate black people who don't hate me. I don't hate stupid people who don't try to act like they are more qualified than I to make decisions. Live and let live is my default, but sadly this standard is too much for almost everyone.

what do you mean.

>racist/nazi/asshole etc

oy vey

Fitting into ((their)) stereotype I mean.


everybody is authoritarian when nobodys looking, we just feign national identity in public and on the internet.
remember, the human race isn't played on Team Deathmatch, it's played on King of the Hill.

For example, I just openly admit I'm racist now.

>I don't hate stupid people who don't try to act like they are more qualified than I to make decisions.

i don't even hate stupid people who do. i hate it when they're allowed to live out their ridiculous fantasies at my expense.

>tfw grew up around them

I swear, and same with kikes, the only fags and fuckwits who go "it isn't that bad you stupid racist!!!" are faggots who've never seen one of either in their goddamn lives.
That goes for both lemmings AND thinkers/radicals. I've met some pigheaded radicals who refused to be "racist" until they actually met a Jew or nigger and realized how bad reality is.
That or tried to spread their retarded watered down ideals only to find out 90% of people don't give a fuck about anything greater than themselves. Not to say we aren't out there for those idiots too in the end.

Also, it's even worse than this, Trotsky used the word "racistov" (racist) to refer to Russian nationalists, followed by the argument (paraphrased): "all great Russian leaders were German-blooded so slavs don't have anything to be proud of anyways". It's clear that he would have to believe in race to make such an argument, he wanted people to abandon race and become communists, because, as a jew, this benefitted him.

Someone joked I was a nazi for pointing out its stupid to let migrants in when we've got millions of peep looking for a job already.
I answered yup, I realized I wasn't joking.

there comes a time when you realize you'll never make them happy so why fucking bother curtailing your ideas to make happy people who hate you.
then after that you realize racism is just a silencing tactic where they are just saying, hey man that's not an idea your'e supposed to have, don't you wanna fit in the group? if you keep having those ideas or stating those facts where gonna have to kick you out of the group!

fair enough

>remember, the human race isn't played on Team Deathmatch, it's played on King of the Hill.

it defaults to team deathmatch without constant xenophilic propaganda. frankly i'd rather play on TDM

I came to this realization after my first experience with a black person. I was 12. I am now 38

How did you start to change around family friends? I just started straight up telling them I'm racists by their own standards. You open anyone's eyes?

gotta look at the bigger picture user.
Think Highlander: There can be only one.

Story time?

mabye, ironically enough, the way to redpill the masses would be to place like 5 niggers per hundred whites into the general population, right in their neighborhoods, right next to them.

just cut to the chase and tell me whose head to chop off.

Trips say do it faggot

When one of them chased me down in a road rage incident (I did nothing he was on drugs), got out of his car spat at me and ran off like a coward before speeding off.
>inb4 should have shot him
Probably but do you want to hope that the courts will rescue you as a white man? I dont, not here.

Just always always guys never ever relax around blacks. Even for that split second. I did and got spat at like a monkey but was thankful I didnt get murdered for my moment of lapse (didnt realize it was a nigger until too late, that's how vigilant you need to be, if you see one coming act pro-actively). This is not a one time thing either.

better come through

>the masses
Stop thinking masses. Lems will stay out of our way for good and for bad.

The "masses" we want are the few hundred thousand who can understand what we believe, can see the world for what it is, and can carry out the tasks required to fix the damn place.
We'll save the lems, we just can't rely on them.

But yeah if people had to live with nonwhites they'd realize stereotypes aren't a fucking meme.
And it's kind of already here. System is stupid they should just find some way to kill us all, the "democracy" and "integration" is just waking more radicals up desu.

>Probably but do you want to hope that the courts will rescue you as a white man?
Fucking never, the criminal justice system here is so fucked, I wouldn't risk my life for that. Never relax, or just be willing to go to prison/die at this point.

Took me a good month here I'd say. Im a slow learner

Is it all truly lost? Are we fighting a losing battle?

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Exactly I'm on the west coast too where the courts are EXTRA EXTRA anti white male. They'll let a rich old white lady off easy but a young NEET white male? Lol enjoy prison. Not worth it, I dont need revenge on that nigger, God will do it for me. His existence is revenge on himself, he has to live as a goblino nigger.

yes, and you don't even get the luxury of giving up fighting because then you become a piece of shit coward who gave up.

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Don't take the blackpill bro. Accept who you are, take pride in being the "higher man" and manipulate/kill/deceive as much as you can to benefit your family and race.

damn, kikepilled myself

>How did you start to change around family friends?
I'm mostly silent, they know what I think and I don't feel like repeating.
It's mostly an inside joke with peeps I know, I'll point out retarded political ads and sand-niggers sand-nigging and they'll have a chuckle.
It goes both way with my socialists counterparts in the different social circles I am part of. They point out retarded capitalist or identitarian stuff and I chuckle with them.
There is a clear drop political discussion from new acquaintances though once they pick up that we are only half joking.
>You open anyone's eyes?
It goes both ways, overall I think over the year the social circles where I'm most involved have drifted slightly to the center. But it's barely noticeable; 1 step forward, 0,88 step back.

Nah we just need to keep accelerating until we hit that flipping out point. It happened before it will happen again. When north americans are forced to demand living space for the first time in history its going to terrify the world beyond its worst nightmares. They will probably relent this time just because of this.


Read Mein Kampf (ford translation, preferably the newest New Ford translation by the Wewelsberg dudes, currently not any results on jewgle, will have to find a pdf and post the archive in here lol) and compare it to the shit you've seen so far in your life.
It's rather amazing how nothing's changed.

no one knows

When the left calls everyone that disagrees with them mentally ill or a nazi it gets too retarded that its embraced.

Its like they project us calling them mentally ill or commies.

Except we are the truth.

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I have no hate for others. I just want whites to have the option to have a white only homeland. It's simple really, don't let others trick you into thinking you have anger in your heart when it's them that have it.

Yeah Mein Kampf reading like the greatest classic Jow Forums screencap that never was is a massive redpill as well.

After Kate Steinles killer was clearwd of murder charges, and memorials to her were torn down in the celebration of the death of white supremacy.

Pussy. You're so desperate to not "hate" that you refuse to accept the fact this is a war.

I do agree with this. I really dont hate anyone but it seems that people don't respond to reason anymore, they only respond to strength and respect? How do we force the issue without becoming villains to them?

Why not? Are you worried about being ostracized? You might be amazed to find how many people share your views if you can slowly coax them out into saying they agree with you.


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Never. Racism is a bullshit meaningless term, I'm not a national socialist, and I will never believe that I am an asshole for loving my own people.

We're already villains to the retards out there. They won't fw us anyway for the most part no matter what happens and what we do.

We are already the "villains" to them, thats the point of this post, how do you embrace it is the real question

when my irish father who was pro-IRA looked me in the eyes and told me that Israel should exist

Lukewarm retard, what's your reasoning? Are you economically minded? If so good riddance.

dunno maybe I was just born this way, but my female family members were actually the ones to redpill me. all of them were Austrian or born in refugee camps and hated the Second World War. Yet even years later my grandfather would always casually remark: "what happened to the Jews was terrible... but they had it coming."

There was no question that Jews were the enemy while they used the black (and now the muslim) as their teeth.

the most principled man I knew abandoned his principles for jews.

that is enough to redpill anyone.

How so? what were his principles? Was he a leaf too? If so, not really surprised.

Right about the time that I realized Jews were pushing communism and international banking in Weimar. What a cohencidence. The same instance I realized why no one in the mainstream ever talks about WHY the Nazis rose to power.

imagine believing this man was white..

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>brown hair
moorish rape baby, not european.

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>imagine believing this man was white..
TF are you even on about? Missing the point of the thread nigger, kys.

Your so-called point is irrelevant because you're fawning over a kike.

Tel Aviv will burn someday hopefully with you in it.
Also here's Mein Kampf, the new fancy annotated translation.

Enjoy people. Image for visibility.

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