Africa is cursed land. Did God burn their skin leaving the bottoms of their hands and feet white as a reminder of the incest and pedoism their ancestors brought into the world?
Africa is a 'shithole' not a mistake or accident this statement went viral around the world. It was a clue to our hidden history. We were once all white as snow, then the Ham family performed demonic acts on children and the Lord burnt their skin and cursed the land as punishment and the White people left because the land was cursed. The Lord then led White people into new beautiful Nations just for them.
Africa is cursed land...
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haha I just starting talking this shit up last week. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
why would people believe africa land is cursed when the france, england, and the others stole tons upon tons of diamond, gold, silver, trees, oil, people
Canaan was cursed, not Ham.
curse land means having nothing of value...Africa had plenty of goods until your people can with guns and stole everything
Yes they are
Based and Eustacepilled
No Africans are not Hamites, they are pre-adamic beasts of the field
Ham committed the sin and caused the curse. Curse of Ham.
>We were once all white as snow
Except we weren't.
The Curse of Ham fell on Caanan.
The curse was because he uncovered his father's nakedness. IE: He got his mother pregnant. Words mean different things today than they did then.
Blacks were created by the Elohim in Gen 1:5
And Elohim made the beast of the field according to its kind, livestock according to its kind, and all that creep on the earth according to its kind. And Elohim saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:25 TS2009)
'erets means field or earth
Leviticus 18, verses 6 through 18, covers the subject of incest. Of particular interest is verse 7, which says this: “You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, which is the nakedness of your mother.”
Here, we have a direct correspondence between the nakedness of the father and the nakedness of the mother. We have to realize that in the early days of national Israel, the wife was considered to be the property of the husband. (Ah! The good old days! Sigh!) Indeed, it is still so in much of the world today. It is only in the Christian West where women have been granted voting rights and equal access to education. Elsewhere, women are still considered to be the property and playthings of men. Idiomatically, since the wife belonged to the husband, her nakedness was his nakedness as well, because she belonged to him, and no one else was allowed to uncover it. In those days, the only reason an Adamite woman would have to uncover herself was for a bath, elimination or sex. We must also consider the fact that this cannot be just an episode of voyeurism, because the guilty party would have been Ham, not Canaan. We have to come up with a good reason for why it was Canaan, not Ham, who was cursed.
“The man who lies with his father’s wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness.”
Leviticus, 20:11
"The nakedness of your father’s wife you do not uncover, it is your father’s nakedness."
Leviticus 18:8
The sin was incest.
Noah was white, his wife was white
Ham was white
Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan were all white.
Genesis Nine records that Ham saw Noah’s nakedness, and as a result, cursed his grandson Canaan. Then Canaan went on to become the patriarch of Israel’s long-standing enemies, the Canaanites. The story seems capricious on the surface, in contrast to so much reasonable history in Genesis. A common biblical figure of speech appears in Canaan’s story, and when Christians reread the story understanding this figure, the message of this account becomes compelling…Canaan lived a cursed life because he was conceived by a perverse union. Thus the brief story twice reminds its ancient readers that Ham (not Noah) is the father of Canaan. So Noah cursed Canaan not as an evil spell or hex, but as a warning to others against following in Ham’s wicked ways. And readers of Genesis find a clear and reasonable origin for the conflict that lasted for centuries between the Jews [sic. Israelites] and the Canaanites.”
Of course, Judeo-Christian scholars do not consider Canaan’s later, even greater sin, that of race-mixing with the Kenites, thus starting his own clan, the clan of Canaanites. There can be no doubt that Canaan left his own people and fathered a Cainite, or Kenite [Kenite = “descendant of Cain”] tribe.
Even though the Canaanites bear the name of a Hamite, they are, in fact KENITES, because Canaan simply married into their house. Canaan forsook the clan of Ham and joined the serpent seed in the land that bears his name, Canaan. It is, therefore, more correct to say that the Canaanites are Cainites who assumed the name of Canaan, perhaps as a bragging point to claim Noah as their ancestor. Canaan was an Adamite, but he became a race-traitor. The same thing happened to Jacob’s twin brother, Esau, who actually married two Hittite women, but that is a subject for another essay.
Outside of Jewish fairy tales, there's literally no evidence any of those people existed (as literal individual persons) or did any of the things attributed to them.
You're making judgements about the skin tones of people who are likely fictional.
I watched a video on the curse of Ham recently.
He didn't rape Noah when be slept, he fucked his wife (his own mom)
i really, really like the fact that white people in australia will be replaced by south-east asians and lebanese folk
Oh contraire
I JUST posted the proof. There is LOTS of proof actually.
Genesis Chapter 10 begins the historically verifiable Biblical narrative.
you fucking doos
it's au contraire
yanks should be sterilised i'm telling you
Actually, it's the white man who are the result of the Curse of Ham
That whole first link basically boils down to "the bible describes some tribes that we know existed!"
Not really a stellar basis to consider the document literal fact. Particularly as there's little to no corroborating evidence for big chunks of Genesis particularly.
Your source is shit, basically
Hate to break it you but the first books of the old testament are definitely fiction.
That's your uniformed opinion.
William Finck and Sven Longshanks of Radio Aryan discuss give a run down of Christian Identity
and the Historiocity of the Old Testement.
Dennis Wise became Christian Identity 100% because of his historical findings from a completely historical point of view. (Just like Commander Rockwell did)
He wasn't looking to become Christian.
He is the Author and director/producer of Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told, The New World Order: Communism by the Back Door, and The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2 and How the World was Fooled. (
Fuck off, christcuck
One bad source followed by more...
I'm not listening to MP3 podcasts either.
I've seen better researched and argued positions from religious schizos than that christogenea site has.
Yawn. You have no clue what his sources are.
You are just frothy.
Debate him if it's so easy to debunk.